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Show r V 1 . -- 7- FOR WET FEET. J Putting One Past the Post : : kr2, Th Duckling You'd cry, too. It your tna made you wear overshoes when you went xwimmlug. BABY tfOMBlYBURNED. j - : aiLFlord Anally metJnconauHatlon. 7T$8rW01o8rtoTlrlegs8otmeetbem me down," waa the reply, a Special Process Originated Withii grow does " fiat Camp say? of the High Rollers Club !He says be bas Instructed the book f take In all tbe beta they can get on pplejaek He baa arranged with the yvner of that one to lose and be will C'leland told the proposition da with' hi own horse. Lemon To d BjjOi INIRVIN&: DAY- - Garnering the Gold by the Confines .The Chick Whats tbe matter? iu... making Uuruig uie uyeed to meet lq a tea tided spot on iF grounds Just before the rce In 4llch Camp had announced that a trick to be turned. "Are you sure of that tout?" waa the gxloua Inquiry of Hopkins when he UCK 7LOYD, Ja k and Col, Fowley' - - Touy-Fioy- Deed Cuticura; No Bear Left My baby waa sitting beside the fender and we were preparing the breakfast when the frying-pafull of botltng grease wax upset and it went all over one side, of her face and head. Some one wiped the scald with a towel, pulling the entire skin off. We took her to a doctor. He tended her week and gave me aome Bluff to put on, But It all festered and I thought the baby waa disfigured for life. 1 ased about three boxes of Cuticura Ointment and It was wonderful how it healed." In about five weeks It was better and there wasn't a mark to tell where the scald had been. Her skin Is just, like velvet. Mrs. Hare, 1, Henry Str South Shields, Durham, England, March 2, 1908." rwsf ana Cheat. Cor, Sole Prop, Soaum. n When the Umbrella Took Flro. Thomas Simpson, tbe Detroit malleable Iron man, la grave and dignified person, but once he made a Joke. He waa with a party of ' friends, one alttlng of whomT waa smoking an enormous cigar. The friend had dim- cuityln keeping the ciKar glrtg( and by hi repeated lightings had frazxled ' the end of It until It waa about twice fti original size. But he kept bravely at It, -. Suddenly Simpson begad to laugh. "What are you laughing at, Tom?" asked another member of tbe party. "I was wondering what Jim would do when that umbrella he la smoking begins to blase," be eald. Saturday Evening Post - Care In Preparing taw Food. la recent years scientists have proved that the value of food Is meas ured largely .by Ita purity the result Is the most sTrlngent pure food laws that have ever been known.' ' One food that has stood out promf-wpeefiiwf wwaw'aaa par, food and which was as. pure before the enactment of these lawa as It could possibly be la Quaker Oats; conceded by tbe expert to be tbe Ideal food for making strength of muscle and brain. The beat and cheapest of all food a. Tba Quaker Oats Company la tbe only manufacturer pf oatmeal that baa satisfactorily solved the prob lem of removing tbe huska and black specks which are eo annoying when other brands are eaten. If yon are convenient to tbe store buy the regular alse packagea; If not near the tore, buy the large alse family pack-- . t " And All with Company There. "Now, children," aatd the mother? at a whole roomful, of company had come in, suppose you run off and play ' -by yourselves. A11 right, mother," replied Edith. "Can we go up and play Hamlet and ' .Ophelia?" smiled the mother, Certainly;" while her guests looked on .at the tableau. Goody!" replied Edith; then, turning to her slater, she said; "Now, Maude, you run up to mamma's room and get nil her false hair that you can ' Cm,-- 1 behind came Lemon Squeezer, running easny. otiore the) had gone a quarter of the distance n could be seen that tbe race was between tbe first two borses, and tbe other weri strung out in single file. In the stretch came Applejack,' rua- Oik-hor- Bing-wit- hout -eg- oft,-wtihLemon XTrarifar-e- f Squeezer Wit. fan a?ecal contentment rested upon tbe face of Tom Camp, down, at the end of the grandstand, while Floyd's counten anco wore a worried look and young Hopkins' was shivering