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Show Dr. J. S. Caldervvood ! i Resident Dentist j of ! oalville ! OMIec Hour to li n.in a tn f '.m. j .Surrri or j J. Don Birch, j lira June- f. f I. County Surveyor Surface anJ UmlcigfounJ Stir-' vcying. 1IOYTSVII.I.K. - fTAIlj .that racier. ! Edward H. Rhead Al-iru. t-r 'f J'iil f--r Siiininli , Cunni. I n.l. r ii.ii.ih Hold 1 Real Estate, Insurance, iarm Loam nun- ,ii n.-i-i. t... cmIviii-. I I'tali. I - "'' I I'iisician and Surgeon O.W.FRENCH, - Physician and Surgeon Oftlce In Summit M", Coalville onice Hour, from ii to 4 l- ni. All who ean h"l'l nlmerve theae hour ox near a pomibU-. .Htoriicis-at Lair. p. H. NEELEY ATTORNEY-ATLAW Coalville. Utah 'Phone 4 1 Red. Secret Society. oalville Lodge No. 28, I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday Evening in Jones' Hall. Visiting Brothers Cordially Invited. J.I'.l'I.UtK.N II W 11. HTiK-K MAS. V.C1 J riUTII, H-Hjr. W M. WKt.HII. Tnii-nrcr. Soliiry ruMle. C. R. JONES, Notary Public Resident AgentFireman's Fund Insurance Companv . of San Kraiiclai-o Mary Ann B Clark (at the li aker'i.' is the Agent for Summit County for m Semitic r order I can till them fur v on. Coalville, - l!llll Butter wrappers (printed) withe wit-he charged for at this oflice ul the following rate: For 500 $1.25. For 1000 fj.oo. For 5000 fb.oo. W. H. Robinson ..BARBER.. h you want a First-class Hair-cut or Shave, call on roe, , East Side Main St., Coalville, Ut. ii Fads for Weak Women Nin-ttntht o( all th tlrknetf ol women li due to inmi derantfemenl or dlt r of the orfanj ditlinotly feminine. Such irknct n b cured it cured very da? by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. li act. dimtlron th. orjami affected and it at the am llim nral rlof live lonio lor Ihr hol y.lcm. Il cum Irm.ilc cniripliiinl r.lit inih. privacy dl home. It make, unnecc.iirv tli. d.Miitf ciil'l. quralioniiul. etaminalinna and local lrratm.nl no universally imtttcd upun by distort, aud ao abhorrent lo av.ry modr.t woman. W ahall not partietdarir.a her a. In h ymplom. ol W 1 tbo peculiar affection inc. lent to women, but tho.e ( T wanting lull inriirmation a to tlicir ..Mtiptoni and 0 mean, ol poitiv. cure ar referred to the I'coplr'a Com- 1 mm Sine Mr.m-,1 Ad i.r- lli pair, ncwlv ri-vucd J and up-to-djte lililion, tent frrt nil receipt nl ?1 one- JSWlM I 1 rent atantpa to cover co.t o! Dialling .ar; or, in clutti K9 binding lor M Mump. F r -V ilff A.l,l... Dr. H. V. Merc rtulT.it... N. Y. . WaVaatirT v McCALL rATTTRNS j I rirtxah ti nr pcrfrrt fit, ImpllcHf inl tcluttihtr nrtulr ) yrr, Koia tn nniiy I fry fttv i)l town In lri Vriinl M.tlr nl l'4nnU, or tT null dlrsKt. M..r .ol,t Dun tnf otltcr mulie. fcrtid lor tttt cUtuuc. McCAI.LS MAGAZINE Mm sqUniU-u tl4ti in ell-rr fa.hlnn m-i;aiifi-ntlllin nionth. lnluMttr. 1 .1 lam -rwlnp, lnry tirnllrwotli, li ilnlrr-aitiir, ffliqurllf, t'Htl .tutlrt, fir. Only Ui rrnl r4r ( north .loubir), iiirliitlit.f rr p-ttrm. .ul..rilH tLd-y, or irnj t-.r .in.,1. (ui7, WONIXItMl INOITtMFNT! In Airrnta, I'.isl il tfini; rtfrrnuiili CttAlOL'UI nr. ,1 iiriv i.h -. n.lr... A-l-itCi. THI MrCAU CO, 131 ! 141 W. I7tk St., NIW VOBK BLISS y FOR SPRING ILT.S Springtime is sicktimc. Purify the blood cleanse the system by the simple and effective roots, herbs and barks contained in DT IPC NATIVE DLtlOO HERBS The cost Is but a hnlf-a-cent a day to rid the blood of the poison that causes Boils Pimples and other Skin Eruptions, 200 Tub-lets Tub-lets for $1.00. A Guarantee Guaran-tee to cure or money back. Ask for a Htiss Almanac and learn fully about this old-fashioned remedy. , Made by BUSS in Washington, Wash-ington, D. C. FOR SALS BY K. Henry Seamons, Hoikport, Utah I .i Wedo only k I jirhilltiB. Can ire do vnur-r I rleea are ri;ht ou Can't De A (.lood Sumtnl hrnter Without The T mi:. 1 i aJLa1tlo L,ycetim L. W. MEYERS, Mgr. Extra Good Bill every night next week. " Gome and give us a trial. We are sure . to please you. '."V Admission 10c jfivst IRatlonal 3Sanh (i:-labll-he.l May l"th. I'.miVI ; . - ". Cnpttal, 523.000 r - Surplus $."t ,000 j - ' W'e pay 4 per cent interest on l ime Di'posibi. 'c ntliiil yolll palmnane. jamii riNaitil fmi.iinii Lrr.D ai oNouie-. 'w-r-- ttLACNMAN. V.l f Paf a PRANK PINOaEI I, rl Vk ... !. ata au a f a4-a ft - .f ,' a it .. Mcil ta .' m a.a - I Grand Millinery Opening! x l H SEPT. 10th, o Trimmed llati, the finest assort- H JJ mrnt I have ever carried. Come and see them. j My School and Street Halt are now on display. MRS. M. E. RHOADES, Miliner fj g 'PHONE 41 LACK. g j It is Economy to Get the Best 11 ' A cheaply made aewliiK inachllie la dear at any price, he-M 1 cauan faulty In action, liable lo break and difficult, tn operatn 11 THE EST NEEDLES 11 fcj Villi A I.I. MAKI'.S of aewlnic niai-hlii'a are iodide by Till 11 Hlnner Maiiiilneliiicrlim '"., and auld by mo, l DON'T USE POOR OIL , n Kor ne mi io-wIiik inai bun a, wrlilng: i , , i.i(.v,.i, ....J all purp.H.ea re,,ulrli.ir a line uhrloa- . '' ''""' j: ""'"- Hii.K-r on 0lly ;;;; ,ai r.:. . 'A V' hlon-a. " I ' ' N. J. PETERSON, Coalville, Agent for Summit Co. I. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR j FALL COATS and DRESSES f I AI. 1. SALMON ! a We Invite t the Farmers I i . t of this county and vicinity to $j j call and see our large stock of 1 absolutely ..Guaranteed Twine., ? We are prepared to take care of the I f i & Summit County trade. $ I ' i Coaville Co-op I I |