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Show Ediths jewels reposing therein for Important toprotection. He had protested against rtoua. Where our assuming such sresponsi Bllliy , and urged their Immediate return to their owner, which proposition 1 declined to consider, and the argument waxed hot, ending with SB emphatic assertion on his part that we should not be allowed to leave home again without tr guardian. This had been tho fast straw, and I had replied wib an asperity which called ToTthe remark at the .beginning of this chapter. Look here, he resumed, flrioty. Im not going to back down on one word I have said, but Im sorry If you are angry fcbout It. I think ou dont quite understand my motive. "Let us talk of something else, Mr. Bennett. But listen, Miss Elise. By your own admission, you really know nothing By whatever about these people. ELLA MIDDLETON You forget that they are older friends than yourself, after alt. TYBOUT The general asked me to call; otherwise I should not have ventured to intrude. His manner was decidedly stiff, and Dhutrations by Ray Walter he Jerked .the tiller resentfully; as we changed our course In swift response, exclamation escaped smothered against my will, for the boat careened alarmingly. SYNOPSIS. Dont be frightened," he said, for"I wont upaet Three frlrlx Elizabeth, Gabrlelle and getting hla irritation. EU sc atari) d (or Canada to attend the vou. summer there On board steamer they Im not frightened." ere frightened by an apparently demented stranger, who finding a bag belonging And dont quarrel with me any g to one of them, took enjoyment In a photo of the trie. KUe Shared more. I wont have ray morning her stateroom with a Mrs Graham, also spoiled by any" confounded Englishbound for Canada The young womrt on man." a sightseeing tour met Mrs Graham, had who a was her woman, I murmured, not It husband, anxiously awaiting J si mania for sailing They were introman." a Edith and to laird tlfrtd duced Lady We both laughed,, and by common A cottage by the ocean was rented by the trio for the summer. Elisabeth consent let. the matter drop for the learned that a friend of her fathers was for I was quite willing to to call Two men called one of them time-beinstranger on the resume the lazy, delightful, cama being the steamer. The girls were "not at hothe," but discovered by the cards left that one raderle Into which we had drifted, and of the men wss Elisabeth's father's to banish unpleasant subjects which friend. The men proved to be John C. A wisp of might Interfere with it. Fluke and- Gordon Bennett yellow hair from Mr. Grahams pocket So we talked or were sllept aa the fell Into the hands of Elise Mrs Graham's hair was black, lstdy Edith told spirit moved, while the the waves the girls of a robbery of Jewels at own lapped against the boat, and the hotel. Fearing for the safety of her gems, she left them In a safewasat the cot- water danced in the sunlight, with properly cool green shadows here and theje, tage. Mr Gordon Bennett Introduced, explained his queer actions,deep and unfathomable, as shadows returned the lost bag and told of mystertous doings of a year before connected should be when the oce&nlles beneath with the cottage Exploring the cellar, them. one of the girls found a sphinx the exact counterpart of which both he said, at last, Do you know, Gordon Bennett and La1y Edith were I have ,ln "that. d .myiK,8segalos..jBome: akmecex-ploreto "found the cellar, overhearing a conveto you? rsation there between Mary Anne and a thing belonging Oh, I said, with what I flattered man. He proved to be her son, charged with murder. Thl young women agreeda Edith told to keep the secret. Ladyconnec Mon with in tory of a lost love Gordon Benand the sphinx key EUseEdith and Mr. Granett discovered Ladv a marvelous ham, the latter displaying w hich was a At voice supper baritone held on the rocks Elisabeth rather myscausing a search teriously lost her ring, Mrs Graham told party by the entire Elise of her husband's mania for sailing and of hours the night. Gaat all witnessed a day scene between brlelle stormy and Lord Wilfrid, red roses Lady Edithcause latter's anger the of the being Anne brought back Elizabeth's Mary ring. CHAPTER Xl Continued. It wa Mary Anne," she said, In Isnt she answer to our questions. the dearest old thing? To think of her simply rooting round among the yocka ..until . ha found It! And she wouldnt take a penny of reward. I think I really hurt her feelings when ' I tried to Insist on it. I never was so ' glad to get anything In my life, for you know how I valued that ring.1 When did she find It? I Inquired. "I have Just come back from the rocks. , But Elizabeth was above mere de- -' SERIAL: STORY 1THEI SMUGGLER aru-tlnlzin- V queer-actin- g me, because I am eo-did you get your scarf- - pin?" DISTRICT . acarfpin?" My " - - OF COLUMBIA -- ENGINEER " His hand involuntarily sought hla throat, hut be was wearing a negligee shirt auil soft silk tie.. . The Oh. I dont mean Sphinxs head, you know, lu dull goJL Where did It come from? , It was a simple enough question, i and one easily answered, hut Gordon beneath his I flushed deepj-ethe boat up beside tan and the slip In bileut-e- . Well? In retaliation for his persistence In the matter of the Jewels, I was deter-- 1 mined to press the question, now that I saw he wished to avoid a reply. My pin? Oh. yes, I remember. Im glad you liked it. Im not sure I liked It; it Inter-- 1 eats me. to-da- auick Return to Prosperity Adverts Factor to Financiers Over $80,000,000 Cold Exported Since Jan. 1. 