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Show ii "i Putting One Past the Post By JOHN IRVING DAY : Garnering tlic Gold by a Specinl Proceti Originated Within ! the Confine of the Hih RollerB' Club I I.M'K I.lYll, In. k i l.hin.l n nml lul. I'owley "I Ih"' IliKll lllllleri.' I lull M l out ; y I rnmi.. .. Tie y .' ...' I L I .lllllllll .1 .Hl II leniK" Hup ,:.n.. ii.ieimt.d In llnw lli.l. mliiliiK I liropertleH. Ikjr H.ijd aa In Hi" niari.leflnli.hed loiuml i ill .-.in r rnm l'Mia l hotel (lie Inoitiln nl'er Ii In uirUitl. He hud lllil-h id null hla lie "..i er llll'l wna 0.iim out lil'.ill Hie ll'tle p:ilk ji iokk ll.n nn.. I lllh il with l illlllH llll'l Ii. .Ih of lint.1,1 Im. d lloaei Nellie r i nl I'owle) nor J.i. k ( lel.iml Im.l up peared. nml h" wiib rnllt. r Khi'l oiieti Hie youiiit mliiliiK limn h" hud met on H:e Until rnilie ti on lillu, nnd Ii" t.'l. rou.eil Iriuii hii. n"ir nhi.iiitiiu by a i li eiy ki Ini; IjiikliiK tli. Ii" anw that yoitliK llui'kliiM no luiivr miri-ronl.iio)a miri-ronl.iio)a ntel heniy ItulitlliK biMitii, hilt WUM hllie H.-IKed, Kre.-n hntt. d nml lll'elll len.her.d. Ulld ultOKelher Hpolt)' looklllK enough to heloliK to Ilia own "All nloti", I e.!," remuiked lliiiklila aa he tinn-lied Mo)d IIhiii Hie nhuuhler. "II you in liol I... u in hreiiklunl, Id like lo hiive ymi Join Ine ' Til he pleimed to." anented Kloyil, wlin hml kiowii huiiKiy wuIHiik lor hla fllelida ' 1'hiiae fellow, who mill" with me miiNi h ttiklna an extra ior-Hun ior-Hun of aleep thin iiioiuIiik I II lint will! miy loiiKer for Ihein." liown In Hi" Mtllltoom a hreukfmit wun tiervi-d, Iho eipinl of whlrh la not to In hml In nuy other rlly In the t lilted Mlnlea, iixreptlnn, peihnpa. New Oilemm lly Hie urn. r .. i . el llopklii. hud III llielr rliinreilea they were I'lin V.'BJIIIK aa old frleuda "Oh. look whoa arrived!" huml out Tonv the Tout, upon riilrhliiK nielli of r'loyd and lila purly. "If It Inn't tha I:i4 liiHinr. und 1 huven'l aei'ii hltn alm-e lliimhiirK wua a two year old." "And auy," whlnperei Tony. In eon-fldenllul eon-fldenllul liinea, "llud out lonlKhl what bumiieNN Hint youiiK innii who wua wllh you 1Mb nftei tiixin him with old Tom I'nmp. They wern off In a ror-uer ror-uer for a hunt lime ami If your Irleml am i aiime m Hnh he a apt to he hit." That ill Kill ntler dinner Floyd. In ronverauiloii with youiiK llotikliia, i-au-llouaty led Hie lulk up to Tom t'ump. and then naked Ihu tint fooled ipieiifton aa to whether llopklna had entered or waa about to enter Into nuy deal. "Well, I'm rather anhamed of It, be-cmiaa be-cmiaa It doua kailt Ilka a rnaikeil deal,' i returned llopklii.; "but I'm a lot loaer on Hie Kiime, II rut and liui, and It hnika like a i tiniirn lo net even, an I wna ao-ItiK ao-ItiK lo Inkn II. If you know auyililuic aliout Cump. you know he hua aoniti of tin heat hoiaea on Ihu Irnrk. Ilu auya he' heen In Imrd lin k till, winter and lout aeverul thotiMiiml dollura bin'kliiK the lino hunk. HI. pioiio.lllou la for me to put Hi f .'i.O'.o lo hi lp buck a lunik. He will pul Hi f r. tliiil of hi. own money, tunkluK a Kood airoiiK hunk roll. The hooka ato nil iiiuklUK money now, and henldea the eveii breuk ww would Ket lu on Hie reuulur piny; rump ana lie run IU a rure or two ho ww run win .oiue aiire money. He la eeitiilii Ihui wo run pull out l.'.'