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Show W0A1AN MUST NOT MAKI LOVE! Michigan Farmer Secures Injunction Restraining Ttachtr from Talking lo Son. Detroit, Mich. Alleging (but l.lly llurdrn.a Kllht Hock school teacher. Is so peralslent In her love milking unit hat such Influence over the mliid ol Ins sun that there la grave danger of bun becoming Inaaue, Krne.t D shove, a Hrowtitown farmer, was sTsnli-d an Injunction by Judge Dnno van restraining Ihe young woman irnin calling upon the younger rihove from holding uny conversation with, mnl also from doing uiiytliing lo gulti the uffecHons of Hit young tunn The fiilhnr alleges Ihul his son, who Is hut 17 yeara old. bus I n hack ward In school. I'slng this ua nn ex Hire, he anya. Ml.a Harden gave hi in lirlvate lessons In Ihla way. he siiys, th wiuutin gained such an Intlueiici-uv.-r the sou that his - mlml wa. cum plrtely under her control. He .aid .be so liitliteiici-d Ihe young man that Indus In-dus become temporarily Insane, and . t-onllnetl for several month. In l lilse. He was recently ilisclnng. il hh cuied, but no sooner wa. I it thim Hie toucher again took up wllh Hie youth, with Ihe result that be ' simIii In her lolls, the father usserta Ih" father declines that the affair tlclween his SOU lllld the teacher ere nt-d such a sciiiioal two yeara ago ' ','- she wua asked to resign her poai ii-iil. |