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Show EXPLORER DINES WITH KING. Dr. Cook Entertained by King Fred erlck at Summer Palace Near Copenhagen. Copenhni:. n Hr. Frederick A. Cook dined Sumliiy blahl wllh e-'ii Fred-i-ilek. nl Hip summer piilur. a f"r nilli-s oulalil" of CoiH uhnaen. Th klnit aiininionnd Dr. Cook to an mnllence Satnr.liiy, us n formal rour-tay. rour-tay. They had nn hour's talk, ami whll these niynl niidlencea riinnot, nerordlnn lo eilqiieit. b minutely d.a arrlla-d by Ih niembers of th court, Pr. Ciaik ntiid such nn Impn'salnn nn th klni! thai til lallr linmi'illulely Inalrnrii-d III ronrt chnmberl -In tfl sunimun Hi explorer to din with hltn Sunday nbtht. Th dinner wns entirely the result nf Hi lilnit's personal opinion renard-Imx renard-Imx Hi xplorr. who had Hi scut on ihe klim's rlulit. on honor which Dami ran not n-iiiembcr linvlnn Ins-n ar rorded iimuber prlvnl ierson. and members of Ih royal family llatnnaf to hla viy word ns ho rcounid the datiKcrs and privations of his pilai lotirnoy. Receives Telegram from Taft. pr, Cook was linnii-naely pleased bj a teleirrnni from Prsldnt Tuft, Is which th prealil. nl cxten l. d hit henny coiik-rululiitlons. ' lie had to umlerKii an ordeal nn Hun. iluv. belim iKinibnrded on every sld( wllh uncailnns, Inlended lo test tilt accuracy id his ulllrmuiluiia. Astronomers Are Convinced. Or of Hi most exact Inn perlo Is ol h d ie wna an Inn rvlow wllh Pnfs-mr Pnfs-mr S'roniherir. lemllni: Scandlnavliin lo'trnii'imcr. wlto Buys whin lie Is per-milled per-milled to ixiiiiiln Hr. Ciwik's obaer-vailumt obaer-vailumt he ran ileelile iilililn n hall -lay whether th explorer haa hn at the pole. Seyernl oilier expert ArctH e 1. iters were clus-'teil lu ronvi-rao. 1 1on wllh !r. Ciaik. Win n they rams un'. Ihev fippeare.l Ihoioiiuhly coiv vncetl of hla absolute kibu) falih. |