.,.HM) eurli In a week " Thnt nil lUlen. well." broke In Kim. I ' W'hiU'a the mutter wllh It?" ipie. tinned HopkttiM. "I don't know wliy I in tellltiK you nil Ihla. unywuy. You mlulii queer my autue for all I know." "No. I'll do tint hi nic of the kind," nil aweted Kloyd "Hut I II hi t you tlvo hundred now Hint If I don't ante you. Camp will lilm you for wh.iiover yuu put III. If II I aurh n ame tliinit, whul doea he wunl with a purtiier lo ahuiii Hie piollta? Any lime a mini ofTera you aoimihluK for nolhltiK. lock up your bunk roll nod keep your huml on your Jewelry. Iki ou lollow me?" "Ye, Ii doea look Hint wu." ut M.uti d Ho) kliin; "hut you aee he need, a 1 .l.ll.MI to mtike Hie hook mile, nnd he only hua iili.nii $:..uuii In r n.ly uuuiey Unit he rim luy Itta hnmlii on. 1'luit'. h) he w.llila mime one to rotue In with the hi her . .iiiii." 'l li t h Juki wh it Hi. ) nil mil. nnd niiw I 10 .'nil v llu-.'il Ihui oil me Ht'heil-illed Ht'heil-illed to he III" linn I." 1111 null lu .il I'll.) (I "Hid lie einln lo oii Juki how he wiiii rollu: lo pull off one of Hume ul-leue.l ul-leue.l mire llllli;i.r " Yen. Iheieil a line on the I'll III lo iiiuiiow In whlrh he hua u linr-.e en- tete.l Hill run Will. He IllMI ll.llllllU (he iitl oilier eonti-mler 111 the laie. IIm run thiow the nee to whlrhew-r Inline he tt.iniK to. Yuu kmif Hml' piMsllilo. .Ion I .Mill "' V. n. lie .'eu Kuril tlilim, dime. .In. I ' then ii,;., III l ie Keen ill. Ill full Imii.t I uuftlllx hind I run me iiom how j i'iikv It Hill he lur Mill lo break Hie i h.ii.l, nml koi yiiur ;,.iiuii on ope i.u-e. Chi u up to my looms nml I II In III. He llilo Hie lilt of lielllilli; Hie 1 . lilile riOMi. If therr'ii nuy rli.iure to ..i II ; und If there Imi I then ou d hel-ler hel-ler I.e. i on i f.iiuiii In Hie hank, or have u Itllstee npiiolnlfil lo look uftel-li uftel-li fur ou. You iiiuy he all nthl on a mliiliiK proKitlU.ii, hut there ute a lot of other thliH you've koi to I. am " Wtthlll la lliluillen h'lo.Ml. with the uld of the telephone, hud toeuted Touy I he Tout, mid In utiother hull hour that wite bim of ihu turf hud urrlved i Klod'n rooiitb, womleiluit for whul he wua wunied, und pluum d nil over lo ie aiiiumoiied lulu Ihu prenenre uf ao ijnt.1 a peitMinutfu. To T.n I i.i d lol'l Hi" proiKihltlot, .if ('altii al llii l.lliH had told It to him, ami iiii lieaiini: Hie proiIHoii 1 otiy I. I out n Iuiik laiu'h "Miy, It . )u-t n plain gam n' ilolihle rroi..." lls-i rled Tony. "Ile'l liienk Ih" h.nik und Ket your IVOik III mi" nn e nml Ihen t.il ou It wan a;i u llllHliike mid make oil Indleve p and Ho n he uxk you to iMk up nnotl er r.oou to Kel ev. n with. Why, in, I '.Id brother wouldn't bite on thnt oi ; hook " j ' Yea. do ou Hii ...m. I didn't kn., ill tlmf" broke In land with a itu . Hon for the talkatlie louy to abut ii(. 1 "Mhat I wunl ou for In to aee If w. run turn Hie tuhle. nud K't i'ampi ilul of the bunk roll." ) "I'm nfinld not," nmiwereil Tony "lle'n Worked thnt Kllllle four or flu tlui"H thu Neumiu and nlwaya r. aay wllh It. Ile a Kol a rexulnr cr.v, to ko on and mnke the hook nnd Ih' l all ainnd lu with the play I iiioa he'a told Mr. Ilopl.lna thai lie i oi put a iiiun 111 the box to look out lor hi llltereiltK?" "Yi". he mild I rould do Hint," . aeitted the yoitttt; mluliii; u.un "U l'l look nier Hint lure he m, h rould IU for lo nun low," w, the kuJ. den kiivk. hi In ii of Tony nn he preilmi'd u paper In whleh huh ii IUi oi Hi.. ra. Irle. for Hie next ila ta -en. "Ob. I've mil Hie old hell-el'" was the slid' ill II. Kleellll leithlll'tl. "He ,i rkbt nlioiit there helm: Just tun li.ue n the rnre with u i hanre lo win. tin nn nml put In the f..',,o.iii with him ami I'll lltletld III Die rent when I Kee )eu at the ttark to niorrow. .lust pm u one lii the box lo nee that no om rutin uwuy with the hank roll, und attei iimr tnee Weil hllle old r.itnp rendy lu lake