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Show "X. t s' Legal Notices. NOTICE Catted States "land SITING MACHINE.' KOLLO KEAliNO. H1CH CKAOI BY SPECIAL CORPS KAMAS NEWS. NEWS. HOYTSVILLE OF CORRESPONDENTS. ROCKPORT. ! Office. To Halt lake City. Utalu- - Aug 14. In Whom it May i'onej-rn- : Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed In this office lists of lands, selected by the ' said State, under section 8 of the Acf of Congress, approved July. 11,1 4. as indemnity School lands, viz; Lo s I. 3, A A see. IN. R, J E, S. L. M. serial obMfl Copies of said lists, so far an they relate to said tract-bdescriptive nuhdl visions. have been conspicuously posted lu this office for inspection by any perea luten sted and by the public generally. During tbe period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter. and before final approval and IT and, from all appearances, have both come to stay. thty The district school, for the eertlflcatlou, under departmental InstrucKAMAS, Sept.. 7 Mrs.' John ROCKPORT, Sept. 7 Fourtions of April 25, 1807. protest or contests lower grades, starts this against tbe four claim of the State to any of the Pack has been and is still quite teen of our young people went friend and lady Annie Alston hereinbefore deser. tracts or subdivisions with Miss Della HOYTSVILLE, Sept. 7-- and Thomas Ray and Wayne Alston of Salt Lake- - ckj have been spending a week here with relatives. Miss Lois' Hobson and James Astiu left for 'Salt Lake City tUa by buying Monday. They will be inarrieo reliable, honcot, in the Salt Lake Temple on high grade ie Wednesday the 8th. May their leg machine. wedded life be a long and hapSTRONGEST GUARANTEE. one. ' NeUonal Sewing Machine Co. py Mrs. Abby Crittenden reBehldere, HU from a y turned home month V visit irf Zion. Mrs. Herbert Crittenden has ill. Your return card printed on been very 100 envelopes for 75 centa at Martin Lceming is going to THE TIMES office. Ogden to take in the fair. m. on a pleasure trip on horseback into the mountains northeast of here to take in the beautiful scenery and pick berries last Thursday, returning late iu the evening having' spent a pleasant day. Mr. Alfred and David and families of Park city, returned 1 o;ne Monday after visiting theiF parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mamie Robertson is still Salt Lake City with herjittle boy His ee is being treated by Dr. Stauffer and is improving. ill The Y. L. M. LA. are nuking preparations to hold a general Ward Social on the evening of Annual Day Sept. 14 th. The night Mr. Merit N. Pack returned home from Salt Lake City the samfc night his daugh- ter Eva also came from Ric- hniond where she has been for si weeks at her coiisins Mrs. Rufus Pack, lormerly of Kamas. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Smith also came from Salt Lake City and left for the Reservation Lucille Brown has returned Monday. Mr. Smiths brother home frrom Roy. She has been and family of Mill Creek were with them, moving to make quite ill, Mill of there home on the Reservation Miss Lorette Neff Miss of was the Creek guest Mr. Don E. Pack returned Lois Hobson last week. home Saturday, - For months It rains a little here almost past be has been a t Mars, ArHis coevery day enough to keep the izona for his health. farmers from haying. ndition is much improved. -- Sea-ino- us Cur-teach- morning cribed, on the ground that the same Is tnore The Valuable for mineral than for agricultural tis. of Saem as will be received and noted for rechildren are glad of her return, purposes, port to ttaeOeneral Land Office at Washing- for she taught here last winter Jon, I). C. Failure so to protest or contest, within the lime specified, will lie considerand gave satifactionr ed sufficient evidence of the al A Soft Answer. What did-yo- u tell your father hea-hasked you If you Indulged? '12 Told him I took only ginger ale 89 Thought a soft answer would x turn away wrath, eh? '09 character of the tracts and the selections t hereof, being otherwise free from objection will be approved to the State. E. 1 K. Thompson, Register e NOTICE United States Land Office. Salt Luke Ulty. Utah, Ang 3rd, 1808 To Whom it May Ooncern: Notice is hereby-givethat tbe State of Utah has filed In t Ills office lists or land-- , selected by the Advertise vour goods iu THE State, under section of the Act of ConMrs. Henry iseamonsa few days. gress. approv.-- July id, hot. as Indemnity, (TIMES. Kchool lauds, vixsWlv'nwli; and" Rockport had the heaviest Lota i.f. 8,4 Hec.W. T5.V ,RS K . Serlul 04280. Saturseason the stornrof last Ooptesof said lists, so far as they relate -Probale and Guardianship notices. tracts by descriptive subdivisions, day the 4. The .thunder was have been conspicuously posted In this ofConsult Clerk or County Respective 8igneri fice for Inspection by any person Interested heavy and the lightning terrific lor further Information. and by the public generally. During the The hail and rain came down in In tbe District Court of tbe Third Judicial period of publication of this notice, or Any District In and for County of aununit, time thereafter, and before final approval heavy sheets.