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Show j Legal Notices. 1 ! NOTICE -I n, l.. I S'.e. ,,ne. I r -"" ' " - I'- IM. I'.. M i S.'ll. e I. l,.-r...y ' "l.., thiit Hi" Slut. f f, . , II, I. nltl.... Il.t. of hind-, . h.t.'.l hy the I HUH-, under Hon A of the A.-t of '"III,,, . p pro.e.l J,, , . ,. i,,,!,,,,. 1 nil, s. lii.il I. tl; I a, j. n 4. ,,r. ' j I. T IS It. r K , . f. t. Herli.l iu:h. 1 Copl. . of -aid Il.t.. ...far a- they relate to 10. 1 tin. I. I.) ,1. ...rlpllie .ul.lit l-loi,.,h,,. I ' ii-pleiiou-ly to.t. , I,, ihl. ..III,.. fnr I il,:i. il,, of ui. , ! or' 'any' nii'ie I lli.r.afi.r and l.-fore final npproial and I . .-. rllll. n under departmental lii.trur- llon. of April 11.C ,r,,le.t. r rsuile.tn , airalii.l Iheelalmnflhe Slate toiiny of the i tra. l. or (iil.llt l.lon. h. r. Inl. f.,r de.. erltie.1 on the ar.eiii.lt hall he .am. I. inure l,"hl" ,or " than for narleiiltural i j p,irK... am In. r lied and noted for re. I . Iirl lo theOeiierrtl k,,l UDIrr at W a.hllia- 1 ""' " ' ' ra ... , prole. t or roule.t. I allllll. the .p.., ,,,.,!. p, ,r. I "'""' -H'lei of the i,.,. mineral ehuin.-ter of the I rile! . a lid I Ii I. ,11,,,,. Ilo r.of. I. Ii, a olh, ,,.,. f,... (,, olij,,.. M l I- llPl.i'ot.d to the SI, K. K 'I .Timlin Item-i., TV - |