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Show t-ii: ui-k nray-.rjjAPMrn 1 The manufacture of fine Jewelry haa ' been one cf our principal epeojitiee , for more than forty year. We hive j Iwayi elood at the head in thi line ; and today uie more men, mon ma- ' omnery and more mater al than any i almilar p'ant within aome hundrede of mile. Take the time and vielt our ehop. We will enow you how we make good Jewelry. Alt Ul Clll. UIAII All Hallows College i i SALT LAKE CITY BQARCIK3 AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS Cll.l l,iM W,d.M.T. S,pl..k . Clinical, SckMifk eed Cmitrtial lonil. Sercial irfllmrl far little Wri, eodrr Id care e a traiaea1 Ifirarr. CraiBiiteai aad Military Dull aVrttiir.ftaa.f lercial lattr.tl.fi. Far Irraii aaa iafarautiea. apply te Very Rev. J. J. Cuinan, S. M., President. PATENTS BSS &i ik.lik ana- dticriptiM .1 row aweeli.. Harrr J. RokiaiM, Atlei at Lao MicMar el Nltati, J04-1 Jee'ie Raildinf. Salt Uki Illy PATIENT ftUFFERINO. I Many Women Think They Ar DooaWd to Backache. I I It la tint right for wnmrn to bojtl-waya bojtl-waya ailing with backache, urinary III, headache and I . r ayniptnnia of ti " diacaao. Ther. I l5'.i'5A " w"v " "'J Vlk Cisir1 1 tn.iiblea quickly. .M-Xy1 .M-Xy1 -lohn II. Wright. ' X ''' I rir"t H- l1' ft if s "" H " ""y": '"' I LT.t. 3A aiiffercd tell y.f ,vJ, Willi klilney cnmpl1l ami a iloctnr told mo I would m-tar ' g'-t more than t -uiixirary relief. K i dragging pain and lainenea In BT j bin k ultnnat dlaahlcd me. Dlay i iipella cotiiti and wi nt ami tho kldmy , aicieiloii weio Irregular. I Mat" Kidney pit! rid me of tbcae trnul land I feel lienor than for year pnet" Sold by nil dealera. fair, a la. t-'oater .Milliurii Co., Iluffnlii, N. Y. II TMK hi VIVIrll ft (lf rttllitr ,.viri,..ltf,. in --'"'' 'J,1'", a '""rB Her airing I aonti worn out If a girl hu ton many beuux. I Hn. Wlnal'iw'a aimttilna arrnp. -..rlili l.ru lr.11,1... -.II, n ll.K.,t.... I, -Iuom h n.a,u..l..u.4....-Hi..u.o.U.auJ.lu. VialHiula. A guilty couaclclice Ih npt to he It I own excuaer. No Man is Stronger ) Than His Stomach h , A tror. mn I iron all over. Nu nmn can be j V. strung who is ulTcnni from weak ilonimh with it J V 'V eontquent Indifie-liun, or Irurn nmo other diti it ' .'1 ' ol th otomacb nj itt mvocmtrd orjjuoi, which im . f I fairs djj.elifn nd nutritmn. l orwhrn the inm.Lli p-f "W weak or diieued there if ft lf ol the nutrition T T - " 7 contained in food, which it the eource o( II phyticul I . ' trenflth. S hen aian ''dnetn'l (eel Ju.t rittht," la nm mhiii.iVU- when he doesn't ileep well, hai an uneomlurtahle leelin in the itnmach efter eating, it languid, ncrvnu. Irritable and deipood at, ha it tnin the nutrition needed to make itrcnjttb. Huclt m man mhoultt umo Ji. Pierce Gaidta Medlcmt IHmcovmrv. it curve tfsMin of the Btomach matt other vntmnu ot diimtiua matt nutrition it enrcftee the blood, invltiorntv IAe Hver, errenifrAerre thm kldntym, naurlmhmm thm nmrvrn, mnd mo UIVLH HLALTH AAU tTKHXUTtt TO THE WHOLH BODY. Yon oan't affurd to accept utrtt next rum aa aubitltute tor thla nonalcoholic, non-alcoholic, medicine ot known cumkihtion. not even though the urtfent dealer aaay thereby make little bijtfer profit. Inredienti printed on wrapper, I W. N. U., SaU Lake City, No. J7-1S0. SICK HEADACHE I - , ----- 1 Poalllvely ceireJ by CARTERS trJ't- II pills. z.ur,:::::z: Bl M T.alalnlliaMiiiitb.Otat.. a2,ai ' I nl Too.ua. l-aln Id II.. iil. .a aai Uu. .iii.in ill-mi. Tliay rvtfuUU Ul. Uuwcla. Purely VrgauvbUa- SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. I fpTrnTb'cl Genuine Must Bear LAKItKi Fao-SimlleSignaturt IJH aJ REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Sticky Sweating j Palms after taking- aalta or cathartfo watera did you ever notice Ilia woary all oou fooling the palma of your liunde aweat and mttcn, taaUi In your mnulh Cathartica only tiiovo liv .wealing your ImiwcI Do a lot of hui t-Trv a l.'AHt!A ItKT and a.-u how much euaier the) job ta douo how much butter vnu fiil. wi CACAKT lie a hna for a wt l ta III. wuild. Milliu. Duac . ntuula. ?v Tliis Trade-mark It iy J tliminules All yjfitir llnccrlainty i'J'll Inlliepiirdian-ia! V-k !" nut.ruli, JaT -J " n "'" f-ljL gunranlec ol pur. i rj l-ut your own Ivfi- ,i,p- prutcction, are i.i Vl T.'Jf tlMt it i ui Die aide i4 tn ''(T '"g f white Ir-id ' - Ti xou,,"y- J, ; (tJjM tiom Iran courier . V' I Sr Wi limn i..n..i aoi tn - ' RAISED LETTER SIGN p : f.iKit( ii amh At.r; llV k Y wT ni jimii Im.' Hitui -in iuui, V ', MANUFACTURING SPECIALTIES COM PAN V" ? I lirpt. O, 10 t'ulon tMj., Ismw urk . California Fruits S dllvrf4 M your bum et titt-uit iirlrf. 1 v Halrctca UrlfU 4.1 id CHiinrU fruit, mil 4 huA I rUlti, p'-.krt lu fuiuiljr Aawnrtuifiit h tvatly I furu. Wo 7uiintuerj only. e iuvi fr you uooiy. Wrll ua fur price. f CALIFORNIA IRt'lT SI PI'LY CO. J Mu-yavlIU, Calllurala I ASSAYSSli ii llar ana Cl'lH-r. II M. Qui H..I a.l.i-'r nailed' ! . I l .hi Vm. f.ir tna. n.allli OuulA AWAg CO.. UMwiiu.. ami. f |