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Show ! NOTICE-Intl. d s,., l.t ,,.,.. , sull l ake en,, I'lnli. Aua :lr.. lull To I Whom ii M, ciieer,,; sti. ,. , r, ,,, alien ihal ll,e slat, of ', ,a. til. el In ' Il-t. of land-, .el.e t,., hy the lK,"t". under tlona of the A.-t of c,.. are... approt.d Jul, ID. . a.a-aaaaall y H. h,, m.. Wi( ,,; w ,.,,, I l.t. I.J. II I s.., .-,. T..'. N ,K s K . H.-rlal .h;-..i. l''"1 of "III. I tlt., .,, far a. lin y relate to .aid tra.t. hy di.erlptlte -nl.tl, l.,,.. have laen I'ou.pt.'iiou.ly p.i,H ,, f. ftee for In.peelh.n hy any Hrun llltere.leil ami l.y Ilia p ,. ., rally. ,rlna the Perl.Nlr.f pul.lh'iill. f,i,u nolle... , , Ilie'eafler. and U'fore II mil appro! al and eertllii-ntlon. under d part nlal r-a- ulnllon. of April . Hi7. prol.-.l. r roll-te.lniaalii.l roll-te.lniaalii.l iheelalmof the stale t ,ny ofthelra. !. or ul.llt l.lou. herelnl..fr,. de.erll.,!,,,,, the around that I he .nine I. more vnliiahle for mineral than foraarh ul- lural purpo..... sin l rrs-.lv.-.l ai , forr.-iairt to the u rnl l,i ,mwv at Wn.hlhBlnn. Ii. C. Knllure ... lo prole.l or lonle.t. sithii, hi the time peelfled. Kill "' "'! lltll.'linl evil re of Ihe uoii-inluerli..iarnet.-r of the trn.l. and lhe.el.,.n.lher.s.l.., ihetl.a free-fr.Mll free-fr.Mll ohjeetlon. will tar appro,...! , ,. Hlate h i. ll. TltnaiauiN. Ileal. ler. a ai |