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Show MINUS AND MINING One of tho hirdest Mow Mini lina fallen n n Noada ininlni; camp In aome lime la the order which ia a.ild to have iri-no out for the dualim of ihe H.iml'i i ner Ih-laiiuir n ine and mill nt Deh ir N"V. W IMilll the pant few wooka neveral (tn airi.cr hae I n made Hi the A It ii illitlc: and In the ainroiindlna territory that ha tended to bud In-ti-ri l to the work lhat In How bi-lnit rallied on i hero. I he l. inn lllo liinudo durlnn Anvil"! ihlppeii i;.iinii i-.irn. or loin. o ore fioni the I'lah I'opp. r and llortlon t'ctl.-iolldati d ndlie.i III the Pinelier al (i.iili. 1.1 Thin l an nvr-nu-c ..f JiMi cata per da. A id hmIi of MiWpetto ha been dlsrotori d -it the neiulb of lln-iliwli h cam. Hi. hear Kiehlli Id. i tali, the ill, oov.ry lielim lien f. et In ,-in:ih. lii the depth unknown until further do veiopmi nt work l pettoi mod. OwIiik to to III" H'ool reioilt that III now Itcltlit ob'llllieil al the old Kiift-ir Kiift-ir prop.-n, clno Into I'loche. Il la i.ii.I -r.t.;. that a I'li; i puny will Klmrlly bo niiiatiled In lake our the old bonaiira and convert II Into a dividend divi-dend payer. If laaiHltiic. The Sevier I 'mi. initio, near Itlrh-field. Itlrh-field. I k.i lt in bo In almoni u vlrrln 1 at.ili today a when II w:i tli-t ilia-roveri-d. It baa never ban n ctiaiu-u to "make Kooil," mid el II In ac-crcilltcil ac-crcilltcil Kith ii priiilucilon aoiuowhera !n tho nelu'ilHiibiHid of ::,n. . t'onalilerable ekellemenl ha been amuped In llltiiiham r nily over a trlko it-MirM-d to have In i u made In the Norib llltiKliani MIiiIiik company property In Harney canyon. 1 hla la the company In which ' I'ticle" .lcao KiiIkIiI la the cotiimliiim l.oior li-iloKlcal ii M illion mc nt !or Ihe flndliiK of oil iiniiinil Mnah, lu tirand (iiutity. I the opinion of II K I'eter-aen, I'eter-aen, a mluliiu engineer of Oakland, Cui, 1! r. 1'cn mm wa r inly In the (iiaud valb y coutitry while on hla way In II I il IT In ex. inline the nil II. Ida. Acconllitu lo M.lloll Miaue, preal-dent preal-dent id the Aliietlc.ill Aapllalt ii-kocI.i-i Ioii, which own u number of kIImmi. lie clalma In ihe t'tntah re, rvatlon, lllo iimiiiint of hydriKMirbonatcH ox (railed from thai dmlrlcl ban nearly tiebleil III tho put aevi II or elicit ycura. .Nevada'a mineral production durlnit the hrai quarter of r.u wa $,:iot, '.il'l.ti.', and for a aliullnr ierlod Una year U waa fi;.:i4.l.t;::!i In. I'bla la ait liicreiiHO of nearly 2n ht com, niak Iiik the catlmutcd luial for the your J."..IT4.r. li 70. a coin pa red with $!!, ;;7 l.it.v::i; in I'.m.s. YerlnKtim, Nov.. la comluii to the front In aupiHirl of the propoaod run J lo the Nevada Copiter Holt hallway riHiipany, accordliiK to new received from tho ramp. Al a tnootliiK held at YerliiRtnn Uie icople of thai illy aul acrlbod for fl'l'.otiu aharea of the wt uuu of bonda allotted to them. Although Cherry Creek, Novudii, haa been alien! ua lo the inluliiK acini. Ilea in thai dlatrlci, there haa been much work done In the punt low nioiitha. The now Htnr mill la nearly cumploiod, und when tlnlahod, will be one ot the lineal, luteal Improved iir rcducliiK ilium In the alale. MunuKer (ieorge H. Ih-rn, of the Couuolldutcd .Murcur liold Mlnoa com-puny com-puny at Merrur, deulca that ihuro la any luientlon ou ihe purl of tne uian-nKeiueiil uian-nKeiueiil In cloae up Uie mnt, n() mill. He decluroa there la no trutn to the alory that the output at the mine waa not keeping up to It e lienae. me advance of 1 cent a pound of ihu tariff on due contained In oree, made by the new tariff law, ahould operate to Increaae not a little the production of line nilnea of Good Hpiinge dlatrlct, arcurdliiK to 11. Hardy former eherlff or Hull Lak Couniy, who I now operating at Hood Uprlnga. Senator Kcarua and hla aaaoclaie have the utmoal confidence In tli north end of tho Tlntlc dlatrlct, aa ahown by Uie uctlon of the official of Uie cuuipuny, authorizing Manager J. C. bulllvun to lualull diamond drllla and lo proceed to explore tne ground a dtatanre of l.liuu fool below the boi. una of the ahurt. Hi hlng dlatliirlly new, In thu form of a alx-lucu atreuk of ore which glvea aaauy return of 111.22 per cent copper, In addition lo a:V4 per cenl lead and M.t4 oillicea lu allver and fl.liu In gold, hua been cni-oiinlered In the boitiiin of ihe wlu.o from Ihe loo fool level of tin, I'loche Melul com pany' I'oint mine. The Cole Ityan people are organizing a company to fako over aeverul prom-iHlag prom-iHlag gold und allver proper ilea in the Oeumpo-Clilhiinhuu dlatrlct of Mexico. Tho new company will uu known na Ihe Sierra Conaolldated Mine com pany. It will lie cupltulliod for ami., wo ehurca, par lu. Thu net protlta of the .MonlKomnry Shoahono .Mining company lor the llrat alx moniha of the year 1'jnil wore lIM.r.uu, repruhiintlim about 6u per cent of the genu rerclpi of the milling mill-ing operation, auy I tie llliyollto Herald. Her-ald. Hugh Cnylo enjoy Hie dlatlnctlnu of being the only ahlpper from the Hamilton, Nevada, dlatrlct during the auninier. From praciii ally virgin ground on the norlli aide of Whin I'lno monntulu .Mr. Coylo hua hena aendlng a line nuallty of ore to tho ameltera at Halt l.nkn. Tim ahaft In the l-'unchr and Htnlih loaao on Uie Hilmlcr ground hi (ieorge'a canyon haa been aunk through a barren atreuk and la again In excellent ore, according lo late arrival ar-rival from the camp. The whole ahaft I now In quart that pan a well. |