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Show DUCKS CLEAN UP OHIO TOWN Laktvlsw, 0 Installs a Corps ol White Wings to Whom Nam Applies Literally. Hellefonlalne, O. The white wings of (he Town of I-ukovlow, near here, are literally white wings now: They're) ducks. Ilecenlly the finances of the village fell to ruch a low ebb Hint It waa luv poMlhlu to longer employ a street weeM-r, so bis services were die-tH-nsed wllh. Still there remained a few dollars In Hie treasury. One of Ihe aldermen proiaised that the money he Invested In a flock of ducks which would forage In the streets and eat the rubbish. I.eiin ducks were brought and turned Iihihc In Ihe street.. They Hturlcil In to eut the wuate from the slier ta at one end of town early In the morning mid eut lo the oilier end when they are turned buck ward or shifted lo another street. |