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Show KAMAS NEWS. 1 KAMA-, S.pt. 7 Mm. Jol ii I'aek has I hi n and is still quite ill. Mrs. Mamie Rohertson is still ' in Salt Lake City with her little liny Mis te is heinj; treattd hy Dr. .Siaulli i ami is improving. ' The Y. I.. M. I. A. nre m .k-my .k-my pn pat.ltioiis to hold a nener- a! U'.ud SiH-ial on the eveain; of Annual Day Sept. 14 th. The niyht Mr. Merit N. ',,.k rr turned home fiom Salt Ipke City the same niylit his danli-ter danli-ter liva also came from Kicli-iiiiuid Kicli-iiiiuid w here she has heen fot six weeks ;it her cousin's Mrs. Ru-lus Ru-lus l'ack, lormerly of Kama. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Smith also al-so came from Salt Lake City and left for the Reservation Monday. Mr. Smith's brother and family of Mill Creek were with them, moving to nuke there home 011 the Reservation Mr, Don K. l'ack returned home Saturday. For months past he has been At Mars, Arizona Ari-zona for his health. His condition con-dition is much improved. Killers Win. Hudson, John K. Lemon, Marion Fraxier iud Win. II. Riusel of the High Council nttended Sacrament meeting Sunday in interest of the Summit Stake Academy. School opened yesterlay murium;. Mr. Day is princbal; his wife Mis. Day will teach in the second room and Miss. ,Cer-trude ,Cer-trude McCorniick of thij pace has the primary room. This is Miss McCormick's first year at teaching. The last two years she has attended the University f Utah nud the .summer ichool there this .summer. The year previous she was nt the Ilrirhnin University. We wish her success and enjoyment in her laSori. Mr. nud Mrs. J. Carlos Lambert Lam-bert have jjoue to L-i;an to attend at-tend the AricuiUii.il Colite. Two years ai;o Mr. Lambert taiiKht the school here fur his lit st time aftet graduating from Itrihani Young University. and last w-ai was pi iuciple of a livjjo school ot Kauab. He now intends in-tends specializing on agiieiilttir-lines agiieiilttir-lines and his wif,- t,, 'oiir.se in Domestic Sciciier. ,rs. I. .milieu's sistet. Mi,s Cl.ulys -1 ymour intends joining tlicin vioi: nud will take .1 special nurse- in music, cugli.sli etc. Saturday and Sunday we had off weekly tain. Suudav na.s vetv cold and the clouds now indicate no clear up. This odd lingeting stm m hasgu-.uij dj,,,. aged the hay. "HunsTi kS Ci t it" S.i'.ntday night .it llw.. U's Cllll.'s l.g.,',.,: Plof. Will. Stcw.it t ,.i ;!u. -. M lsity of Utah g.ie lent lictuie nn 1 iltii at ;.in. The attendance al the m,ft. tug was not as good a, it should have been owing pethaps t0 tl,c stormy night and also through it not being ptoperly iit.tilaua Mr- Dean A. I'.uk of p icealso fuinished !"hti n,us. ic. Klder t'.i'o. Johnston and Al-r.o Al-r.o Marchant of the Y. M. M I. I. A. Stake Hoatd att.ndi the Conjoint Session heie Sun- J day nignt iu interest of Jlhe Y. 1 M. M. I. A. Mr. Charles W. Seymour has' broke up house keeping, and is renting to Mr and Mrs. Day, the school teachers. No oeli'liratlon wim ilono liere nt on Labor Iy not evun to a iluii'-. i in tlia evening. I . 1 1 n iia 111 mi |