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Show J I, I r I' bat wapk. qf -J -- IM1NES tiii-AajxPA- The manufacture of fine Jewelry hae been one cf pur principal-apecialtle- e for more than forty years. We have ftfwiy t00dr the head- In thljne nf today use more men, more ma ohinery and more material than any similar plant witHTn some hundreds of miles. Take the time ani viiltour shop. We will show you how ws make good Jewelry. PATIENT SUFFERING, AND MINING camp tn fallen' on a Nevada-mininsome lime Is the order which 4s said to have gene out for the cloning of tha Bamberger Delsmar mine ana mill at Uelamar, Nv. Wlbtn tlie past few weeks several good strikes have been made In the Alta district and in the surrounding territory that has tended to lend interest to the work that is now being i cart led on there. SAU LANS crtfur. The Denver & Rio Grande during August shipped 6,000 cars, or .5u , tons, of ore fiorn the Utah Copper and Boston Consolidated mines to the smelter at Garfield. This Is an ster-ag- e of 200 cars per day. A deposit of saltpetre has been discovered at the nioulb-o- f Gteenwlch near Richfield, Utah, the discanyon, SALT LAKE CITY covery beln 600 feet in. length, with the depth unknown until runner development work Is performed. BOARDING AND DAY Owing to to the good results that are now being obtained at the old Foster property close into Ploche, It Is SCHOOL FOR BOYS understood that a big company will shortly be organized to take over the old bonanza and convert it into a dividend payer. If possible. CLm Wfiss Wednesday, September A The Sevier Con. mine, near Richercial Ce aad Scientific Clinical, is said to be in almost as virgin field, cminet. Special department far little a state today as when it was first disWyit aader the care ef a trained covered. It has never hjsj; a chance teacher. ' Cymaaeiom aad Military Drill to make good and et it is- aader the direction of apecial iaetractars. with a production somewhere Far tersu aad infornutiaa, apply te in the neighborhood of $250,000, Considerable excitement has been over a aroused tn Bingham-Tecentito have been made In strike teported S. Rer. J. Guinan, M., Very the North Bingham Mining company President. property In Barney canyon. This Is the company In which Uncle" Jesse Knight is the controlling factor. Adrice ai te patent Geological conditions are fit for the ability aad Precedare finding of oil around Moab, (u Grand FREE apes reqaest, county. Is the opiuionof H. E. PeterScad abetcb aad deacripliea ef year Inveatiaa. a mining engineer of Oakland. CaL at Law aad Solicitor son, . Harry JL. Rebiuaa, Attorary "" rec ehlTy TnT fl 8 of Pateate, 304-- 5 Jadge Baildiaf, Salt Lake City M i Pete fbotT'w as-Grand valley country while on his way to Bluff to examine the oil fields. . Sentence Sermcnc. According to Milton Moore, presi& It Is better to be regarded as prude than to rot as a mental garbage dent of the American Asphalt association, which owns a number of gllson-it- ? can, claims in the Uintah reservation, Where a mans life does not preach the amount of bydrocarbonates exIiIb preaching cannot live. People who think they were born tracted from that district has nearly to regulate the world are always trebled In the past seven or eight years. afraid they will die from being: Nevadas mineral production during the first quarter of 1908 was $2,306,-921.6Cynicism Is a pain due to attemptand for a similar period this ing to eat all lifes fruits too early In yt'ar It was $6,343,635.19. This Is an the season. Half of the business of lifting peo- increase of nearly 200 per cent, makple up is a matter of cheering them ing the estimated total for the year $25,374,540.76, as compared with . up. in 1908. . rises ln the heart Is coming to the out to a the feet Nev., works Yerlngton, way always - -front in support of the proposed road nd tne angers, The empty head Is easily wrinkled to the Nevada Copper Belt Railway Into furrows, that look like deep company, according to newa received from the camp. At a meeting held at thought. He who misses the spirit of the law Yerington the people of that city subscribed for $22,000 shares of the $50 always makes most of the letter. Its an awful thing' to be green, but 