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Show I'Jhito St earners Use leroseno as Fuol ' 4?af ft llll. Will ft SltAMIH WIIK II WWW A M ( I SSH I. I'lTMIC lKMOM R I ION OK hi HOSIM-. an ii i i. o nn; Kit st jii.-iO-miii: .iiiii.n 101 k. I Tin- im.Ht Itiioreatlng atinouiice n.elit ever made In cnllllei lum with lit,- a-itntiiniiite induatrv waa till duiihtedly lhat made n moutli nr two ato tn the effect Hint Hie new lundi-l of the White Steatn Caia could be run en keroa.-n,., ,,r conl oil, lualead Hi Rllfoline. Cvervone nt otleo recng Hired Unit Ihe ll-e of the new fuel would mid materially to the advantage advan-tage which Uu- Willie already pn eraacil over oilier type nf caia. Tlu-ro were anmo pcnplo, hiiwovcr. lni were aiepll.nl ua tn whether nr But the new fuel could bo uacd Willi complete aucccaa, and, Hierefoio. tin-maker tin-maker of tho White Car. the While Company, nf Cleveland. Ohio, deter-mined deter-mined lo make n public ilcmontrii-tkui ilcmontrii-tkui of the in w fuel In the I'.eei Olid-4m Olid-4m Tour. I'rnlil the al.idHilut nf the public. Dn teat mnro aallafaetnry ciiuld liave brill aeleiled. Klral nf all, tho illa-tanco illa-tanco inn-red on Ihe (Hidden Tour, fnnii IMrotl to Ik-liver und tlieiu-e to Katiana City, wn 2t'.Mi mllca. Thl wa certainly more than aul!lcleiit to bring out uuy wciikiioi-H. If am h bad exlated. HUH more Important wa Ihe fai t that the car wna lit nil time while on the road under the aupcrvl-alon aupcrvl-alon uf nhaorvnr mimed by thuao who entered oilier rmiti atlng cure. Therefore, It would have been linpoa-alblu linpoa-alblu for the driver of the White to havo even tightened a bolt without the fact being noted and a pcnulty In-flirted. In-flirted. At night the car were 'guarded by I'lnkerton daterllvea ahd i could not be apiimni lied by any one. 'Ihe complete aiicceaa of the new i fuel while on the ;i'..Ml inllo . nl. lie teat and Uie advantage gained through It uae were well deacrlbcil In the following diapateli wblih Hie i urrcaM uuli'ii t of tho New York Sun aent tn hi paper nt the couclualon of the tour: "A feature of the tour which wna watched with apoolnl Inter, at waa that the While Sicaiiier m-cil kero aeno, or 'coal oil,- na fuel liialcnd of gaaollno. The new fuel worked apll mildly lliio.nlioill the I'l.'ll III III- Journey, unit all clalma mado lu Ita behiilf were fully pmven. Klral nf nil, na n g.irda i heapui-ha. the White driver act ured kcroai-no nil nlong Ihe route from il ci-ma in ID cent chcnt-cr chcnt-cr per gallon than waa pnld for gaaollno. gaao-llno. Seiniidly, the new fuel wa handled without nny precaution, and It wa not uniiNiial In aeo keroene being pound mm the fuel tank while the crew uf tho car nnd nn liitoretod crowd atund by w Itli llgl ted rlgara I and l lgiilelloa. At Hie lit. la-It of the tiuir. tin- White wn the only ear per milled by the nnUinrltlea tn enter Ciinveniliin Hull, where the technical cxaiuliuiiliin took place, without .limning lla fuel tank. Thirdly, the new lllel proved tn lie lliiaollllely witliont atnnko or aiuell. Kulirthly, kernaciio ciiuld be purchned nt whatever what-ever purl of the rnuln wna moat convenient, con-venient, and not once during the trip through the ten Htntea of Ihe Middle Weal waa there found a grocery tore where keroaene wa Dot readily and cheaply obtainable. Finally, the amount of fuel uard nn tho trlp allowed that keroaene I nt leuat llttoen per cent, more efficient, gallon lor gnllon, lhan gaHllllUl,. Tlie rur In other rcapecla made a mot credltabln) al. owing, nnd there waa tho iiaual rlv-nlrv rlv-nlrv iiu iuig tho nbacrvor tn bo na-Klgned na-Klgned to Uio White ao Hint Ihey ruiild rblo with the iiiuximum of roiu-fori. roiu-fori. The only adjualmcnla or repair re-pair charged ngulnat tho cur during-the during-the long tilp were tightening a luhrl-c.ilor luhrl-c.ilor plH nnd wiring n dauiaged mini guard. Tbeao pi nnlliea were nut lull lu-ll ii ted lint It mure Ulan IPino uillea bad been rumpleli-d with an abaululiv ly pi-YIect aeoro." A particiiiarly Intereating fenlurei of tho new While Hleam.-r I Unit either keroaene nr gaaollno may be) uacd aa fuel. The neceaaury udluat- i meiila ao thai tho fuel may bocbnngeit friim keruaeno lo guauliue, or vice) veran, muy ho made In a couple of mtiiulea; hut ao completely ucccfu hn keroaene proved lo ho, lhat it I not believed that nny puicliaaora will care lo uao gaaollno. j Tho While Company remrt that ilhn demand fur their new at.-ain car - hnlh the lilMKI model and Ilia I lunii model exceed their nmat aan- : gulne exieclatluiiN. It la evident that Ihe rnmblnallnn nf aleatll the Jmw- " or which everyone underalnnda ami hn roufldenco In with koronene the fuel which evorynno hna on hnml and ran handle without any danger la thoroughly appreciated by i urHo-dnt purckaaera of auUma m bile. i |