- Brush and rocks State and certification, under departmental regof Utah. Probate Division came down the ravines and canI n the matter of the eitate and Guardian- ulations of April 2ft, 1907, protests or conship of I label Lola McLaughlin. Minor -- tests against the claim of the State to any yons filling creeks and covering Ordar Fixing T.ine for Hearing Petition of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described, on the ground that the tame Is lawns with rocks and mud; for Settlement of. Third Acmore valuable for mineral than for agriculcount. washing potatoes from the garAndre C. McT the guardian of tural purposes, will be received and noted of Isabel Lola M- for report to the General Land Office at dens into the road; washing tha perron and cLaughlin. a miner, bating on thl ltth day W ashlngton. D. 0. Failure so to protest or hay awav; filling peoples cellers of July, 1909, rendered and presented for contest, within In the time specified, will and filed In thl Court hl sem- be considered 'sufficient evidence of the and door yards with mud, sand aettlement character of the tracts and iannual account, being alx months from the selff tjfliu thereof being otherwlse tree ' and rocks. January 1st. IMP, of his admlnlstratUm-o- f the estats of 41 d Minor, together with a from objection, will be approved to the Mrs. Caroline Stemgridge has petition praying that said account be al- State E D. R. Thompson, Register. 8 jo lowed and approvad. been quite ill the past-leweeks IT IS ORDERED that Monday, tha 30th NOTICE. day of September. A. D 1008. at 10 o'alaek with rheumatism. m , at tbe County Court House, In the United States Land Office, Salt Lake City. of said Court In Coalville City, Utah. July 81st, lAa. To Whom It May Miss Della Yates, Mrs. Clara Court Room Elders Win. Hodson, John K. A Burglar la Town Utah, be and Is hareby appointed for the concern: Notice Is hereby given that tho"" of said petition and thatduenotloe State of Utah has filed In this office lists eC hU name U "bad cuugb. Lemon, Marion Frazier, nd Seamons sister, was the guest hearing thareof be given by publication. In The lends, selected by tbe said State, under SecdoceiTt care for gold or silver Win. B. Rmsel of the High of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Seamons Coalville Times a newspaper printed and tion 6 of the Act of Congress .approved Jury-M- . h will steal your health away, 18', as Indemnity School Lands, visr published In Summit County, State of attended Sacrament for a few days. he appears In your liouee arrest him Council ; gw'i setf ; Utah, and by posting notlcas, for a period E nw M Lots 1. 3, 8, 4. Sec of at laast ten day prior to said 30th day of se!i sw!4 Sec, 30; Lot . Sec. 18; at once with Ballarde Horehound meeting Sunday in interest of Labor day passed away very September A. It. tine. T. 8 N , R 13 K S. L. M Serial 04274- If mean consumption it may Syrup, the Summit Stake Academy. Witness the Clerk of said oourt with the Copies of said lists, so far as they quietly in - Rockport. Nothing aaal you dont. A cure for all coughs affixed this 8th day of September. A D late to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted In colds and chest troubles. going on by the of waa ce- 11WP. J M HIXSON. Clerk School yesteriay opened i Seal l By Chas. L. Frost. Deputy Clerk. this office for Inspection by any person InPrice 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. lebration. Henderson. Pierce, Crltchlow A Barrette, terested, and by the public generally. Durmorning. Mr. Day is principal; tor sale by John Boy den. A Son. ing the period of publication of this Attorneys. Salt Lake City, Utah. his wife Mis. Day will teach in or any time thereafter, and beforenotice, final approval and certification, under departthe second room and Miss. JCtr-truIn tbe District Court, Probate Division, In mental regulations or April 25. 1907, protests McCormick of this pace or contests against tbe claim of the State-tand for Sub mit County, State of Utah. of the Estate of Wm F any of the tracts or subdivisions herein'CXPERIENCf has the primary room, if his WOODLAND, Sept.t) The In the Matter Cuinpbell, deceased Order Fixing time for before described, on the ground that tlm is Miss McCormicks fir.