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Show WANSHIP NEWS. WAN'S HIP, Sept. 6 Mr. Cowens and daughters Delia and lit ltd have returned to their I home in Salt Lake city after a pleasant visit of a week with thcia friends Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith. Mr, J. W. Anderson has gone into Idaho to look after the interest in-terest of his sheep. Miss Mabel Nans a:td Bro. Kcni.-lh havt been visiting friends here. Miss Mabel is always al-ways a welcome tiihitor in Wait-ship. Wait-ship. I. M. Hixsou was a special missionary here last Sunday in the interest of the Summit Stake Academy. Mr. Joshua Iiatcs made a business trip to Salt Lake last week. j- K ichel Hates who has b f ViMiitig het children in MiJ.in.1 Salt I.ake ban re-tu re-tu V hmiie looking fine. I'P I.iml.i Anderson of Idaho Ida-ho a i!itinkr telatives here. Ii-"l Atinis McMieh.iel lia! I vis jit'l ftiends. ; j l.caicst t.iililall was! ltsjS ttut.l.iy. It simply poured! jdort tir mi. ne tli. in on hour. Mf. Kltu.1 IVtetMiu ami Miss ni.iBchucie m n rit il in the Salt I LaktT'tnpIc on the 1st. The will tin: their home in Wan- ship tit the ltesent. Mrl. Hank of Minnesota is visiting at the home of II. PetcribtL Mi Bcsie Hlonilin was a was I vihitor in Wauship last week.', y ' WA5fiHII',Hept.-A very pleaa-ant pleaa-ant llltki affair occured at Vanhlp on thelth at the reaidence of IliHlmp Frank Tixiii, in the way of a aur-prlaepajtytorhla aur-prlaepajtytorhla mother, Mrs. Mar-a-aret S HUon, on her birthday. Tho dlnliiKtooui waa nicely decor ated, am) oovnra were laid for iff. g-ueat. Hulilea the Immediate family, fam-ily, weS) prtaent Mra. Ha rah J. Cap-on, Cap-on, Mit Iilia A. Fialier and Mra, A. E. II,1 Naff of Halt Uk, who cam to'kartaka In the f atlvillra of the occMloa. Not leant notlcllile a- noiiK lis) plranaiit feat urea, were th prea-nia, btowed by IovIiik friemlH, uld from Mr. Hlxaou'a chlldred. JA biiautlful (iold olinln, to remHihur of their conatant of-'"'''.'".'tybliih, of-'"'''.'".'tybliih, waa linked to-pettier to-pettier aanriiityrahd would n.afn aa bright tlia elegant, einlilem or which it wm a token. Alter piirtak-Inn piirtak-Inn of a iiioatellnlitfnl ami hoim-teoua hoim-teoua reput, which will Ioiik remain In tile uii'iiiuiy of the piirileipnniH. Tlio evciilnjwiiH npeut in pleaant reiuiuiHceiieiH, Hlnuimf and reel-litloiiH. reel-litloiiH. Th HWeet iiiiihIc waa lur-tiUhed lur-tiUhed by Mla llaxcl lllxaon. We wish Mra. lllxaon a continuation contin-uation of health, and the aweet coinpaiil hip of family and frleuda . for many year. j |