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Show SENSE ABOUT FOOD Facta About Food Worth Knowing. It la aerluu qucatlon aomctlmea to know Juat what to eat when a per-1 ion' aloiunch I nut of order and moat food cauae trouble. Urnpe-Nut food ran be taken at any time with the certnlnty that It will dlgeat. Actual experience of people I valuable to anyone Interealed In food a. A Torre Haute woman write: i had Buffered with Indlgoatlon for about four year, ever alnre an attack of typhoid ty-phoid fever, and at time could eat nothing but the very llghteat food, and then auffor aueh agony with my loinuch 1 would wlah I never bad to cat anything. "I wna urged to try Drape Nuta and llnco ualng It I do not have to aturve inyaelf any more, but 1 can rnt II at any time mid reel noiirlabed und aalU-lied, aalU-lied, dyapepala I a thing of the pint, and I am now at mug und well, ".My hiiahund alao had nn experience with Crape Nut. He wu Very weak and alckly In the aprlng. Could not nttend to hla work. Jin waa under the doctor' care but medicine did not aieiii to do him liny good until he began be-gan to leave off nrdlnur food and uae Unipe Nut. It nua poalllvely aurprl-lug aurprl-lug to aee the change In him. He grew better right off, and naturally he hud Done hut word of pralae fur tirnpu-Nut. tirnpu-Nut. "Our hoy think he cannot cat a meal without drape Nut, an. I he leurna ao funt nt achool that hi I. ui Iter It-er und other acholar comment on It. I am annulled Unit It la bccuun. (it the great nourishing elements In Grape Nuta." "There a a Iteaaon." It contain the plumphuto of putaib from wheat and bai ley which combine with ullinineii lo make Ihe gray matter mat-ter lo dally refill the bruin und ncrva content. It Ik a pity (hat people do not know what to feed their children. Them are muny mother who give their young--atera almoHt any kind of food and when they become nick begin to pour the medicine down them. The real way I to atlok to proper food nd be healthy nnd get along without medicine med-icine and expenae. l-lvrr rrad the ahiive Iriurr A una Mpiwarn front lima to lime. Thry ' ai-velae, true, lull ul lalerral. ? J' |