8ared as -- In analyzing the tinan rial situation 0f the government w)cli involves the question of wh ther or not an Issue of three p r esnt one year certificates shall be used to replenish the woiking ba! nee in the students ot treasury, finance In Washington regard a too qui k of prosperity as an ad Wh V ver e Lutor The export of gold I Ilk would Oh. because It did. whuh shows no sign of diminution at to know where you got It he present time, Is also being care-full'"Well I found It. watched with a view to ascertain "Where? Ing its teal meaning and probable ef Again a pause, and again the blood feet on business later mounted to his face b peak ing, anything which Generally "Where did you And It? I would will serve lo reduce greatly the wArk : . really like to know mg balance In the treasury from $3?.- In the streets of New York. 000 Wo its present stage, would be. His eyes refused to meet mine', and viewed with concern. It Is I knew Intuitively that he lfed; also derstood that the treasury" department 1 that he realized knew It. has high huperTbat the Increase In I said no more, but stepped out on customs' duties, supplemented by a the slip with tightening tamalVmerch'aBta of the muscles of my throat and a for w(wWlar Bver tliMdiut xjUiaytua. I. O. curious sensation that everything was tble balance about where it nowkeep la rhotugrxpfe twrtgl,t by Maj. William 'V. Judson la the engineer commissioner of the District et slipping away from the. during the summer 4a recognized as a leader in the engineering profession. Ho Good-by- , I said, dully, as I reached Taking the gold reserve aa an Indi- Columbia, and the steps, and he raised hia cap In - cation of the trend of financial condi it devoting much of his tlmo at present to a careful study of tho oubjsct of the safety of public buildings. lence. tlotis, it is not generally known that At the top I paused and looked back, over JsO.OOO.OOO gold has been exfor I thought I heard my name. He ported from the Inlted States since sat bareheaded In the stern of hla January 1 last. Thin outgo can be boat, gazing after me, but .made no partially accounted for In that apeffort to attract my attention nor to proximately $30,000,000 went to South follow me ashore, so I decided I waa America for coffee loans, while, withtheir crops rather than to become the mistaken and he had not called me. I in the laat two months. Japan has in Protest to wares of a few milliners. wished he had. I wanted to go back bought more than $10,000,000 in gold Thousands Join From several friends and appreciaand ask him to explain, but pride for-- 1 at San Francisco instead, of buying In Stay Governments Hand. I ra te of bird llfetnoney baa been aent I to walk and resumed the bade, my London, as formerly Should Japanese to be devoted to fighting the milliners, house with my bead as high In the I continue these purchases at the same whoee commercial backing baa enair as I could get it, hoping to Imprest I rate this act would, of course, have a him with the dignity of my exit and I algnlflrance apart from mere financial Proposed Disposal of Bird Plumas abled them, with a staff of lawyers, to I Seized by Custom Officiate to the - urge Uncle Sam to traffic tn theee-calp- a coasideratlona general air of frosty disapproval. of mother birds. Elizabeth called to me as I passed I The balance of the exports, amount- Milliners Resented In Nearly to prevent any further poerf- Plana, the door of her room, where she .was j Ing to nearly . $400.000.000. remains EveryState of the government profiting by bility reposing luxuriously on her couch, unaccounted for and financial atudenta sale ot these egreta already arw the book tn hand. hero believe that It indicates a reNew York. Shocked by the thought being made In thla city. State and Did you have a good time? she dundant currency. Of Uncle Sam selling the 7 nuptial Acting on this belief they bare plumes ot many mother birds, butch- federal officials are to be warned of Inquired, with Interest. matNo, I returned, briefly; horrid." reached the conclusion that If pros ered In the mldat of tbelr young, the urgency of their duty in thla ' made effort the and by pe every ter, of the which were left to Thats too bad. And