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Show Simplex is Superior fli- Simplex ia the firat hand aei-1 anter that can be unit In dalryiiinu d lull like any other piece of ta.iid.inl machinery without havliu: I'J .-.' .i-i.-i. ally e-.iiii' buck t" the f'Wtui y for al lent inn and a.l)ulm-iit. In hi i. l -oi I the advanlau-e. ol l a-S. i I'.ulaiicliiK llnwl lire: 1- ll.e h. ml w ill alwiiya mil al Ih li .1 true, even If mil of u La- local halllllt-e. 1 1 V.. ii H the apllldlea ahoiild he- ' cine lt"hlly airilllk by acc. il' n. Il w III not inlerr- -' u Itli ' " (I. e I lllillill).' 1-1 Ihe how I. I- A- Ho- machine w. ai. In-lead i hccnmiii". tmi-y ami riitininii I it'l- r. a In tl hi Mvle me- - n.iiilcnlly bahinc.'d ; ina-el.iiio.lt ina-el.iiio.lt will aluaya run fie- ly cii.l i II. ly. I p- rielli-e alinwa thai llli'Self- biilaiieliiir ".-implex." Sapar-. i ' . t inn- cii-icr with coin Inn- -I I..- s. Il lialancinu iuiplex" i. n..t .., ,en,ii,. ,.r .1, Ik-ale, 1 i'.,ulrin,- the line a.lJiiKtnietil of other machine,, which I' pen, mi tu. chalilcal bnhilu e, l.-r Ih-'ir riiiiulnu. ! The wear and tear onlhebfnr- inn-, ifenrluit, etc., la, In the IniiK run, much h w ith the i '' "laui'liiK "Simplex" be-! rnuae ui-ial of the w ear III other liiai hiiiea enmea fr.nn the rnutih ruiinliii; of Ihe how l, w hich j luulllpliea Hie friellnu and rauaea Hie inacbiiiea lo run ' harder and brlint Inereaaed w ear on every part. |