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Show i ta:. ctrtw ei:a ea- m rs . . n w ro -cr et;ia ta e HOME S NEWS ; tarn: ta-xt; ct ta a Comment, tt a ii cj ta u,-a ' I For Sal.-I li-np. A l-nn)o nn. I In -1 r i 1 1 u -. Kniiilr- lit I'll- .tli Kor S.I.-C.rn.T l-ii.-l. luui-.-. lun n uii-l i-lii,-k-n I . . i-fl.v in M. li- f -r r. il. Ilaii. r. lo.t -I'.ny ll.-i-i-. w. l.lii nl... hi I.-Ihr. I.-Ihr. itiaii-1 li n I.- il 11. -. li. i war.'. M-i.- V. J ayli-r. W. II. Sllt-ill, Who lull l i ll III IiiiIiiiI III" ! wi'i k or i Inn. o liir ri-eovori-il n to In- out fur Hull Hu-ll nit I tin- .vi-Hti-rday. Then- will ho Sablmlh w-IhmiI nl the New Wi-at i-liureh Sunday at 2:.-M. Mlaa CiiIIiiihI In i-harm-. Kv.-ry lioily la Inviti-il to Htti-n I. J. 1). Ilittln-r hint h i .inliili-il (-Hatoilluii of Hut Ktakn hoiiaii unci Avadi-iny for I ho ciuiiliitc yar. 1 ! t.i.ik up tin- work the llrt of HiU iii. mill The I in of WnlH-r WIIhoii hna In-i ll Hindu li''y ' the arlval of n Hue aon. The IibImi ww horn lti-t Wi-ilni Hilay anil holh II ami nioilo-r are ilnliiK well. The premium Hal uiiiiphh l nr-prliili-d mid wilt bo Ulcirlbiii.-il next weuk. Send your iinine to John f. l'ai-ki-t of lloiii-fi-r, i-r V. II. MkiiiiIiik of Coalville. Kdward iiiclilm (it h.wU lo his old home in Coalville for a vihit, Mr. Kichins is looking very well after the such excessive exces-sive heal o: the city, Julian Thomas principal of the Coalville school arrived last Wednesday inurniiif;. Mr. Thomas was an old school ma'el of W. H. Manning nt the University Uni-versity of Utah. Mrs, Lizzie Northcott, Mrs. T. J. Lewis, Mis. J. K. Wildes I have returned front their trip to Seattle. The trip was delightful delight-ful and the fair will rival the Summit Cour.ty Fair this fall. V. II. 1 mett.of Ok'I-'II, former ri-ahli-iil of C'oulvllh- wna Iiith I In-fnr-'plirt of Hie Week. Mr. Ilellllelt was on hU hniiii! from a vlli In ami lumr CJiU-iiko. llu vialti-d In Ki-ven ililfereiitHtati a while away. Mr.lli-iiiii-it l einplnyuil by Hie f.l' near ll'.l.'il us Muloliini.il at Hie 2Sth alreet i-rwHlii(, duo of Hie npprn-litlvM lflH thai have liiiini Hhowen.-.l upon thoulwaya hungry editor, a Niiveriil huiiehua of celery by JJiiuiias lleiinl imp of the luoat prominent and ancci-Hnfcil Kiiritonura in thltt locality. The cel-icry cel-icry liiix uiiaurpaHaiiiK flavor and Mr. Heard hiu dnnionatral.nl beyouil a doubt that the vegetable of tllla country cannot be enclhnl la flavor ijoality. Mr. Hoard will have a ureat variety of vee. tablea on exhibition at Hie Fair. J'he liall kiiiiiu lat Mniiduy ufter-Mnliday ufter-Mnliday alternoon between Coalville and Kama remitted In a victory for Hid home team the reaull hclnn IJ to 2. The home boya played aplendld while the vlsiiiuir tuain couldn't Ki-t Into the K"io anywhere. Hilly Nell, Coulvllle'H pitcher is there with the Koods. llu bad excellent support from Calderwixid behind the but and laou at abort. In fuot there waan't a minute that Hie Coalville boya did not play ball and (food ball at that. I.l-I I tl.l;l 11 1 -1 . 1 II onciiil r , (.in ,i in ( ' i - - I-., I., i !...ln hwi-r -.f ( I'l a. I!- n : . I tin ui. reilrin ii It Mice ,. eii.i., I. an i-t Ihe -'k.' ; ...ii-,-. Mi. II. .ii .1 ha- laith-'j lll!l c.ll .! I"l the Mol.e 1. ! nil Inl I I i -'..l.a.i. I. a m.oielhema eie.llt ; , in Hi--war. I mid lu-.. tinny vlalt- -l l.m. umie uway li-.ni I mih Hie j . Willi II ii-mil illlpl-'Kainll i-f II'-, I pie through Ihe o. .million of thel Slake lioiii-e Krouiida. To show Ihelr eateem and appre. i-lallon lor hl faithful worka. Hie ward preaetiteil Mr. H- ard with a watch mid chain. Jhe lliliietie company luaue , their llrt pay mil lo ovi-r alxty em-pl)ea em-pl)ea today. That in-. ana that sixty six-ty men received their monthly wai;e who otb-rwl.e would have heeu Idle. Kvery uvenliiK at the otllce of the poinpatiy Hie briiiietteH are ixi r I in an open male. They produce a ehccrltil fhiiiie. little .uii.kc ami plenty "( beat. J'h- pnh-llc pnh-llc in enr.lliilly Invite. to v.. out In the o Ill.e mid -'e how the new fuel hum., Tlif i-oiupany baa put uli thl'eiithlfta and are worklnn ' ln faat lia iialble lo gel every thill,-1 In riinnliiK order. I |