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Show j University of Utah, Salt Lakecsty.utaii j THE HEAD OF THE PUELIC SCilCCL SYSTEM OF UTAH I 4 Schools ! 50.M) Laboratory ' I or Kducailoii, Hie stale o ' M inc. and a rLOUmiTIPnl" '" I"-- Imicliliierv, anil I d f Medicine ., re cuibnued by the I . ilv. r- -MUIJJIUCm i,.l. eic. are new ami ,r ally of Ctah. '"" very Ix-at 33 Departments S j Co-Educational ' f II"' yollll Uoliien rlinlelitH. 125 Instructors Ss Strange is it Not? T ' Kreiitent Ci,lverltie of thla country and Kuroi.e. , , .oC' 13 11 i'10l iih Ko uwiiv to Vv'.';.'1 n :' I the iiin Ci i . inciiuiiiiK the ,'.,, ' ",, ;V "'" s:"','i'. mi n,e fr 1618 Studeuts r;:i"wT,h -.... ,,., children of the Trulnlinr School, mote than S lum younir i il received liiKlructlon In thu t'nlvcr- ally bulldiiiKs lu.t year. Particular ''K'""-'ion of HiudentH. bU,000 Lquiqment lX;': lMiibrucea HI brick and MtoiieniiilliliiiuH.ua ncrea lelln, and compleie Inroruii.tli.n aent tree i , on of Kroiiiida, and oilier CnlverHliy property. reipieHt. ,r "I""1 I Address:--University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 3 ' " J 4 ;;-r- ; - i Fresh Candies j The sweet tooth be- p.rjc, ; pwrr I'telf ' with llie season. A box of these CanJies daintily packed makes ; very acceptable gift. First-class Meals ( j Quick Service j Fresh Bakery Supplies j "Royal" Bread. E. Swainston, Jr. Riclx Beef j After all there is nothing more satisfj " j healthful than a juicy rib roasl of high grade beef, such as we sell. We have a knack of J cutting up a roast that makes it ccokwell, carve j well and taste well. Try one for Dinner. i SUMMIT MEAT CO., BagneU, Shaw & Ball, Props. ' j , fj La Fundicion, Peru g . ' ! I We collect money for every- body, everywhere, and we fQr I 1 , collect iiiiiiivv from everv- ajT-Tw I i ' j bod-,-, ever, here. Were- ff, I I '' 5 eetitly collected money jf, 'Sa. I ' fioiu I, a Futtdiciou, Peru, ff , 'j, I for the Rocky Mountain yVr-lrasi ' r i B ' l'.ell Telephone Co., and I r) I ' ' they wrote us a nice letter lf wtT' off B ol congtatiialtion. Turn B fc!" fl I in your claims and we will iKJ" if I collect some money for Vt. ( you. 11 you do not know -J)' s where the people happen - rtl jT ' to be, who owe you. It's f I our business. Wecujoy it. 'i ' Aljtr t Red streaks of Honesty ffl'$r lixist in Hverybody. Turn "S J in your claims now, I MKItCIIAXTS' I'ltOTKCTIVK ASSOCIATION J Scleiillllc ("iillectiira (if InineHt llehla. Q II.hiiii.7I. 7.1. HI. V7. 1. Wl IlllCeeimeri lill Kill . Hunk It 1,1 II . Hull I nhe. E I I !, iiiel. (I. I.uke. lielieriil Miiimaer. " Meme l'e..,;i, luui'l I.Ike li,.' R '. j |