000 of bonds allotted to them. to be born Its a good deal - worse Although Cherry Creek, Nevada, has been silent-a- s dried up. to the mining activities In that district, there has been Died. Man One Drunken Why much work done - in the past few Head Keeper Snyder, of the Central months. The new Star mill is nearly park zoo, was smiling over a newspa completed, and when finished, will be account of had died a that monkey per one of the fiuest, 4atest-4proved of love. plants In the state. head a said the Its good story, Manager George H. Dern. of tha .Aeeper, '.iThla reporter has an original Consolidated Mercor Gold Mines turn of mind. Hes like the western at Mercur, denies that there is Jury. A westerner, you know, once any Intention on the part of tne manhanged himself to the bedpost by his agement to cloee up the mine and suspenders, and the verdict ofThe cor- milL He declares there la no trutn oner's jury ran: to the story that the output at the Deceased came to hla death by mine was not keeping up to Its e coming home full and mistaking him--se- lf peases. for his pants." New York Times. -- Hhe adrance of 1 cenuapoundof The teacher was describing the dol- the tariff on ztneeontained In ores, made by the new tariff law, should phin and its habits. she said Impres- operate to increase not a little the And, children, sively. a single dolphlq will bayetwb production of zinc mines of Good " Springs district, according to H. thousand offspring a Goodness! gasped little girl la Hardy former sheriff of 8alt Lake County, who is now operating at Good g r All Hallows College yr i. over-righteou- 2, , , , m g -- com--pan- lhgbACliL.TQW.J'Jcn,4..how d ones? aboutjmar; Everybody's Magazine. and Cigarettes Deadly. No modern tropical people perhaps, are - outright except the Chilians, drunkards. People often talk of the temperance of Mediterranean peoples. As a matter of fact, many men in Latin America die In middle life from heart and circulation diseases of a type rarely seen here from excessive and. continuous consumption of coffee and cigarettes. Coffee Practical Superstition. Are you superstitious? In a practical way. How is that? never walk under a ladder unless I feel sure it wont fall on me, and 1 always expect bad luck when pursued by a mad bull across a lot In which there are Just thirteen acred. T The Honeymoon Special., Yes, there were sit bridal parties on ourtraln. ld Chum --Well! Well! And tell me' about that long, harrow tunnel throueh the mountains. Did ypu get through safely? Bride Oh, yes, we Just squeezed "through. Chicago News. . - Bride y Sprlngss- - Senator Kearns and -- his - associates have the utmost confidence : In the north end of the Tintlc district, as shown by the action of the officials of the company, authorizing Manager J C. Sullivan to install diamond drills and to proceed to explore tne ground a distance of 1,000 feet below the bottom of the shaft Something distinctly new. In the form of a streak of ore which gives assay return of 16.22 per cent copper. In addition to 32.4 per cent lead and 14.64 ounces in silver and $1.60 in gold, has been encountered In the bottom of the winze from the 100 foot level of the Pioche Metals company's Point mine. The Cole-Ryapeople are organizing a company to Cake over severai promising gold and silver properties In ths district of Mexico. The new company will be known aa the Sierra Consolidated Minei company. It will be capitalized for 200,-six-inc- h n Oc&mpo-Chihuahu- 000 shares, par $10. t White Steamers Use Kerosene as Fuel Many Women Think They Ar Dooijsd v to Backache. . One of the hardest blows tha( has - The net profits of the Montgomery'" Shoshone Mining company for ths first six months of the year 1909 were ( representing about 5y per cent of the gross receipts of the milling operations, says T be Rbyoiit e Hep $126,500, aid. The Accommodating Dead One. Hugh Coyle enjoys the distinction Brute! You never do anything of being the only shipper from the like my first husband! Hamilton, Nevada, district during the Oh, hang your first husband! What summer. From practically virgin did he do that was so good, anyway? ground on the north side of White , Don't talk like that the poor dear Pine mountain