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Show FEARS AJBCTION 3()VrTrinient's Finnncinl Situatio-i ' Interests VVashmtilon Experts. i Too Outk fttlurn to Protpfrily Re-flirflerj Re-flirflerj .a Adverts Factor to J Fintnc, era Over iHO.000.000 j Co d f sported Since Jan. 1. i "t'l i t:loti In analvliig the limit! ''"I "'i Hloli of the gov. till... l,t 't r'l miolvea the question o' win 'h. r ,,r not an bi f thi. e p. rem. Iliele.ir ciTllllcale. sli.,11 be used t,, i.-pienlsh Hie winking I,,,1 unco I,, . treasury. slu.l. nts ,,: lltiinin- io.lillii-.loti reuiilil It too 'P-l- k i. nun ,,f prospciltv as iiii ml 'T " I r 1l- export of I will h -low. no situ of dlUllllllHilll i.i 'lie ,r- , nt lime . also being cute fell . -ie,,-d with a view ton mini lug Its i. .il tne.inlug and probable i f feet on loMlhi-a. later :--hi t i!v .penklng. lltiltbltig which Will in,,, lo t, ilil, e gteatly Hie w.llk mg liaime Iii the trcnuirv from f H. (leO'Sl,, It. present stake, would be vliwr.i with i mii it 1. now iiii ilerstiH that Ihe treasury department hta linli hope. Ili.it Hie Increase In cils'ni,,s duties. Mippli-1 lied by II den tn l among (be .mall mi-rclmnta for , l..i.liar .liver coin will keep till" l.alat about where It now I. .Iiir-ric- the allltitlllT T.'kii the gold reserve n. nn Indl ration ,, Hie (lend of tliiiiliclal con, II tlotia. n la not get-ernlly known Hint over f -I. mnl. in, ii irold ba. been ex ported from the I'lilt.,1 Ktatea allice Janunrv 1 Inst. Thl. outgo can be partially accounted for In that np proximately f :;u niiO.iliin went to Mouth Aoiirhii for coffee bums, while, with In the hist two liiiitith.. .Inpnn hna biait til more Hum n nmi liiiil In gold at rVin Kiauclsi-o Instead of buying In l.on.lnti. n. formerly Hhoiild .lapane.e ronliruie Hiese purchn.e. at Ihe .ame rate this act would, of courae. have a tlinlll. nn, apart from mere lliiniiclnl roD.uli-nitloiia The balance of the export, amount Inl in nearly Una tiiin.iiiiii. remains unaccounted for mnl llnitui-lal atudetita here believe Hint It Imlli nli-a a re dntid.ilit curretley. Acting on Ihla belief Hoy have retcheil the conclusion that If proa-perlty. proa-perlty. following the paaange of the tariff law. start, loo rapidly II may be followed by eliurp reactionary movement In the fall. A leiideney to aptrulailon la e.peclully feared on the Ihmry dial any undue freny of .pec iilsHon. with paper money ao .linn dnit. may create a disturbance which would react on buslnes. |