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Show ' TH DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SUMMLT COUNTY THE PEOPLES ADVERTISER. COALVILLE. UTAH. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1009. VOL. XV3 Commissioners "Proceedings met The county commissioners session in regular monthly Tuesday with all present. The janitor was instructed to gates placed iu the recorder's clerk's last have and office. insulatois or in any way malicious- v Rachel Bates who has ly destroying property o,f tbie'-eonIssuing hei childreu in pany. land Salt Lake-h- as Alex. Wright who recently moved looking fine. here from Cumberland, Wyoming, Linda Anderson of g met with a very painful if not serrelatives here. ious accident last Tuesday night, i Annis McMichael has Mr. Wright and a friend were friends. lug in the alley between the old store and Swainstons Wbten 3tti heaviest rainfall was Mr. Wright in stepping to one side S urday. It simply poured to let a wagon paaa them, stepped more than on hour, f U4.Q2 Eleetricitg'htsll in a inau hole spraining his back 17 00 ... . License and injuring his kidneys. Mr, img Peterson and Miss The city treasurer , reported .for Wright was taken home and has Blahgwere mauled in the Salt the month of August. been confined- - to trtr bed ' siTtc3"tt at mpeoiftlie istTheV tOV26 Balance on hand accident, suffering considerably. will their home in Wan- 62J.OO License I r.if the ship 1 present. . .7777. 3.00 Burials i .. 2.00 M.. lank Minnesota -- is Recordings 77. . 187.62 Electric lights visitrgat the home of II. F, 8.82 Quarantine . . Peter s a. Oil inotion of Councilman Wihle the committee on streets. alley and bridges were empowered to have and sand hauled, buy gravel cement and, let bid for putting in cement street crossings. The city sexton reported one burial and receipt of $5.00 which sum h is been turned over to the eity treasurer. The city marshal reported $2ol.02 collected. The resignation of Sheriff?. HurMr. Hurley's ley was accepted. resignation was caused by ill health. He is a sufferer of miners copsuinp-tioJohn Cf. Coffey was appointed to fill the unexpired term as sheriff of Sumit county. Frpeman - Malin " was reappointed deputy sheriff. TheBuperior- - Fuel & Briquette Company were granted a franchise across the county road. The teceipU in the . clerks office 1527.20 for the month of August was 108.70 636.06 warrants. Redeemed in the recorders $65.80. was Balance on hand A. B. Mr. Williams, 201.14 Aug. 31 treasurer deputy appointed Couucil adjourned to Monday, commencing with Oct. 1st. Sept 20. Dan B. Lewis, of Kamas, was apCOALVILLE NEWS. pointed deputy sheriff at a salary of I15.0CT per month. Judge Ray Biim of Salt Lake was James Don apin Coalville during the week. peared before the board and stated - that be was as yet unable to make F. O. Baker has returned from arrangements to meet iris obligation Wyoming whereiieliaaspentrhe to the county. The matter was re- summer. ferred to Attorney Peter Clark. On motion of Hale, Ben Toone Miss Alveretta Clayton was up was appointed constable for Eche. from Ogden the forepart of the week The janitor was Instructed to have visiting her parents. roof of court house painted. After the ball game Monday the Adjourned. crowd went up bn the academy hill, n. - re-ho- - City Council Proceedings El-dred- ge The eity council mefln regular wwMweestan jiasfc with i Ms; op in the protemyaltiesBall ehair and Councilman Sommers, Wilde, and Moore present. Chairman Ball of the electric flight! committee reported his continent fund and the same was referred to the auditing committee. A motion carried that all who were three months or more in arrears for electric current, that the electrician be instructed to disconnect same. On motion the city marshal was instructed to immediately collect all delinquent licenses. " : Badly won by a neck. Some' dissatisfaction rose over the race as even the riders did not know,S where the finishi ing line was. Next Bally" ran with a gray frun Kamas. Bally was again an easy winner - Manager Whltel of the Telephone Co. says that some one is going to pay a high entrance fee to the shootnear future. This ing club, e refers to the crack Bhots, of this district who are in the habit of shooting insulators on to ephone ( oles. There is a standing reward of $26C0 for intermat ion or th e arrest and conviction of any one caught shooting Jn-dh- pared for them. The Day!s proMis. Rand of Kamas called on gram closed with a grand ball, Mrs. Snapp at Oakley to talk which was largely attended. missionary woik. r B. W. Mitchell will be in Pc OAKLEY NEWS. oa, Oakley; and L Marion in a with a load ot fine Peaches frem OAKLEY Sept, a -- The song Syracuse, Davis county. of the reaper is again heard in our vicinity. , The .fields are W. H. Stevens will go to Salt Lake in a short time. IIehas moviug with the golden grain been to take care of his helping 'will ch akejL on dbcgi&lclliink ju . j of the cold chilly blasts of win- Iiay7; ter is near at lymd. Robert Jensen has been actas collector for a few days. Fishing is not very good as ing r the tains keejTtbe streams mudBishop.W, P. 'Rivards has been confined to his bed for a dy, The Relief society held t con- day onwo. Mil Bessie Blondin was a S. B. Snapp will leave for ference ay which was attenwas fs Visitor m Wanship last ded by many of the Jfair sex, Davis county Saturday morn--in7 from all parts of the county.' ' A deal of good work was acWA SHIP, Sept. A very pleas- great - The county Fair is going to . ant lit' affair occured at Wanship complished have a Wild WestShow. Bill on th '.h at ths residence of Bishop , Ephraim Mccham has sold Moore a renowned rider and Frank Jfiuon, in the way of a sur- his tarm and will move to the ranger has charge of it and prise puftyjorhigmother, Mrs. Mar- Uintah reservation a few days. promises to have aband of the garet Hixson, on her birthday. ' S, B. Snapp made g short vis--it mustiest plungers in . the , land... The dieltig room. was. nicely. decor : from Syracuse, Davis and a half dozen of bnckerooi home ated, af.J covers were laid for 26 He reports heavy that stick like tanglefoot to a guests. Besides the immediats fam- county. ily, well present Mrs. Sarah J. fpp-so- crops of all kinds except peach-wi- fly, Tphere will be three days of riding'and roping, broncho Mrt. J fil A. Fisher and Mrs, bfi fa. oo per bushel. races', ladies horse' races and A. E. BjNtff of Balt Lake, who Rural rout is the now as came tofartake In the festivities of potatoe races. nearly all .the post masters the occs.ioi Not least noticlble til pleasant features, were want to resign, that is on the the pm its, bestowed .by loving river. The plan would be to friends, Id .from Mrs. Hixsons have Park city to be the the dis children. JA beautiful gold chain, tributing office and have a daily sweet tooth be- to remit her of their constant of mail to stai t froiu Park by city - a?..cert :.itelh pins-- to foUnJ "flii yas linked - to- the' W-'- ofKamasMarionjOak. gether jm. ruiTy','sud vrouldrlmaia leyFrovo to Park city. The with the season. A box of these as bright 4 emblem of elegant thj trip can be made in'' ten hours Candies daintily packed makes a which it wta a token. Alter partak-in- g and deposit the mail in all the very acceptable gift of a most jelightful and boun boxes on the rout and do away First-clas- s Meala teous repast, which will long remain the little petty offices all with Service in the memory of the participants. Quick The evenlngwas spent in pleasant and savemuchlolheU. S. Fresh Bakery Supplies us hear from our neighbors. reminlsceneis, singing and reci- Let Royal Bread. tations. The sweet music was " fur is Stevens very busy George niihed by Miss Hasel Hixson. We on the Farm and has no time to Mrs. Hixson a continwish uation of health, and the sweet companionship of family and friends Big Sheep and pr Cattle Steal While the sheepneh and cattlemen' have been taking a quiet ease highwaymen have beeu taking their sheep and cattle. Over 13 hundred sheep have been stolen this summer, from the various herds. Bennions, Rigbys