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Show Commissioners Proceedings The county ciniiniHtiin-rM met in regular iiiiiiillily kihiiIiiii IhkI Tiii'Biliiy wllti all n-Hi-i)t. The jnnltor wna lnttriiclcil tn have Itnti-H iIhcciI In tli" ri'i'uril. r'n ami elcrks ..Mice. Tin1 rcalniiiithni "f sin rilf I". Il.ir-IV Il.ir-IV whs ncccpicil. Mr. Ilnrlcv" rli'l(fimiioii WHHcniixMl l.y III ln-alt h. II" l II HIllTiTrr lit II 1 1 II' rn CMlldllltp. t Ion. Jnliii C. t '.itf. v una n.,.nti..l to llll Hik unexpired term n ahurilT of Siniilt county. Frceuum Mullii wan rcnilntril deputy aherltt. The Superior Km I A Hrhpietie Company wi-ru Kmntcil a franchise rm the county road. The rccelpta In the clerk' olTIc fur the month of August nni ..7(J in the reconlcr'a $H5.8n. Mr. A. H. Wlllli.iiia, waa appointed deputy treasurer; eoininonoluK with Oat. Int. linn It. UU, of Kniiiua, win np. p linteci deputy herllf at a aiihuy of i3.U0 per tnotitli, Ex.-trenatircr Jninca Don up. -iare.V before the board and atntotl htt bo wan a yet unable to make ftrritngi'itiHiU to tneut his obligation lo the county. The matter wat referred re-ferred to Attorney Peter Clark. On motion of Hah', Den Tonne wa appointed countable for KoIim. The Janitor wiu Itmtrueted to have roof of court houae painted. Adjourned. |