--t year at thing of most concern here now hearing petition for an Order Authorizing same Is more valuable for mineral than for to Accept Option agricultural purposes, will le received and two years is the recovery of Waldo St. JeoT, Petitioner teaching. The Upon tbe reading and filing the petition noted for report to the General Land Office-aWashington, I). O Failure so to protest she has attended the University an appendicitis patient. Two of Lizzie F Campbell the duly qualified amt acting administrator of tbe nbove or contest, w ithin the time specified, w ill bo the 4f Utah and the summer school weeks ago last Saturday, named estate, praying that an order be considered sufficient evidence of the .V Trade Mara made authorizing her to accept an option character of the tracts, and the there this summer. The year doctors, after working faithfully, ns set forth tn said petition filed herein on selections thereof, being otherwise free from toa mi will be approved to the State. previous she was at the Brigham gave him up and said he could the estate of Wm F Cnmplel I, deceased 8cbjeetion, onf ofHnMrti fret n$ tbr hu Htrkly 2ff 17 E. I). R. Thompson Register. m probably pitfntbl$L Cumilcp Ordkkkd is Jr 15th that the Wednesday, Httewi VVe wish her success but a short time. Dr. Bardsley day of Sept., A D tfcttt trMt If mfldHluaL HANDBOOK OO University. Hi oclock a m. at at IS, Old fur wwurinf poUTt. Mit frtM. tbe county court house, in the court room tUm through Hun A Co. and enjoyment in her labor. eyensaidjto his father, - His of ntdic without chne la said court, in Coalville City, U.ah, lie and NOTICE United States Land Offloe.Salt bowels are as dead as that post, Is hereby appointed for the hearing of said Luke Cltj; JItaJu-Aig- Atie. ISW.' To W'boni Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lampetition- - anUt hfttduo notice of the hearing It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given A WenAsomely lllsstrstee wsetrlf. I less He he'spoke be given by posting notice to the heirs of that the State of Utah has filed tn this ofInwuL -I- mwIM-renr: bert have'goneio'Logan'tb'Yt-ten- d touching-relation u( M mwulc four months. k W4 and Dr. Dannenberg had his said deceased, and by publication in The fice lists of lands, selected by thesald fetato the Agricultural College. a weekly newspaper under section 6 of the Act of Congress, apCoalville call the family in to see printed andTijibb. published in the County of proved July 18, 1884. as Indemnity School Two years ago Mr. Lambert parents Stute of Utah, for tbe period of Lands, viz: All sec. 28. T.8N. R. 11 K- - 8. the boy breath his last. The Summit. , Serial 04311; anil all Sec. 28. T ten days prior to said I5th dny of Septem8 N . taught the school here for his 11 R K was not ber. A. D lmv. S - M last Serial bowevet, first time aftei graduating from Witness the Clerk of said Court w Ith the Copies of said lists, so far as tin y relate t bfeathed, Dr. Dannenberg re- seal thereof affixed this 31st day oAutJ.isa,l, tracts bi desi:rXpUvaliivW,v. hnve and Brigham Young University, broil conspl uinisly posted in this office for J. M. Hixhon, his office leaving these rumns;1 to turned a Urge Inspection by asiy person luteiested and by vkkal Clerk. to Elders, who had been By Chav. I. Frost, Deputy lcrk the public generally. During the period school ot Kanab. . He now in remarks Bradley, Ptsehel A Hark ness, Attorne, of publication of this notice, or any timo to administer to the lad. Salt called final approval Lake City, Utah., thereafter, and tends specializing on agricultur-line- s and certification, under departmental " can do any thing for you and his wife will take s or conregulations ot Apill 2ft. 1!7. heavens sake do it. I have d(me In the District Oourt of th Third Judicial tests against the claim of tbepriests State to any course in Domestic Science. Mrs, r " 1 rU-- t ln Bl"1 "tTTTah described on tjie ground that the same is fice aud if there ii any tiling sula Thompson, -plaintiff, vs EvertThomp- - more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes wilt lie received and iion, defendant,'iyinour intends joining them further call me once. The state of t'tnh to tbe aaid Defendant: noted for report to the Genet al land Office up soot; aud will take a speefal Yon me hereby summoned to at Washington, D. O Failure so to protest The result that followed the within twenty day a after service ofappear this or content, within the time specified, will b course in music, bnglish etc. ral upon you, if served within the considered sufficient evidence of the brief is this: sumifions administeration In which this action la brought, character of the tracts, anil tins Saturdayand Sunday vye had The boy was ' moved from Ka- county otherwise within thirty days after service. selections thereof, being Otherwise t our weekly rain. Sunday as mas back to his home in Wood- And defend tbe above entitled action; and objection, will bo approved to 1 ao K to do. Judgment ln case of your failure Register. very cold- - and the clouds now land last and Satur- will be rendered agnlnst you nccoidlng to Thursday tbe demand of the complaint, which has indicate no clear up. Thiscold lie walked alone from his been find w 1th the Clerk of said Court and NOTIC- E- United States Land Office, day lingering storm has greatly dam- bedroom to the copy of which is herewith servtsl upon Salt Iztke City, Utah, Aug-- , 21st, To dining room, ayou This action 1 brought to recover a Whom It May Concern.