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Show ' DECIDES "PIGS IS PIGS" i-:,:.:ih Board of Delaware City Declares De-clares That Educated Porkers Are Plsln "Hogs." Wilmington. Del -The Wilmington biiaid of health gme a true uppllrn tu. n to a well-know n story that "pigs I-- pigs" l-'or several weeks John Andrews nn niilmnl trainer, h.ia been putHng lo young porker, through all kind" ol sum t, with n new to placing tin in In vaudeville us Irniiieil pigs or selling tlimil lo ennui show mull. The x-t wuro gt-ltlng iilong luiiiousl) J ' , when a neighbor, who wua evidently clivloita of the Itnlner'a progrea., noH-II. noH-II. d Hie health olllclals thai hogs wero being kepi wllhlu the city llinlls, run trary to hiw. Health Olllrer I'lrlch began an In ti-.tlgulloii. and nl the meeting of Hie Hum il he made know n the facta. The hoard decided Hint II could not ilia-criiulnnte ilia-criiulnnte between trained and untrained un-trained porkers, and Issued nn order for Andtewa lo til. petite with them or leave the pn-nilset. |