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Show t - I , . " 0 :!G 0 THOSE ' ' i ' y (Q) 5 1 A efChiv.try' Stirely 'I Osr eul P e tie o m f fa till tk'-o- t " luiufngto-the- ao we did o all the way "It J .an "O, ( $JTOVE 0 Homa checked gj Now We w)l have back" get your ticket hue, 1 can get my Ib'l't k ami)?" Just happened to hart lots uu hiLd," grinned son: hind be ' if. bargain All ticatis reduced to day. ft i Yihat Coes That rud Uieaj, C" "I do.i i anavr, Utar. attenio'1 to him " "Ulier Tm niTsI7-- ' n tlrL- -t t at tin gioint y Patroalza-- a Iru- - I.e dm see your ticket Cia.e, we fo;got O, IZNB THB PRICES O want to got niy pit a e ' beat title fa for1 C&lzs &nd domestic purpose . OR NEW STOCKINGS ct V Iniostry. New lork" "Round trip?? 0, I, -- wit a moment Clare, 1 ner6r thought about that. Ifould jou Bt, a round trip? You knoLthe flow-imay only be in New Y d a week, and I may go on with the a to Pitta burg .They have been begfBg me to for week., but If Mabel, wedding ahould come off by the 3(ltLril want to go to that. I shouldnt btlauf-prisethough if she poftpned It I again, but "Round trip, ml..?" ukelbe ticket agent again, while the waif line of Tnrn ftud W'omen stood oii iLe c Tiier i f foot. O, Clare, what would y do? I am wild to g to Pittsburg with the Howards " I f And we are wild to hartjou go," suddenly yelled a man at thi extreme end of tbs line, whose train left In 20 minutes. Try Pittsburg, yelled another voice. You have to chaop every thing there every hour or sa and'you can inc'ude your mind withal any ex tra inconvenience Ob no," shrieked anotWr frantic Individual, "go to Mabel tedding. I sin dying to have you go, That, Ma ..WEBER COAL CO.. Women and Children d KING OF THEM ALL! I BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT 4 Ha been Crowned with Ptianoailnal Success since end 1883, Wtay the Beet Household Liniment on the market. CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN, NfURALAIA. SPRAIN, cuts, sruisks. . SCALDS. BACKACHE. LUWeAOoTsTirr lHNTt! minPC VUIvJUO Refae All SalwtitulM. i ST. LOUIS, old and Rcommndd bi fobs Hordes Bon. LINIMENT rth Second Street, SNOW C0.f ALL"D- - U jywhei iJbe UN UAYI tH?!? T4, JNIA L durmi "Round trip? No, single," haughtly. What time? The texf call la 11 and 12. bikI exhibit n.irUmt wha-t- i btcytle n trunk Isnt jacked yet 1 could never get it ready a that time. ' Oh, my time jtxi may rule the bicycle and or do ont re the, wit perfectly nsmhrd f'1 tut k to us at our snip t'lv expense tndrM ftiU met M A eni erne ctni bwvclas it m puwibl 10' mike Next call between 3 ad 4." Yo roU tilnl UtHirynal a y iwtrtdlcfwpa a profit by nyytnr direct at us trd hive the nunufscturersava s ruao Very well, have the aan call for aotce bthind your bicycle. IX) NOT lit X a btcycte nr a fuirot twee from M any Ps tmttl you receive our ctuiieiini end lean our unheard td Jmie m my trunk at 3, then I css Jake the 8 ruts and rmrkmA sfimmi efsrt in riUeff ftffeotaT o'clock train." beaaulu YOB KILL BE ASTQIISKEB You would - not havt your check, Mud, pur tupmb motW-l- 11 the W mr m ntkt yw (hi ym, it th hwycle. lo 1m. moov FACTORY PRICES 'if urn,h- nul - k'eh ma lte h' a li, htht s LUS aalwwut. mM ri 1, -- li.Jniifi Womens $1.50 a box of six pairs Children's; sizes 5 to 7 4 $1.50 8 to 95f $1.75 per box of six pairs. v For Sale by, Summit Furniture & Mercantile- - Co. TIRES will." Kt'tli think yon could, dew. Ill pack one tray for yon and well phone for Helen to come and help us, and" Say, loo here, shouted an excited person in the rear, wham hair was XaMta Ibt thick nbhat tra.A standing wildly on end and whose u. I In Iheair toeaoape. We have humiredaol letlernfrotaMtha. ArJcutomeraaiatlti,lHdVltielrthWVieeiyrheetpwped npouceor twice in a whole season They weigh no more than Tau.1 nn ordinary tire, the puncture remitting qualities hem, given provt iro. by neveml larera ol thin specially prepared fabric on thn ror."