In the excitement of lost hope. "There, and I listened to yotTand your tout, he said to Floyd as he saw Applejack winning easily. -Why, Its nothing more than a procession," muttered Floyd. "And 1 would have staked my right eye on Tony. Why, that boy on Applejack la racing him to death to win and the other fellow dont seem to be trying." the shouted wins! "Applejack crowd as the blue and while stripes passed under-- the. wire a good . length In front of Lemon Squeexer. "That's one time that I'm the goat, muttered Doc Floyd to Hopklna. "Im sorry I steered you wrong, and will get you even. Although I guess I'm in a few thousand deeper than-yoare, I know 1 gave you the wrong steer and am sorrier for that than losing my 'own. money.' We are whipsawed tor fair. Camp wins out the bank roll In the book and we lose our outside beta the of Camp as Hopkins bad told it to .queerer. He explain that It might upon bearing the proposition e auspicious to the judge if he didn't High Rollers' club set out blm,-anfrom Reno, Nev., for San Tony let out a long laugh. . in thl race. Francisco. They became acWhy, Its just a plain' game '"That, mean, explained Floyd, quainted with a George Hop. double cross." asserted Tony, Hel that be" Intends that Applejack la to x.n, interested la Raw Hide mining break the book and get your $5,00 da and bis horse wilt be beaten out In one race and then tell you It was al, low much money have you got In properties. a mistake and make you believe it our pocket? Doc Floyd aat In the marble-finisheand then hell akk you to dig up anoth "Oh, about 1500." rotunda of San Francisco's best hotel er 25,0(10 to get even with. Why, mj "Well, go in the ring and make five s afier-htthe morning arrival He had kid brother wouldnt bite on that ok 300 bets on Lemon- - Squeezer, but ilnHhtd with his newspaper and' book." nVbetttTn otnbook. Camp- - has waa gazing out Aipon the little, park "Yes, do you supitose I didnt knov pven instructions to hi bookmaker across the sireet Sited with paints and 11 that?" broke In Floyd with a mo p give a shade the best price on the beds of bright bued flowers. Neither tlon for tbe talkative loBy to shut up liber' fellow's horse. He will have Col. Fowley nor Jack Clcland had ap- "What I want you tor Is to see If w pimmlssioners there to get hi own peared, and be was rather glad when can turn tbe tables and get Campi jponey down quick and bet enough to the young mining man he bad met on end of tbe bank roll." vln out the bank roll on that one race, the train name upon liim, and he was Tm-afr- ald not," answered Tony Jbaia the way he's got Jt fixed to win roused from his by a He's worked that game four or fin iir $5,000. ' cheery greeting. Laxiklng up, he saw times tbla season. and always get Tbe and' entered two separated s thatr no longer wore 4 gway with It. Hea got a ring from different ends of that regular corduroy and heavy- hunting boot, to go on and make tbe book and thiniosure. Floyd noticed that, true to but was hlue serged, green-hatteand 1 and altogether sporty looking enough to belong to bla set. "All alone, I see," remarked Hopkins a be touebed Floyd upon tbe shoulder. It you've not been to breakfast,' Id like to have you Join me. I'd be pleased to," assented Floyd, who had grown hungry-waitifor his friend. "Those fellows who. came with me must be taking an extra portion of sleep this morning. I'll not wait any longer for them." Down In the grillroom a breakfast was served, the equal of which la not to be had In any other city In the United States, excepting, perhaps. New Orleans. Ry tbe time . ,.a Hopkins had lit their cigarettes they wereconversTUg asold friends" Oh, look whos arrived!" burst out Tony tbe Tout, upon catching eight of If it Isn't tbe Floyd nnd his party. UHL Doctor, and seen him jhaven't since Hamburg was a And eay," whispered Tony, In confidential tones, "find out what business that young man who waa with you this afternoon has with old Tom Camp, They were off in a corner for, a long time end If your friend ain't aome wise fish he's apt to be bit." That . night