-- Notice Is hereby aged the hay. walked and the awhile nmrrf ge contract given that the State of Utah has filed In Judgment dissolving room, rested heretofore existing between you and the tills office lists of lands, selected by thp said Clvh back All his friends are .glad plaintiff EVANS A EYANS , State, under Scction.8 of the Act ot Don. -- cress appiuved July B ts.it. as Atnojevfoe.Pinlnt1ff. to see him gaining Jus Strength.Saturday night at th I.tb Address; 1U22 B iston iilk., Sail Luke Scliovil fjnd..Mz: All. Sec 21. T SIndemnity N R 12 bs ters-CluE . so rapidly" Oilll. all S 2s T a N u. 4yr, Cly. Utah tegular Serial (dust; A II Sec. i, 12 K Prof. Wm. Stewart of t he- -. UniThere are two new commers NOTICE- -t 'tilted Stale fzvnd Offiee.snlt Serial 041:17; w nwV tie- nw'i; w'f w' ' afC w''- 1 . lot 1, 2. 8, 4. S, an exce- in this place-bo- th Izvke City. Urali, Aug. id, I8U8.-boys-one versity of Utah Whom It T. 8 N., R. 12 E . Serial 04488. Notice May hereby given that1 Kee- llent lecture on education. State of Utah, ha filed lit thl office Copies of said lists, so far os they relate to- to the home of Mrs. Chas, the lislsof lands, selected aid state, un- said tracts by descriptive The attendance at the meet- cam; 8 of tbe Act of Congress, approvsubdivisions, have section der -The other the been conspicuously posted In this office for as 18, 188b ed schooDhamtA Fraughton. Indemnity July wr' viz: nc'a sw'i sec Inspection by any person Interested and by ing was not as good as it should 1 ft S , R K 28, T home of Mrs. Samuel Gines Serial 04,t;1 the During the period have been owing perhaps to the Copies of said lists, so far as they relHle to of publle generally. Mild tracts, by descriptive sulsIlvMon, publication of tm notice, or any time. laved have before" ofconspicuously posted in this 'final approval thereafter, and stormy night aud 'also through fice for Inspectien by any person Interested, and Y. and certification,' under departmentak by the public generally. During the it no being properly circulated day nignt in interest of Jthe period of publication of this notice,t or any regulations of A pri yi, liiJprfdetior-Cwn--"--"';'-''1- ' M. M. I. A. time thereafter. Rud.befor.Sai.-pprorvatests against the claim of the, State, to any xraT . departmentcertification, under of the tracts or sulxilvlslon cart-' hereinbefore al of th 1117, 25, regulations April Charles W.' Seymour has protest on the or described, Mr, contest the ground that same against the of the state to any of the tracts or more valuable for mineral than for ogrtcut-tura- lal pace also furnished iolin musbouse keeping, and claim subdivision herelnlwfore described, ou the broke np be will purposes, received and noted ic. . that the same Is more valuable for Mrs. Day, ground mineral than for agricultural purpose, will for report to tbe General Land Office at is rentinjTto be received and noted for report to the (ten-erIk O. Failure so to protest Elder G?o. Johnston and Iatnd Office at Washington. D. C. Fail- Washington, within the Aline specified, will be the school teachers. ure ao to protestor contest, within the time Marchautof the Y. 14. specified, will be considered sufficient evi- considered snfflcleit evidence of the !? celebration waa done here at dence of the character of the character of tbe tracts, and, M. I.' A; Stake Board attended tracts, and the select ions thereof, being thereof. being otherwise free from on Labor Day not even to a dance otherwise free from objection, will be ap- c Meet Ion, will be approved to the State. proved to tbe Stela. the Conjoint Session "here Sun- - in the evening. E. D. R. Thompson, Register. E p R.Thotnpson. P V 8 P d -i 1, to-da- S logans -- CmEE Sewing Macliia rone lighter tlua any otter. CFIIEE laete longer otter. ttaa any , t CFIiEE more beautiful tbaa u . any other. CFREE hae less vibration than any other. 2 d - Semi-Annu- rtni, rs .WOODLAND -- easier to operate than any otber. ia CJAFREB make a more perfect etitcb tbf n any otber. k . is tbe best of all com- -, limed in one. FREE SEWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO nrrTltlNOt FOX SALK BY Summit Furniture & Mercantile Company last' t non-mine- ral eo.".V -- Scientific American. J. a P1?1 ted postas -- L-- I- . M (H-- a :astear'wapnncijleof If i at in non-nilne- free-fron- the-Stnt- 8-- l. Boosters -- - i T.tS.B gae - ! T0 se-"- 1 by-ti- ie to jr. w; ' I . 1 Mrand a! j -- st Al-m- nod-ipine- ral al n ' Register. a - V. A A |