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Show i Dr. J. S. Calderwood Fads for 4 t Simplex is Superior Weak Women of oil th (ickoeM of women h due to some derenfemeot or of the organ distinctly feminine. Such skknete eon be cured it cured very day by Nine-tent- se h the Simplex is the first hand eepr hter ihatcan.be sent to dairyman W run like L.W. MEYERS, Mgr. any other piece of standard tnachineryalthout having of Makes Weak Women Strong, th Occasioiialljcome back to ttie night next oalville Sick Women Well. for and factory attention adjustment. It acta directly on the organa affected and is at the aarne time general restore-liv- e Gome sure give us trial. In brief some of the advantages of tonic for the whole ayatem. It cure female complaint right in'the privacy of borne. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and tile Self Balancing Bowl are:- to please you. , local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to f The bowl will always run smooth Office Hours 9 to 12 a.m 2 to & p.m. every modest woman. Ws shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of hud true, even If out otuwha-nca- l those peculiar affections incident to women, but those wanting full information as to their symptoms and balauce. Surveyor meant of positive cure are referred to the Peoples ComE' ii if the spindles should befmon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised and come slightly sprung by acci-Edition, sent Jrrr on receipt of 21 Birch, stamps to cover cost o! mailing esy; or, in cloth nt, it will not Injerftre with binding for 31 stamps. Graduate U. of U., Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. the free running of the bowj. 4A the machine wears, instead nl kes (Established May loth, 1905.) County Surveyor of and becoming noisy running Peri?al Capital, $25,000 Surface anti Underground Surarder, as iruthe old style Sosiety Surplus $3,000 maVicinity balanced veying. ramc nt. It will run chines, - - always freely We pay 4 per cent interest on Time ud smoothly. Lx-We solicit your patronage. A to For Sale Cheap. Deposits. t Fnday night a social wee Itahjo and 1 pt nence shows that the Self n n the Tala rnacje.in hnnr of Abstracter. gate itrtngs. Enquire at this ollU'.-8a par-- 1 4 Balancingii;implexJ I ALFRED BLONOU1S- -. yy-.-f JAMES riNGREC. FUMIDNCT Thomas Btard who was retiring runs easier witli continued B For Sale Corner brick house, barn at.r FRANK P1NGREC BLACK mam. Vick Pace ami chicken house. Apply at M K f i iii the office oL custodian of the ttse, Make Innise. Mr. Board has faith-ftii- lj f ir F, . Baker lTLe Simplex Jklibtracter of Titles 4or Summit carrrt fur iheMtike grounds Bond 1 h not so sensithe or delicate, Lost Bay Horse, weight about County. Under l,0Ui.00 ( u j eat and has made them a ciedlt lequiritig the fine adjustment Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans (Xit) lbs. Brand it on la It Iiip. lb to the ward and stake. Many visitTV. of other machines which Moses ward. Taylor, Residence, Coalville, ors hiii e gone uway from Coalville on mechanical balance w Utah. 'Phone Jto. Hed depend v W. B. Saxton, w ho has been at with a good impression of the for their runningr-Th- e so lias or week tho hospital the past SEPT. 10th, of Trimmed Hats, the finest assort- people through the condition of the wear and tear on the bear- . for the Stake bouse as be out recovered to Surgeon ao ment I have ever carried. Come and see them..- far Physician grounds.ings, gearing, etc., is, in the first time yesterday. To show their esteem and appreMy School and Street Hats are now on display. long run, much less with Jhe ciation for liis faithful works, the Simplex" be- There will be Sabbath school at ward presented Mr. Beard with a cause of most at wear in other the church West Sunday the New watch and chain. Physician and Surgeon comes from machines In the rough 2:30. Miss Calland charge. Every PHONE 41 LACK. of the bowl, which running body is Invited to attend. The Briquette company made Office in Summit Block, Coalville multiplies the friction and rtwwIw wtwwIw WwiwWr WwWTW VrRwiW wfw Ww iw ITW wWwwwVw ww ' their first pay roll to, over sixty . "JDBarbef machinesTto "hasbeeuappointed the causes run 4 m. Office Hours, from 2 to p. 5T today. That means that sixcustodian of the Stake house and harder and bring increased wear these observe men received their monthly wage All who can should on every part. Academy for the coming year. He ty hours as near as possible otherwise would have been who took up the work the first of this A cheaply made sewing machine is dear at any rice, beidle. Every evening at the office month ! Blackman & Griffin cause faulty in action, liable to break and difficult to operate are Law . Attorneys-a- t The home hf Walter Wilson has of the company the briquettes Utah. Ogden, THE EST NEEDLES an open giate. 