the hli:h ille In. iii the lop of th. t. rry hiiul." "Whnt Ih Ii yonie koIiik to do"" wan the toiKpli loin. Imiulry of Hoi.' in "Never lltltid what I'm Koiin: ,. ,0; the IIIK Ikirlor will nlninl f..i whit 1 any, won't ymi. Ine?" "Yea. I don't know u Imt Ii Is. hut If you an. nine you run put It thimuti I II ml." nil. m half, of llui.l.u,- ,Li of the tailor) I'll Klve llopklii .' ln in (he uioiulut; for u half ol In. iv,.t es nml he lieedn't let C.iuip knua there In nuy one else In on the ileal. J.i k (iiiiiml run he Hie man lu the box iih lookout." When lio.vd arrived at iho i.u-e ti ark on the day follow hit; hi i,,ik with Hoiikum und Tuny he :iw u new lioiiktuaket'ii t.iau.1 lu Hie hue uiMlir I lie ahed of the hettlnit linK. lu this Hliiud wiih neale.l .lark ( h land, who wai supposed to he there an nil in HlMiuut lo the rnshter. Inn no klaiic-of klaiic-of rerounlllon liaKKed tH'tvleen the two. Klnyd aud llopklua uUo k e p, mt u.nurf me a,. ......... ua.lnis, nrrd to merl In a ie .i.ilrd tt "U ! 1 Kto.lildn Juki helot" th" laiu In llcli l ump had aim. am d thnl a H It ' aa to ha turned. I Arc you auie of Hint lout "' Wan Ho I jxlniin Impiiry of lloiklim whin he' d Floyd llinilly me. in i . .n. uHai. in ! ' Yea. he'd lime ho'h hn e r than ; HOW me down." wua the . piy. Now. I b.St diK-il I Hill p nay?'' I "lie . lie l.n liKtrmte.l Hie I. K.k i t tuk- In nil Hi" hem Hi. y ran I on Mdejnrk. He ha uriiiliis-l wl'h the l finer or Hint one to ioe nml h" will i in with hi. own hiu-e, la nn. ii r'lleeer. II" explain, thnl It llllullt ) Uhplrloiia lo Hie Jii.li;'. If h" dliln't i In Ihl. r " "Thnl iiieiinn." explulmd Floyd, illiil h Intend" Hint Applelink la to In nnd hl Iior" will be h.nten nut l ow iiiiii'i money have you Kol In i our pork. I?" "Oh. about I '.'Ml " "Well, ko In the rltiK nnd make five ! ion beln on l.ellton S..l"eer, hill 1 .n't liet It In our hook. Cmup htm j iv.ii liottriiiiiiiii. to bin iHHiktuaker. I. ..'Ive n 1.1m le the bent irlre on the j ilier fellow, home. He will have Dilllllllliiiloner. Illt'le til Ket til. own iii.li" down ipilrk mid b"i euoiu.h lo tin out Hie hunk loll on that one rare, riiut'a the wny lir a not II Hied lo win i n $.'..iin." The iwn nepniuted and entered Hie ye'tltiK rliiK from different end. of thai n. . limine. Floyd noil I Hint, true to hla prediction, the new purtner.hlp book had put up 2 to 1 on Applojurk while Hie oilier hook, were luyliiK n ahado lea I ban Hint prlre. A inuuieiit aftnrwarila he tioilred Hint the part-nerahlii part-nerahlii bookuinker ruhhed out the prlre, nuiiliil Aiplejurk. nniioiiiuiiiK that lie had nil ho wunied of It. Floyd knew by thin mIkii Hint rump had bet euotiiih of hi. own money lo win out thn money Hint wun In thu hook. Wnlk-Itm Wnlk-Itm quietly IhroiiKh Hie ilui;. he atopped Iouk eiiouuh In foio a number of book, to mnke neu ral iranid aired wnuera on laiuon Hipieezer. Ilu ul-rundy ul-rundy hml liven Tony $I,UUU lo wniier on the aumu home, Thi.iun I'nnip, be. Idea cettlnit nil Ihu money to be hud In hi. own hook, al.o hml waiKored hundred, on Apple Jack In other hooka about the rlim. aud wua aurprlHid lo note when he returned re-turned from the paddin k. where he hml Juat middled hi. hor.i d tilvru llual liialiuetloiia to the Jork. y, Hint the prlre ni-almit la'iiion Sipirejer. Iilnown liur.e, hud not koiih up In Iho helHllK Ho wua utiiiware thnt u lame amount of money bel by Floyd hud furred the pi Ice dow n. He hud no time to ItiveM tlKtitu, how-evt.r. ua Hie hort.ort nlt'eady were ut Ihu po.t, und he huiTled to a pulul of vautiiKO from which lie rould view thu nice. Acro.a the