and Neff shave heaviest losses. A posse headed by Sheriff Malin is out huntinting them to-d- ti ai head of sheep and cattle. WANSHIP NEWS. , p. t g- n, Mr. J. W. Anderson has gone into Idaho.to look after the'' in terest of his sheep, , Miss Mabel Nans and Bro. Keneth hayt been visiting friends here. Miss Mabel is always a welcome uisitor in Wau-shi- I. M. Hixson " st -- andJiavealreadyJbund-gevei- -- 1 - w.eek. - Fresh Candies The E. Swainston, Jr. dicin' , HENEFER NEWS. HENEFER, Sept. 8th Mrs. Lucy Lake and Mtss Tutham, left here on the 6th for the Seattle fair.. 7 Mr. lames' Dearden is putting ran ad4-- wu- of t wo looms to bn - fritrs,i57as4rfr 1 MmmI I THE HEAD 0Sp hOnl C 4 - fcJVellUUAO f1 OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM The School of Arts and ie nc,-- thir State Norraai School, or the School of Education, the State of Mines, and a School of Medicine are embraced by the University of Utah. 1 1 and-Sc- ' mg 33 Department Law wliich is part the School ment Arts the of and' Sciences. I)enart-n- f OF Several of our people are attending the Four State fair at Og den. UTAH $150,000 Laboratory r.p! vryjiest k 1 Lo-Lducatio- nal 1 Women are ups The Dean of Women looks after the fare ofthe young women atmlents. inents. 1 wel- Many of them graduates of the greatest Universities of this country and Europe. Including 1618 Studeuts "1, more than children of the Training School, - th A.OUO young people received instruction in he Univer' the new meeting house is at stand jtill. for the want of ccrpenters. - Mrs. Wm,-- Davis has towo of her sisters out on a visit, Agnes and Ida. ALa meeting-o- f the citizens of Henefer held last week for the purpose of considering a a water system-fo- r the town. A committee was appointed to investigate the water source and solid, subscriptions. . ' JJ $860,000 :Equiqment Embraces 10 brick and stone nuildings, 92 acres of grounds and ether University property. On Labor day Wasatch Camp no. 819, Woodman of the WorldLcel ebra He ne fer. tedat The afternoon was spent iu various sports including base ball. Many nice presents were given for the winners in the taces. At 6 Address: of Utah, Salt Lake' City, Utah Moast After alljhere isnothing more satisfy healthful than a juicy, rib roa of high grade beef, such as we sell. We have a knach of cutting up a roast that makes it ccokwell, carve welhandTejllrTynefor 0 SUMMIT MEAT CO Bagnell, Shaw & Ball, Props. on '-- Equipment the Inclnrl-f- t of house.--, '7? T iSSiaf ksxj .jS,:ii 1 ll ng was a special missionary here last Sunday in the interest of the Summit Stake Academy, . Mr. Joshua Bates made a for many years. business trip to Salt Lake last University of Utah, saino city, usk 1 v. , WANSHIP, Sept. . 6rMn.. Cowensand daughters Della and Ethel have returned to their home in Salt Lake city after a wl pleasant visit of a week 'with (Coalvilles racecourse) ani nessed two pony races. The fint theia friends Mr. and Mrs. T.' was between Birchs bally and A. Smith. Blonquists brown. miking everybody comfortable. sellTish license but he sas he Between two and three hundred can tie the knot as good as the partook of the good things pre- the Bishop. Who next. -- . er NOrG Ida-Uitin- . "Ex.-treasur- JOB WORK NEATLY CONE p.m. averybody wa royally entrtainea at supper. - The Woodmen spared no and their ladies xpense or time in La Fundicion, Peru We collect money for every-bod- y, everywhere, and we collect jnoney from' every- body, everywhere. We re- cently collected , money from La Fundicionr Peru, for the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co., and they wrote us a nice letter Turn ot congratualtion. in your claims and we will collect some money for you. If yob do not know where the people happen to be. who owe you- - Its our business. We enjoy it. Red streaks of Honesty Exist in Everybody. Turn in voutrlaims now. .MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts. Lake. 97, 9. 100 Commercial K.t. Bank Bids .Balt Rnom Like U 1. OS, KianeU J. Luke, General Manaiter. gome People Dont |