!,UKVaTTiaot!1 trend. The tegular price of thewlue. but lor ynprr peir .. K tuiia. ..4 nd vert taro purpose we a re making a apertanactory price to th rider of only f Soper pair. Altordera Shipped aan day letter Utcceived We ship C O. D have raammed wtd end as Uma hand approval. Von do not pay a ye. atrietly tepreaenled. We will allow a mail dtaneunt ol a prrcenljihervby making the price per pair) If yow m4 cmrkKse thi Yott mn mo ritk fat deniemetvt. es(riLLAAIiniriUKI)L onkf m tb tin may b returned at Ot H eipewee if for ny rtMon they arw rodiof 9B ol mufMCiory om exanitMtion. We mp perfectly reHable and muaer ftcttl to u w at Mfeae In of the bank. If you order a run fter,1 ytm will find that they will ride aitd kvA finer tire, wear better, lBt loneer pair than asr tir ron har ever used or aeen eter, at any lnc. V well pleated that when yon want a bmret you will giecua your know that yon will ordew I We waat yon to aeod ua a Inal order at once, beneath ia remarkable tire offer. MTer their connecting links with ,iC Tve Kot iu8t 20 ttinntes oppieasiuu. a. friend asked hint what was th. matter. he would scornfully explain: 1 ve oat .one or my children .this week Once a rich Birmingham manufacturer, Glllolt by name, introduced himself to the painter, and stated that had come to buy. h. e.a bo ihTTJiiktV j li 93F ed Q , Cnts , Snow Liniment Gx ST, LOUIS, MO U. S. A sand RMommwndMl k.E.V t Aohn Boyden Jk Boa. . V ?. 1 ' left. Send promptly. ' rheumatism, neuralgia, bunione-aand all aches and pains. Price 25c, 50c aLd $1.00, , For sale by Joha Boyden A gon. ny Only six weeks - - You cant be a good Summit Fanner without THE TIMES Felt-ham- For Permanent Relief Take UFC-GlVlN- Eficf:iLcluius..j8coach,.goloSv 25c each. . , i These may be had by sending to W. H. . s rebuff, with the answer. to The manufacturer ' then drew from y train In, anl Us a matter of niae ip La( lo fiie lf 1 Ioe it ' Now ' If his . pocket abundle nt banknotes, w Iff, 000 and " about 3,000 worth. her friend will rvHrA for Dd deddft Mere observed no. paper, the6 Turner, with luentoufl QuesUoug the rest Af iim omyi grim humor, a little softened, however. our tlrke4a bt'fore beka$ tlTUO to evidently enjoying bU joke, Change her mind aCitn To be battered for mere canvas. viare. III Dot stir hei another replied CJilott,. waving his haid at tie suited I shall not and iu com Building of Carthago : this, office, and I rhall paniona. !ir t headqunrThis tone of cool dogireclatlou BCYlsasbicTcl lf5aIll,ly Bever fi on this road SJU MnTWAiT or a pair ol tirrapotaiuUy from anvomr until you know the nrw uad wtwdcrfid " eficrawa arc staking. It only costa a postal to fearneverythug. WiUtU NOW. and I shall Ull all toy friends seemed to have a happy effect, and , again finally Glllott departed , with some how I have been trea-ed- , aad ses that take their cuwun glewhere," . 5,000 worth of Turner's pictures, land then she ami Clare gWe,,t jjaught- Cleanliness ef Amsterdam. 4ily from lhe office, while ihe crowd cheered. Amsterdam enjoys an enviable repuA tbe WP dt,ap!tared the ticket tation ior Its cleanness. , Owen 3655 agent w.nked at tie irod, and then who visited Holland In the sevbegan throw Ingjnit tickets and mak- enteenth century, was particularly Iming change, "as each ntaa jelled his pressed by the spotlessne&a oi its destination, tossed him hi n oney and streets and bosses. "Whatsoever their anatchlng his tUket sirinud out of Estates be, he writes, their houses the door with hi coat ur.g standing must be fair. Therefore from Amsterout straight aud his suit cue cutting dam they have banisbt seacole, lest itv long streaks out or the atau sphere. Boyle their buildings. Every door Puck. seems studded with diamonds The nails and binges hold a constant YRAU4 BURNT CHILD " brtghtnesse. as if Tnet tbem-w- as aot sera directly on the Lirer. It will cure CONSTIPA Incident to iron. Their a quality MALARIA BILIOUSNESS, AND DVSCFSIA, CHILLS. It dreads the fire. The