oh. look at perlty. following the passage thousands alarve, cm are I lawa atatea lax In where your nose! How did you ever get so tariff law, starts too rapidly It may jf Americana have Joined a movement pie ' I be followed by a sharp reactionary of thla point to obtaln legislation forburned? protest against such a disposal of Elizabeth has a straight little nose I movement In the fall. A tendency to the egrets seized by the custom bidding the aala of egreta by governwhich Is my envy as well as my admi-- 1 speculation is especially feared on the house In this city, which the govern- ment officials. I the , In New York state ratjon, and she Is always very careful theory that any undue frenzy of spec-t- ment has just ordered to be sold here. officials whose attitudeparticularly wa the chief so guard It from too Intimate an ac-- 1 ulsllon, with paper money From almost every state In the cause given by the government for rewith the sun so I knew J dait, may create a disturbance which union acorea of communications have versing ita former decision to destroy I would react business. on her exclamation was occasioned by been received by the National Asso- the coutraband heron plumes, will be genuine sympathy. Nevertheless, I reciation of Audubon Societies offering urged to take every possible action to cold cream her of and fused offers support and urging action to prevent prevent a repetition, of wbat Is called other first aids to the complexion raththe nation from engaging in this busi- the "national disgrace through the er ungratefully and went on to my ness which the milliners are instat- Empire state. folshe ' promptly room, where We are in thla fight against bird ing upon. By It lax legislation and lowed me. , , vwvwsaas fa w enftirwuiwi r agate wr,vne"iww ,Tiorriirytw",'royr-'ea- M t Did Mr. Bennett say anything butchers the Empire state la alone re- Dutcher, president of the National Asabout she asked, as. she Alsponsible In this Instance for thus sociation ot Audubon Societies. seated herself on the foot of the traffic In though the milliners may appear to making the government ' No; why should he? tbeae spoils, it la declared. have won a temporary victory tn InYou dont mean to say you have heron sisting that our government traffic In While these plumes costly ' forgotten? tbeae tropblea of the wholesale butchto bouse custom are the held here at Forgotten what? be auctioned off, hundreds of wive ery of mothera leaving their young to -"Elise, 'Sometimes I thtng'you must and mothers in this city and through- starve, we believe the country will be be in love or, rather, I should think out the country are organizing a pro- soon aroused to combat this disgrace so were It any other girl. Dcnt yon test. Backing the Audubon worker to the whole nation. know that we give a dinner Now that the people are waking FedIn this movement the National Our very first formal effort, to cele-la .up to the economic Importance of bird q Cluba Women's of eration already I 8aid 8 lowly. brate Lady Ediths birthday V "Wa Must Got Homs, we shall arrayed, as well as many sportsmens protection we feel sure that I turned, brush in hand, and stared our to every aupport soon Jruly rally and waa "I think fine organizations r. Indifference, myself grange.whoe, T had indeed forgotten, almembers want the birds to protect patriotic citizen of America. you must be mistaken. I have not though our menu for the occasion had lost anything." andour toilets decided I was bareheaded, for I liked to DUCKS CLEAN UP OHIO TOWN upon that morning at breakfast. feel the wind blow through my hair, I waa concerned thats why and as It curled naturally I was com about your nose, continued Elizabeth Lakevlew, O, Installs a Corps at fortably certain that my personal ap- cheerfully, and your neck, too, for I Michigan Farmer Secures Injunction when a neighbor, who waa 'evidently Whits Wlnga to Whom Nam I pearance would not be endangered by that matter, for envious of the trainers progress, notiRestraining Teacher from ft course': you must I Applies Literally. so doing. I wished, however, that my wear an fied the health official that bogs were to Son. we all and igown, evening Talking hat waa firmly pinned upon my head want to look welL You had t being kept within the city limits, conreally bel-- 1 Bellefontalne, O. The white wing as he leaned forwards and -- looked. at to law. J - Detroit, Mich. that cream stuff. Lily and other trary Alleging of the Town of Lakevlew, near hero, tertrylhecold me, his blue eyes laughing, and Health Officer Ulrich began an In- are literally white wings now.