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Show il OAKLEY NEWS. I- . 1 j "AKI.KV, Sept. a-Thesotig1 of the reaper is again heard in our vicinity. The fields ntc moving with the golden grain which makes one begin ti. think of the cold chilly blast. f ter is near at band. Fishing is not very good ns the tains keep the streams muddy. mud-dy. The Relief society held a conference con-ference to-day which was attended atten-ded by many of the fair sex. from all part of the county. A great deal of good work was ac complished . Kphraim Mecham has sold his larm and will move to the Uintah reservationin a fewdai. S. n.Snapp made a short visit vis-it home from Syracuse, Davia county. He reports heavy crops of all kinds except peach-will peach-will be a. oo per bushel. Rural rout is the now as nearly nil the post masters want to resign, that is ou the river. The plan would be to have Tark city to be the the distributing dis-tributing office and have a daily mail to stait from Park city by the U'.'TJ' of KaUlut, Marion, Xlak., 'ley, Provo to Park city. The trip can be made in' ten hours and deposit the mail in all thi boxes ou the rout and do awav with all the little petty offices and save much to the U. S. Let us hear from our neighbors. George Stevens is very busy on the Farm and has no time to lit) 'j ' jsell fish !i. ense imt he s.us lie j jean lie the knot as good as the the Hisbop. Who next. Mis. Rind of Kama called on 1 y ' Mrs. Snapp at Oakley to talk , " . missionary wotk. ! f. ' It. W. Mitchell will be in pe- j jp oa, Oakley, and Mation in a j l with a load ol fine IV.iches fn in j ' Syracuse, Davis county. ' ' . ' W. II. Stevens will go to Salt ( f' : Like in a shoit time. lie has i 1 been helping lllke Cillt. f j " ; Robert Jensen has been a:t-ing a:t-ing a- collocti.r for a few days. llishop W. P. Richards ha been con lit led to hi bed for a day or two. ' S. U. Snapp will leave for Davit county Saturday mom iug- ' |