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Show Believes Both Men Found Pole. Wiisliliintnn. "That illapairh from Peary meaiia thai he haa finally nchleved what h has ao lon brrii uf. ter." snld Henry Hauiiett, nn old M'-ud ol Peary, uml lire prealdent uf the National HeoKt-nphlr smlely. "I am awfully :lad that he has reached Hie North Pole, whether he won Hie flral lo reach then- nr nut. lie renal. ily worked hard rLouuh to k-i Hirr", Su. h a dlapairh fr.iiii P.-ary would alclilly only hla own arhlevi'iu.'iit. Kv.-n If t'.a.k was there Ural, whatever he left Iher would have floated mllea away." |