- - Thejra I did not refuse, for I had j Burden, a Flint Rock school teacher, Is This time dimple In hla cheek very apparent, 1 and vestigation, and at the meeting of the ducks. a mental vtslon of my face, as the j so persistent In her ' always thought .jJJjpples so out of has such influence over the mind of board be made known the facta. The ot the deb finances the It d from the village Recently rising I because' place on a hil son that there is grave danger of board decided that it could not dis- fell to ruch a low ebb that It was Imhave none myself and always wanted lcate lace of my white frock, and the jJ not me. I So becoming Insane, Ernest D criminate between trained and un- possible to longer employs street did ' spent please picture them. 1 the afternoon In anointing my unfor-- Shove., a Browntown farmer, was trained porkers, and Issued an order sweeper, so his service were diss aren't your "Why tunate countenance, and reflecting granted an Injunction by Judge Dono for Andrew to dispense with them or pensed with. ' Bllll there remained mates be Inquired. fewdoMnrs tltteimfBair th'farifetngrfle seetsaAntas the yeungtjanmaa. Because I Ukethem best this way; him as a specie rather than as a per-- 1 from calling upon the younger Shove the aldermen proposed that the money I tried to speak carelessly, but his and determining to let him from holding any conversation with, FAMOUS AS MODEL SERVANT be invested Ip a flock of ducks which . Btroallty, so waa and spontaneous laugh merry even and also from doing anything to gain would forage In the streets and eat that I gave op all effort at pretense severely alone in the aabstract,course j Worn- - the rubbish. affections of the young man. York New to while Given Distinction upon proper meditating and Joined In heartily. 1 The father alleges that his son, who -- and -Of discipline for the Individual; Lean ducks an with One Family for Fifty-When are you going to give It back j I but 17 years old. has been back Years. In the streets. loose (TO be continued.) Seven turned Straight They to me?" I asked. ward In school. Using this as an started In to eat the waste from the Not yet," he said, suddenly serious. MASTERS OF EVASIVENESS. cure, he says. Miss Burden gae him New York. With a record of 67 strer ts.ab one end of town earijr la J'I must return It in my own way, and private lessons. In this way, he aaya. consecutive years service in one fam- the morning and. eat to the other I do not think the time has come, Bedouin's Answer Typical of the Peo- - I the wepnan gained such an influence ily, Yetta Steinberger la considered end, when they are turned backward do you?. over the aon that his-- ' mind was com the model servant by the several gen- or shifted to another street. pie of the ,East. But I did not answer, for I felt my pletely under her control. He said she eration of the Isaac Kurtz family, face grow suddenly hot, and someDead Bride Telle of Angela, far east, when men converse so Influenced the young man that he who are now celebrating the anlver-aartimes one has nothing to say when one together, an evasion la equal to an has become temporarily Insane, and Dee Moines, la. Mrs, Walley Ole- r most desires to speak. answer. Riding down to Egypt over vas, confined for several months in Isaac Kurtz was walking through son, a young bride of Marshalltown, We must go home, I said, slowly the old caravan route from Jerusalem Elolse. He was recently discharged Battery park 67 years ago when he was pronounced dead by an attending The morning has quite gone. Take to Cairo, Norman Duncan and a party as cured, but no sooner was he out stopped to Inquire of a young girl physician and the family waa standing me In. please. pitched their tents outside a Bedouin than the teacher again took up with why she wept. She told him that she about her bed mourning when she awakened.'Tfie This time he made no objection, hut village and by ao doing offended j the youth, with the result that he Is waa hungry and had no home, and family aaya. arms about her hua- - -Throwing-h- er headed for the shore, and 4s we ap- against the laws of hospitality which again in her toils, the father asserts was unable to obtain employment The father declares that the affair be exclaimed; Oh, Walley, proached the little slip he turned with the people so religiously maintain. He took her to bis own borne, and band an evident effort and addressed me Mr. Duncan, writing tn Harpers Mag- - j between hia son and the- teacher - she has remained ever since, ive come back to tell what I saw. if thereI soberly. say that he waa obliged to turn atrd such a scandal two years ago ministering faithfully to the succeed- waa dead and met bx father and the Miss Elise." he said, at the risk aside their reproaches and avoid the that she waa asked to resign her post ing generations of the Kuril family. angels. It waa so grand that Ive g come back to take you with me. ot offending you again, 1 must say abominable quarters which were still With these words she sank back upon Short Sentence for Burglar. offered. Turning to his guide, something more. . -- Dont, I entreated; Its not worth he said: "The man must be diverged. I DECIDES bed and never breathed