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Show Sentence Sermcnv. It la holier In ho r.und'.l no prude than to rot ns a menial iturlinm) Whore (i man' lira dno nnt preach 1i It ircachltik cannnt Inc. ' l'eoi lo Mini ilnnk they wi'rn burn to ri'Uiilitit' i In world nri' nlwtiy tfrnlil they will die from IuIiik over rlithlemi. rynlclmi la a aln duo to ntt.-mpt-li'K lo hi nil lllo fruit too arly In I lie aoaann.- Hull of I he hltalncaa of lift lit K pen-pie pen-pie lip la a mutter ol cliooilna: Hutu uji. Thi' prayer Hint rla.-a In til" heart alwnyu worka a way out to llio foot onil itio ntiKTa. Tim rni ply head la eually wrinkled Into furrow that liMik like deep thoiiKlil. Ho who mlaaca Ihe aplrlt of Ihe law alwuya make moat o( Ihe letter. It a nn awful thlnu lo be k recti, but It's a iiiind deal worao to bo born dried up. |