'They been made happy by the arlval of a burned m little a cheerful flame, H. NEELEY FOB ALL MAKES of sewing machines are itLfide by Tbl fine son. The babe was born last produce smoke and plenty of heat. The pubold by me, do Singer Manulacturerlng C0m Mid only good printing. Can Wednesday and both it and mother lic is cordially invited to go out jWa do yours? Trices are right we are doing well. to the office qd ? how the DONT USE POOR OIL new fuel hums, The company has . . . . ATTORNEV-AT-lAFor use on sewing machines, wyltlng jf . , all purposes requiring a fine lubrloe-- ', the best is The premium "list pamphlets are put uu three shifts and are working t. cheapest in tbe end. Genuine Singer Dil 0 .a to only be obtained at Singer printed and will be distributed ks fast as possible get every thing Stores. jYon Caqi Be A Good Summit next-weSend jfouf name to In running order. N. J. PETERSON, Coalville, farmer Coalville, Utah" Without The T.mes. Agent for Summit Co. John C. Pasket of Jfenefer, or f in Beautiful BepulcheN W. H. Manning of Coalville. The last resting place, of ths great - .Phone 41 Red. romposor, Edward Orteg, Lrrweglan wtawwvttstwwwwnwtwt Edward j&chlm iff back to is one Cf tb ftiost beautiful In its fiat kiwitttatFtRW(itatutatttttR.R wwwwwaaaF that could oral be surrounding his old home in Coolville for a imag ibed. Ey the side Of a at tbe ex Secret Society. visit, Mr. Richins is looking (remity of a fiord, close lake, to the composvery well after the such exces- er's native town of Bergen, there is natural grotto formed in thd solid sive heat o: the Dir. Resident Dentist It Pierces Favorite Prescription Extra Good Bill and r week. We are every a Admission 10c 'f - J. Don one-re- te nt dt first national , r ISanh U'-al- 4, HOME MEWS 1 hoytsville -- Edward H. Rhead -- -- mjunusttuunaKaaKTrtjanssuuuas: Grand Millinery, Opening!- 5 -- -- H - and O. W. FRENCH, 8 em--ploy- es j r u u MRS. M. E. RHOADES, Miliner It is Economy to Get the Best p. W ek. oalville Lodge No. 28, city, . Julian Thomas principal of F. I. the Coalville school arrived last Meets every Wednesday Evening Wednesday Mr. morning. - in Brothers Hall. Visiting jones Thomaswas an old school mae Cordially Invited. ofW- - H. Manning at the - O. O. Uni-versi- jio .CLARK. S H WO. STOCK J H COUCH, Becj. VM. WKL8H. Treasurer. C R. JONES, Notary Public W. H. McCAIX was on his home from a More subscribers than any other fashion magazine million a month. Invaluable. Latest styles patterns, dressmaking, millinery, plain sewing, fancy needlework, hairdFCftaing, etiquette, good storica, etc. Only 60 cents n Sebtenbe today, or wend for sample copy, visit in seven differenistates while away. Mr.Bennett is employed by the U.P near - Ogden as - wateiunen at' the 28th street crossing. (at the Shoemaker's. the Agent County for - is One of the appreciate gifts that have been showered upon the always hungry editor, was several bunches of celery by Thomas Beard one of most prominent and successful the dll can I orders Send mc t them for you. in this locality. The celgardeners Utah Coalville has ery unsurpassing flavor and Mr. Beard has demonstrated beyond a doubt that the vegetables of this cannot be excelled country In flavor quality. . Mr. Beard 'Butter wrappers (printed; wiL will have a great Variety of vegebe charged for at this office at tables on exhibition at the Fair. ii W. H. Robinson t ..BARBER.. H you want a Firft-daor Shave, call on me. si fyatf Side Main Tbe ball game last Monday afternoon between Coalville and Kamas resulted in a victory for the home team tbe result being ' ' . 12 to 2. The home boys played splendid while the visiting team couldnt get into the game anywhere- - Billy Nell, Coalvilles pitcher is there with the goods. He bad excellent support from Calderwood behind the bat and Ison at short. In fact there wasnt a minute that the Coalville boys did not play ball and good-bal-l after-Mond- ay , Hair-c- ut -- Sw Coalville, Ut. at that. siV (is 05 IV j " the Farmers WONDER FUL INDUCEMENTS v Postal brings premium catalognt and new cash prise offers. Address NcCALL C0 M M Ml W. I7th St. filW T0U to Agents. m BLISS I Lit.. the following rate: - For 500 $1.25.' - For 1000 fa. 00. For 5000 $8.00. FATTUNJ McCALLS MAGAZINE vTsHScT Mary Ann B Gark f FALL COATS and DRESSES ! Celebrated for style, perfect fit, timpUcity and reliability nearly 40 years. Sold in nearly very City and town In the United States and Canada, or by mail direct. More sold than any other make. Send lor free catalogue. s mett, of Ogden, a former Resident Agent Firemans Fund resident of Coalville jx as here the forepart of the week. Mr. Bennett Insurance Company . of San Francisco WATCH THIS SPACE FOR - Mrs. Lizzie Northcott, Mrs. T. J. Lewis, Mrs, J. E. Wildes have returned from their trip to Seattle. The trip was delight- the ful and the fair will-riv- al Summit County Fair this fall. Notary Public. h which rises sprecipltously from the water's edge. Here the bones of tbe famous musician are buried, and, as the grotto is only accessible from the lakethe funeral cortege will have to make the Journey .by water. 1 ty of Utah. WAX. V. rock .. ' I SPRING ILLS Springtime is sicktime. Purify the blood cleanse the system by the simple and effective roots, herbs and barks contained in 5S HERBS We are prepared to take care of the -- ed ington, 6 Guaranteed Twine NATIVE The cost is but a half a cent a day to rid the blood of the poison that causes Boils Pimples and other Skin Eruptions. 200 Tablets for $1.00. A Guarantee to cure or money back. Ask for a Bliss Almanac and learn fully about this remedy. Made by BUSS in Washold-fashion- (is of this county and vicinity to call and see our large stock of absolutely 1 FOR MISS as d. a FOR SALE BY v vt; jSuromitXountytrade. & v!) Coa vile v! W W & x.x (Comoro kV Y 1 Henry Seamons, Hoc k Utah port, V Jv V VVVVVVVV5 i f f |