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Show VALUE PAINTED ON. Well painted I value added whether wheth-er th houae be built fur one thouaand dollar or ten thouaand. Well pulnled mean higher aclllng value, and higher high-er occupying value for there an additional pleaiure In living In th houae that I well dreaaed. National l.cud Company aaalat In making the right uae of the right paint by aendlng free upon requeal to all who aak for It, their "llnuaeown-era' "llnuaeown-era' Painting Outfit No. 49." Thl outfit Include a hook of color chenica for either exterior or Interior painting, paint-ing, a book of apcctllcutlona and an Inalrumunt for delecting adulteration In paint materlul. Addreaa National Lead Company, imu Trinity llulld-Ing. llulld-Ing. Now York City, and the oulllt will be promptly eent to you. |