dread fa whole- houses pO". they keep cleaner than their entirely free from alt poisonous mineral substances, and la cotn-poaaolel of HERBS. It U adapted for weak and some, but not the huru; that can be bodies; jtheir .todies than their souls. weary constitutions; strengthen the weakened and organs: h"ftl,d nd Instantly relievcd by ap- Coe to btw. you shall find the and Jt checks all derangement of the body. Try aglands bottle to- - day. Irons sbujup in network. At a secplying Ballards Snow liniment. ond, the warming pan muffled in Itala Bottle. Avoid All Substitutes. ,7 150 for prepared aeoldentg ,y keep- ian cutworke. At third the sconce ing a bottle always in the bouse. clad In cambrick. Best for sprains, bruises, euts,Bcalds, iOSiZZ.110, maa Starjof Declining Night, choir. Asleep in the Deep, baritone solo. "My Mercedes, tenor solo. - Loves Reverie, soprana solo. Loves Old Sweet Song, contralto solo. Sweet and Low, quartet . , k0' W h Chorus and Solos for Contest o l T .... trk. J(TT)L9 K9 InCREnSSSLE FROM F8XCTCRES NAILS, Twb or Obu. will lot let Ik Kir Hh Statr tbotumd pair told la at jmr. la Uni two kuDCrrd UkwiumI pun DFMCRtrrtOMl Made In ill elm. It I. lively ' Sod cuyruimf venrdurahleaud lined inahte wli h apecialaunlilrol rubber, which never becomes porous and which dews up small pnnctnrea without allow. .. miss?" .iil KUMUp(ArfcrlilAVitlnlAeJrrAlj. tJ ers. DiiALr.hMi you mi Sell our own bias Blits st Why not? I can get tin check when our pom. Oden HI ltd th dir recatvsd. bicycles under your ht.COS U HtSU 1IIUUS, KaMIs Ktrid ki4 hkrlmt, but the. man cornea for. my i . wwlw on hum tikiajn hide hf our L htr.m turt-- . nciw out ,lhew But you wont be them If yon go muled In. bit, lurjim Xcnpim Paper and Canvaa. fiu on the 2 o'clock train as he doesnt a book entitled Stoiies of th. la come until 3." R Davies, and C. English Artists., Oh. A long pause. HEDGETKORti POIICTORE-PRO- Or 8 Hunt tell an fntctestlng a.wctkre f I Clare, wont be there. What Turner, the great landscape jututer. SELF-I1EALII-IG EhaH I do? Do you think I could get He disliked to a,i wifh U.s piciu.es. trunk lay ready by 12! Yon Xkr rrrlar rrtai I print! Ikttr hrrs it 'anti whtu be sold wore il-to tntrnimct trt m ill per fair. they never come when they say they a look of 4eJeetioii'me,ndlimulably If v v Ml,iM,u at the at the Yea, miss, returned th Jndlvldual in an expressionless voice j . ! lrycla lum.itw) br m. ,., ,an "Clare, did you ever see arh dread ful people. I shall report ,u main office, and she gl ad lEaniToini nd district it RIDER flSEHT ndc "R'a,r'' k Hosiery is guaranteed to wear for Six Months without holes, if holes appear the stock- - ' t.y.oh..a..iro ings will be replaced with new ones. J'SquarBdeal will not only outwear other makes, but their stylish appearance will appeal to good dress- beir MO. ticket agent. 1711TED-- A UBrsdEah 4 CONTRACTED MUSCLS. SPRAINED ANKLES, CORN N US AAR'S SPRAINED WRISTS. FROSTED ESSTiCORNS, UNS, AND AU. INFLAMMATIONS. sad 11.00 Pair Guaranteed SIX MONTHS' Ii a one of the branch b.g railroad lierw down bis money, t aud dieajjpenred, up lo thn counter, MINE. WASATCH O --- Six YVhsn Object to Miggj, g Thgir Tram to Accommod. eFair , Femininity, S ATTHEi oo DEAR. CIRLS Imprqve your home with Stewarts Iron Fencing. Apply to C.H.YVest, lloytavllle, for Designs and prices. Cheaper than wood and lasts a lifetime. f. 2-- I - w A Summer Prescription- - - To keep cool and comfortable with this hot weather 1. Keep a good Temper, 2. Bathe as much as you can. 3- Dont eat meat more than once a day 4- Dont rushrmove with deliberation. w sitciv t ber r t!ilTeaTUnd t0,0Ur f0Untain for a really delicious twice a day. Cool drinks we have in bountiful anet) and cool they are; not only because C because tbiey afe composed of ingredhll ients cooling to system, 1S refrigeration so is always atUtrbfa same C,kd ' temperature-anbest ofLall our prompt and cheerful , d JOHN BOYDEN & SON. , |