after dinner Floyd, In conversation with young Hopkins, cautiously led the talk up to Tom Camp, and then asked the question as to whether Hopkins had entered or waa about to enter Jntaanydeak Well, I'm rather ashamed of it, U. does look like a crooked deal, returned Hopkins; but I'm a lot loser on tbe game, first and last, and It looks like e chance to get even, so I was going to take It If you know anything about t'amp, you know he bas some of the beat boraea on the track. He says htT been In bard fttek tbla winter and lost several thousand dollars btfcklnr the faro bank. His proposition'll for me to put In $5,000 to help back a hook. - He will put In $5,000 of hta own money, making a good strong bank roll. The books are all making money now, and besides the even break we would get In on tbe regular play; Camp says he canjlx arace or two so Ve can win some' sure money7IIela certain that we can pull out $25,000 each tu a week. "That all Ustene well," broke In s Floyd. r "Whate the matter with It?" questioned Hopkins. "I don't know why I'm telling you all this, anyway. You might queer my game for alFI knowT "No, I'll do nothing of the kind, answered Floyd. "But I'll bet you live hundred now that If 1 don't save you, Camp will trim you for whatever you WI8E WHAT8 HAPPENED?" put In. If it'aauch a ure thing, what does be wunt with a partner to share all stand In with the play. I suppose hla prediction, the new partnership Come on and let's get a bottle of wine. a man offers hebt told Mr. Hopklna that ihemrofltB? Any-ttmput book had pqt up Xjo 1 on Applejack No use crying over spilt milk now. you something for nothiniriock up a manThtfie 6dxr6Tbb'RoriX?dr w fitTe ' Hid T5t Iter "boolcv'wenr htytnga "Th lij your bank roll and keep your hand on Interests? shade leas thanfhat price. A moment wine at the bar, paid slight atten jrour Jewelry. Do you follow me? Yea, he said I could do that, as- afterwards he noticed that the part- tlon to a sudden cheering and commo"Yea, it does look that way," as- sented the young mining man. nership bookmakers rubbed out the tion on the outside. sented Ho klns;but you aee he need "Lot's look over that race he said he price against Applejack, announcing "I guess we put over a good one $10,000 to make the book safe, and he could fix for w;. the sad- that he had all he wantdd pf it. Floyd that time, didn't we? ouly has about $5,000 lit ready, money den suggestion of Tony as he produced knew by this sign that Camp had bet Floyd looked around upon tho that he can lay his hands on. Thats a paper in which waa a list of tbe enough of hla own money ta win out smiling face of Tony. one wants come some he tu for the next day's race. 01, the money that was ln the book. Walkwhy' to to "Why, you young hound, I with the other $5,000." I've got the old badger!" was the sud- ing quietly through tbe ring, he break your head with this ought he bottle, "That's Just what they alLway, and den, gleeful outburst. He was right stopped long enough before a number said In low but dangerously threatennow I'm convinced that you are sched- about there being Just two horses hi of book to make several good-sizeing tones. uled to be the goal," announced Floyd. the race with a chance to win. Go on wagers on Lemon Squeezer. He al- v "Whats the matter, pal? Aint you Did be explain to you just how be and put in the $5,000 with him and 111 ready bad given Tony $1,000 to wager wise to whats happened?" was going to pull off one of thoae al- attend to the. rest when 1 see y,ou xt on the same horse. -'- Ko, what is It? broke In young the track leged 'sure things?" Just put a wise Thomaa Cantp, besides getting all Hopklna. anxiously. torace a there's on one in box to see that no one runs the card Yes, the to be had in hla own book, WhyApplejack was disqualified morrow la which he has a horse en- away with the bank roll, and after that the money also bad wagered hundreds on Apple- for not having up enough weight. tered that can win. He also controls race we'll have old Camp ready to take In other hooka about the ring, and Somehow orother