track In Ihu Infield Tuny thu Tout und Hunk llaiiln. owner ol Appli'Juck. atood HllklllK toKelller. Ikic Floyd. wnlchliiK the pair tluoimh hi. fleldKln.nea from the KiuiulMatnl. unw Touy puna a .mull puckuiie of book-mnkera' book-mnkera' Hi ket. to llaiiln. "They'ru off!" came the huzzliiK rry of the crowd lu rhotti. an the harrier over al Hie three ipiai ter pole w hined up und a field of elulu borne leaped lorwurd. The blue und while atrlped Juckul aud cup uf Applcjuik al.jwrd In L Hunt, wil l. a. xi in in , ..1 . . ... iMbllld cili'.e l.'lll.ll Mil"! r. im. . Lura.s li.naiin e.,i ). le nil! He.- I liu.i K"liu A i-.L.rtui ol th. ill.. am u I. touli Im; nelnl thai ll.e in." . bv lwe.li the llt.l IWO liotiea. ami Hie other wei atrm.H out In aii.K.e Hie. III the .ttiteh iiiuic Appl.ja. k. I. in j nitiK wilhoul eiTuit, wi:h la aina .s.pi", .. i within Mile inll. A auiil" ol Ion, I aHm Ill le.te.l upon I he lure 01 1 iiiii I amp, down at (he end of Hi. Hi a:i. Mam!, while Floyd loiinteti unre w u wonted look und youiiK Itnpklii. wu. ulnv.rliK In Ih" excite l.itinl ol lost nolle. There, und I llfieiieil lo ymi and your tout," he aald lu Floyd a. tiu aw Appl. J.n k lulling easily. ' W hi, It', noihlntf more Ihnn a pni n aaioli," llilillered Floyd. "And 1 would" have Mnked my Ik lit eve on Tony. Why, thnt hoy on Applejmk I. iielu-4 htm to diulh to win und the oth. r fellow don't ai iu to be tryhiK." "A plrj.lrk wins"' .honied the crowd an Hie blue nud while . tripe, punned under the wire n kimmI letiKth 111 f i out of Lemon Sipie.-r.or. "Thnt'. one time Hint I'm Hie gout." Illiltl.'le.l line Floyd lo llopklua. "I III nut ry I ateeri il you w rotiK. und will Ket you even. AIHioiikIi I Km an I'm lu a lew thnii-uind deeper tluiu you aie, I know I Knve you the wnmit ntrer and iiiii nor i ler for thnl than In. lux my own money. We are whlpanw.-d for fair. Camp win. out the hunk roll In the book Ulld we loan our Olltalde beta. AIN'T VOU WISE TO WHAT'S HAPPENED?" Como nn anil Irt'a get a bottle of wine. No u.e rryltiK over npllt milk now." The two men, drlnkliiK lurite KliiH.r of wine ut thu bur, paid nllKhl utlen Hon In a am h leu rheerliiK uiid rotiiiuo-Hon rotiiiuo-Hon on the otilalde. "I Kile., we put over a good one that time, didn't we?" Floyd looked around upon the mllliiK face of Touy. j "Why, you younii hound, I oiikIu to I break your head with HiIh bottle," he aald lu low hut duiip'rounly threuien j Inn tone. "Whnt'a the ninlter, pul? Ain't you . wiaii to whul a hniipem d?" 1 "No. whnt N It?" hroko lu youiiK j llopklua. unxloiialv, j "Why. Applejark wna illaipinlined for not havlhit up eiuunili w. kin. j Somehow or other Hank llaiiln wua' cureleaa 111 putiltiK Ills hud pad. to mnke thu extra weUlit uIoiik with the ' anddle. and thu Jorkey lost ten pound, j of lead while hu Wilri at the post. ('ate. less of Hunk, wunn't It? lies been! looklllK for n rhallre to double rros. j rump nml fell for my little nrhrtne i when I mid hltn how mmii moiiev we : would bet fur him on the other home." ' "And then we've won In the hook be-' .Idea the Hillside beta?'' exclaimed I voiiiik llopklii. aud.leiily realliiii; that Tony thu Tout had made Rood. "You ahotild have told tia how you wore koIik to pull It off," drawled Floyd. "Wo nearly had h. an lalluie. und you ruu't blatnu m lor doiihiuiK ou. ran you?" "Well, I've allowed you Hint 1 rould put one over, unywuy," returned Touy "And now, no far na I'm ronrerned, they rnn turn ull the rare trarka In the rountry Into unit link.. I'm koI'.k Into n decent rcapertnblu aiiloon busltie. bark home." (Cupyrltlil, 1X9, by W. a Chapman l |