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Show DIG FIGHT COMING. Will be on Question of Water Power R ghls. Says Ciffcrd Plnchot. I.oa Allk-.-lea - lu an i.'bl: eaa bef.iro Hi.- City rluli on Sunt. lav (llfforit Pltiihul. rhl. f or the forestry bur.au. aald thai he did mil dealt tn talk nil foleairv. hut Would like tula: ai.uiu roiiaervutlon or natural rc-aouici-s, whb h. be Mild. w:ia on- or tho i:reate-l inovrttiellla lit the lltllea. 'The line In ihla country are In ltiK pieity eloaely drawn between in. mi wlio 'a.and fur k-in.l kov. rnni. in ami thoae win. aland tor apt rial prut-l.-L-.a." he said. "The a.iiare deal la what we aeek a ll weapon III lite colli .'ov.-ray between be-tween Hi.- people and tin- money Inlet. In-let. -la I I. el thai the tlm" haa com lur men in siaml up and be emiuied. ami I think nlao Hint the laris ouvlit to I..- more wl.l.'lv i, new ii "There la a bit- lU'ht iouiIiik up In Ihe nexl roliKnaa and It will be on ihe iiiicBth.n or wiif r power rlrlt'a. on arc. nut or Hie withdrawals toi power rlKlila lately. II la liieilld lr. mm up. The ni-n who com ml wiii.-i power In H nd nub -as Hi novern m. -lit controls them, will ronlrol In- V ilustry ' |