Hank Harlln was the only otheF contender In" "the race." Thelilgfi dlveirora the top of the ferry jack was surprised to note when he re- careless In pultlng his lead pads to He can throw the race to whichever boat" turned from the paddock. where he had make the extra vMght along with the hors he want to. Toil knorthat'x "What Is It youre going to do?" was saddled hla horse and given final saddle, and the jockey lost ten pounds just ? the Buspictoux Inquiry of Hopklna. possible, don't you to the jockey, that the of lead while he was at the post CareInstructions "Yea. I've keen-eac- h "Never mind what I'm going to do; price against Lemon Squeezer, his own less' of Hank, wasnt ft? He's been things done. And then again Vp aeeq .them fall most the Big Doctor will stand fqr wbat J to double cross horse, had not gone np In the betting. looking for a fchance awfully hard. I can see now how-ea- say, wont you. Doc?" He was unaware that & large amount Camp and fell for ' my llttlX scheme It will be for him to break the "Yes. I don't know what it Is. but of money bet by Floyd had forced the when I told him how much money we hook and get your $5,000 on ope race. If you are sure you can putit through price down. He had no time to Inves- would bet for him on the other he) N Come on up to my room ami I'll In- I'll take all, or half, of And then weve won in the book Hopklna' however, as the horses already itiate you into the art of beating the of the $5 000. I'll give Hopkins $2,59o tigate, were at the post, and he hurried to a sides the .outside bets? exclaimed' I'.uble cross. If theres any chance to In tbe morning for a half of hi Inteof vantage from which he could young Hfipklns, suddenly realizing that point o It; and If there Isnt then youd bet-ie- r rest and he needn't let Camp know view the race. Tony the Tout had made good. keep y out $5,000 in the bank, or there U any one else In on the deal You should have told us how you Across the track in tbe infield Tony bsve a trustee appointed to look after Jack'Cleland ca n be t fie'tnan' IS"i he the Touf and Hank Harlin.Tjwnerof wotegoing'to"puillt'o!f,"'tlrswre(l . It for you. You may be all right On a box s lookout.--We had heart failure, Applejack, stood talking together. Doc Floyd. When Floyd arrived- - at the race Floyd, watching tbe pair through his and you can'tnearly mining proposition, but there are a lot blame us for doubting ef other things you've got to learn." track on the day following his talk fleldglasses from the grandstand, saw you, can you? .Within 15 minutes Floyd, with the with Hopkins and Tony he saw a new Tony pass a small package of book"Well, I've showed you that I could aid of the telephone, had located Tony bookmaker's stand in the line one over, anyway, returned Tony. makers tickets to Harlln. undy put the Tout, and la another half hour the shed of the betting ring. In this off!" came the buzzing cry And now, so far as Im concerned, "They're that wise bug of tbe turf had arrived stand wss seated Jack who of tbe crowd in chorus as the barrier they can turn all the race tracks in the at Floyd's rooms, wondering for wbat was supposed to be there as an asr ovef at the pole whizzed country Into golf links. I'm going into he was wanted, and pleased all over to sistant to the cashier but no jflanoe a field of eight borses leaped a decent respectable saloon business and up be summoned Into the presence of eo of recognition T passed between the forward. The blue and white striped back home. , . . I wo, Floyd and Hopkins also kep jacket and cap of Applejack showed In (Copyright, UQI, by W. ignst a personage. CLChapmsa) of d By Boiling Grease Skin Alt Cam Of? Sd of Face -- and Head-Tho- ught Her Disfigured for Life. lroat, wh.le next la'oiuuF the--ttl- young-Hopkin- patent-leathere- on ng flat-foote- d Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Cured Her. Williman tic. Conn. For five years suffered untold agony from female troubles, causing backache, Irregularities, dizziness and nervous prostration. It was impossible for me to I Twalk upstairs without stopping on the wav. I tried three different doctors and each told me something different I received no benefit from any of them, but seemed to suf- fer more. Tbe last doctor said nothing would restore my health. I began taking Lydia E. Finkhams Vegetable Compound to see what it wouid do, and 1 am restored to 'my natural health. Mrn. Etta Doxovah, Box 2t9. Willimantic, Conn. The success of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made from roots ana herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors. Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-dowfeeling, flatulency, indigestion, dizziness, or nervous prostration. n -- For thlrtyyears Lydia E. Finkhams Vegetable Cent pound has been the standard remedy for female ills, and Buffering women owe it to themselves to at least give this medicine a triaL Proof is abundant that it has cured thousands of others, and why should it not cure you? -- A Question of Grammar. Hettys uncle, who waa a school . party. No, I aint going. Oh, my little dear, said her uncle, you must not say I aint going. and be proceeded to give her a little lesson In grammar. You are not going. He Is not going. We are not going. You are not going. They are not going. Now, can you say all that, Hetty? Sure I can, she replied, making a There ain nobody going. courtesy. Lutheran. the Drowning Sound. Helen You enjoy singing? - Grace (raising her- - voice to Ditch) Not particularly. u Helen Tbeu why sing? Grace Why, father Is eating corn' do-yo- ff the cob. . Reminiscent Skinning. "pur. old schoolmaster was V 7 is leather. No wonder. Hla principal occupation, if you remember, was tanning Bides. Strictly Businesslike. American girls who marry for-sig-n titles dont deserve any credit. She They dont ask any; they pay cash. He J fCS0K)tf --..n V. i- - w he-ea- 8age Advlca for Husbands. Eev. Father Bernard Vaughan, S. J, thus advises, husbands about tbelr wives: "Never attempt to check the flowing tide of her talk. Let her talk on while you .posseae, your soul in peace. Remember that a w oman needs many more safety valves and outlets for her temperament Be patient with her " - Too Conscientious to Rast. And where do you, go for your utumer vacation? "To the assembly grounds. What a delightful period of rest and relaxation you must anticipate. OU, not t H- - We always make It a point to attend every lecture," Cleveland Tluln Dealer. V-- Naturally. Magistrate (to witness) I under stand that you overheard tbe quarrel between the defendant and hi wife? Witness Yes, sir. Magistrate Tell the court. If you can. what he seemed to be doing. Witness He seemed to be doin the listenin'. Pearson's Weekly. Important to Mothers. CASTOKLA . - a safe and sure remedy tor Infanta and children, nnd see that It Bearn the Signature of In Use For 6ve 30 Year. The Kind You Have Alwayi Bought Th Reason Why, "1 wonder why men dont take more interest In th primary!! "Possibly, because it la a secondary consideration. d sy Cb-ian- . teacher, met her on the street one bea uffl UT M'ay'tf aiy' ah d as ked her lf she was going out with the Maying CAMPBELL PACKERS SUB-SURFA- We are the sole manufacturers ot this famous the only one made. . Thu is he one tWat yo hare beard Packer, . (Tf JM YEDDDDMCl Send forenr Special Pamphlet on Sob-- F beet known tystem dry farming, a method oi absolutely J?uinpl'r crnP with a ernfall the aalratioo of armi-iri- d minimum This packer fa made in two aura,regions. with 10 and i6 wheels, is heavy and and tlie frame la made to carry allatrong, the evtra weight needed. Ask for Catalog No. 7 Vte Faking, the Pariln t Orendorff Co., Partfaae. Ore. CCVTON, ILL Seakaac. Wtah. Wak lwfteaaat.Vehldc Cs.. Salt Lika City. Utak. Bertas IfakT C.. (L. aicfeficM, Utah. Aealw Rlrar laplaeMat Bartay, Kike. -- i in Om, U, " GRAZING LANDS NEAR CHICAGO dollars aa were tkts only ; alfalfa and closer ears ere pa, ,0h and f llmave ; puretanning JT'1; JT' water. Onw Chicago byNtatl or bow. Iwr tenaa. W rite for map and qitutrated booklet 1.T.HE8I1TT, three-quarte- Hialatae, Mich. -- Bwawary. fal . WaintaTtCL lTT V |