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Show I WOODLAND I WOODLAND, Scpt.o The ! thing of most concern here now 1 is the recovery of Waldo St. Jco'. I an appendicitis patient. Two' weeks ago last Saturday, the ' doctors, after working faithliilly, I gave him up and said he could ; but a short time. Dr. Itardsley 1 even said to his father, "His-bowels "His-bowels ore as dead as that post," touching a bed post as he spoke and Dr. Danneuberg had his parents call the family in to see the boy breath his last. The '"last" however, . was not breathed, Dr. Danuenberg re-' turned to his office leaving these rcin.iiksto I'.hleis, who had bceul called to administer to the lad J "If you can do anv thing for heavecs sake do it. I have deme all I can. I will be at my of. lice and if there i any thing further call inc up at once." The result that followed the admiiiistcration in brief is this: The boy was moved fi jiii Kama Ka-ma back to his home iu Woodland Wood-land last Thursday and Saturday Satur-day he walked 'alone from his bedroom to the dining loom, room, rested awhile and walked back. All his friends are glad to see him gaining his t.trength so rapidly. There are two new cominers in this place-both boys-one j cam.' to the home of Mrs. Chas, 1 Fraughton. the other to the home of Mrs. Samuel dines jr. j I and, from ail appi at.iin es, tin y have both come to stay. The district school, for the lour lower grades, starts this ; morning, with Miss Delia Cur-t Cur-t tis. of Salem as teacher. The children are glad of her return, for she taught here last winter and gave satisfaction. |