again. Sam her Smith, Wyo. facing Cheyenhe; PIGS IS PIGS a score of burglary charges, who waa while dont, spoil the mornings You Ask him If the world la round or Messenger Buttons Belles Dress. know you said you did not want to flat.! The reply was a pure phlloao-tiher- a Health Board of- - Delaware City De-- - shot twice in a desperate attempt to Washington. A new role for A. D. was five sentenced world to Jewel of the east If the do that. Escape arrest, Clares That Educated Porker T. boys was developed the other night Give back that box to her Lady is flat, came the response, after hours In the penitentiary and to pay Are PlalnHoga." one of these young Mercuries, when 4t f uLJlifllL contc3t;-!Edith ITyoir dOB0t77rticert heavy poudef tug;'! sin TocaT cbmpany7 was Tnthmiiloy'oTYf And Smith has passed the last year m summoned to a fashionable talnly regret it. But if you wont. In le round, it Is by Gods wisdom. Del, The Wilmington Wilmington, apartment . aplte of wbat 1 tell you, for heavens the men softly applauded. In their board of health gave a-- true applicat- hospital and Jail, awaiting trial. His , sake don't mention it to any one- - as pleasure forgetting their Injury, for- ion to a story that pigs sentence 1. the shortest ever imposed The girl, whose maid had deserted In Wyoming. you did to me this morning to the getting everything except the Joyous Is pigs. . an hour or ao before sbe waa due her Grahams, for Instance, or any one native craft of words For several weeks John Andrews, dinner party, needed an assistant a at ' . Big Orange, Crop. at all. so animal trainer, has heen putting v New Orleans. Louisiana will enter to button her dress up the back. I am not likely to say' anything, Nevgr Satisfied. two young porkers through all kinds .Not being able to find anybody else, I very much re Make a min a present of a I returned, stiffly. to placing mto keen competition rith Florida of stunts, with a view the orange business sbe summoned a messenger, not re- gret having mentioned it to you. By automobile, and the probabilt)ntn in vaudeville a tratned pigs or apd Calllornlaln the wSy, I continued, I quite forgot ities are that he will regret that ti seUng them to some showman. The this year Growers believe the crop veallng the nature of the service for which she Intended him. affair. something important At least it la Isnt a wre. getting i along - famously will come close to 600,000 boxes. - jior'ui FIGHT EGRETS SALE white-cappe- cult-butto- n, puecBS.-aiXfrKlls- , i c.- 4 'T tails. It doesnt matter when she found It Is here, she said, and Is ready. I feel hungry enough so long as it dinner to eat the tablecloth." So we went to dinner and were we each served by .Mary Anne, whom insisted congratulated "tn turn, and-1- upon her describing the very spot where she found the ring. Sure, Miss Elise, she said, It was down on them rocks where I spread yer supper last night. Between two stones It was, and like as not you walked over It time and again. Be thankfuL now'thatTIts ere aud donT werrit yerself ow I appened to pick up them particular stones. "Thats true philosophy, agreed Gabrlelle, "and anyhow leta talk about something else. I want to tell Elizabeth about - Lord - Wilfrid, - and - the ' I - to sea. CHAPTER XII said Gordon Bennett, "you know your own affairs best. I am glad you have come to such Sensible conclusion. I replied, lean Ing over the edge of the boat and trailing my hand in the water although I knew such an act la always Irritating to the one who manipulates the sail. And no doubt you think I'm a very fresh sort of a chap. I preserved an ostentatious alienee. I am answered, he said with vexed laugh; "found guilty on my own Indictment But I hoped yon wowld not agree so unreservedly. I wiped my hand on my handkerchief, spreading the latter to dry In the sun, and looking- - out to sea with apparent absorption In the horizon, One ear and one side of your face are very red., Ik It sunburn or wrath?" The aun Is hot, I replied, with alac ,rlty. "Perhaps we had better, go borne. Will you ateer for the shore? Not on your life! I've got you out here now, and I Intend to keep You are powerless, madem you. olselle. I knew I was, and raged inwardly, WeJha4Jbeenjpending Jhe morning on the water, a not Infrequent occur - rence of late, and until the introduction of a certain unfortunate topic I bad enjoyed myself Immensely; for the day was perfection, and my companion thoroughly understood the management of his boat, aa well aa the art of being agreeable. The conversation bgd somehow Irifted to the robbery at the hotel, and I had thoughtlessly mentioned the afe in our dining room and Lady Of course, . - abun-qnalntan- MSS 1 1 At-he- been-discusse- d WOMAN MUST NOT MAKE LOVE love-makin- g glass-reporte- ' r " ' side-comb- were--brou- ght y In-th- e sud-den- - cre-azln- Gon-bein- , iua well-know- n M ' four-cylind- ly t ' |