Mr. Coyle has bee died the first year we were married. sending a fine quality of ore to the London Opinion. smelters at Salt Lake. shaft in the Fanche and Smith Verb Sap. , lease on the Stlmln ground . at Gentleman And remember, Old Georges canyon has been sunk Jlf to wish that have man, you young through a barren streak and la again enough to take 1 easy on In y6ur old in excellent ore, according to late arage, you must work hard the whole of rivals from the camp. The whole shaft life. your la now in quartz that pans welL It Is lways f not right for women to be aailing with backache, urin fy ills, headache and iter symptoms of A ney disease. Tberd a way fa end Gi troubles quickly. J John JL Wright, W East First St., Ml 1 S. D., 1 says: ten suffered ye a with kidney comph tt and a doctor told me 1 would ne ar get more than temporary relief. A dragging pain and lameness in pF back almost disabled me. Dlpy spells come and went and the kid iff DoaZ't secretions """were irregular. Kidney Pills rid me of these trouble and 1 feel better than for years pa A Sold by all dealers. 50c. a bcL Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y.l. n Vainly Seek Health In Southwest. - According to a statement of the tional Association for the Study a4 Pretention of Tuberculosis fully 7.U0 w 8b diseased persons hopelessly tuberculosis annually oometodle Ja the states of California", Arizona, Ne Mexico,-Tex- ag and Colorado; most of them by order of their physicians. Tkt statement, which U based upon the testimony of expert, and all available statistic s, shows that K least 50 per cent, of thosewho go M the southwest every year for their health are so fsrrsdvanced In thek disease that they cannot hope for i cure in any climate underany More than this, at leaA 60- - per cent, of these advanced cast! t are so poor that they have not means to provide tor the props! necessaries of life, which means thM 4,315 consumptives are either starve! to death or forced to accept charltabk v relief every year. Na- THE WHITE STEAMER WHICH MADE A SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION OF KEROSENE AS FUEL ON THE RECENT 2650-MIL- E GUDDEN TOUI , The most Interesting announceThe complete success of the new amount of fuel used On the trip ment ever made In connection w 1th fuel while on the 2650-mil-e public showed that kerosene is at least he automobile Industry was un- - test and the advantages gained fifteen per cent more ejfflcleut, gallon doubtedly that made a month or two through ita use were well described for gallon, than gasoline. The car In . ago to the effect that fhe new models in lhefoilowing dispatch which the other respects made a most credltabl of the White team Cars could be run correspondent of the New York Sun showing, and there was the usual rivon kerosene, or coal oil, instead of sent to his paper at the conclusion of alry among the observers to be assigned to the White so that they gasoline. Everyone at once recog-nlze- the tour: A feature of the tour whleh was could ride adth theTnaximum of com--fthat the uae of the new fuel The only adjustments or re- would add materially to the advan- watched with special Interest was tages which the White already pos- that the White Steamer used kero- paira charged against the car during sessed over other types of cars. sene, or coal oil, as fuel instead of the long trip were tightening a lubriThere were some, people, however, gasoline. The new fuel worked cator pipe and wlrtog a damaged mud Who were sceptical as to whether or splendidly throughout the 2650-milguard. These penalties were not InDot the new. fuel could be used with Journey, and all claims made In Its flicted until morr than 2000 mile First of bad been completed with an absolute- complete success, and therefore, the behalf were fully proven. as makers olthe White Car, the White all, regards cheapness, the White ly perfect score. A .particularly Interesting feature Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, deter- - driver secured kerosene all Along the Steamer Is that mlned'TrmtrTrbttrnretnbnstfa- - ToutrTfonrri'ehtbtdlO'ebntscheap- - of -t-he-' -tkm of the new fuel in the 1909 GUd-de- n er per gallon than was paid for gaso- either kerosene or gasoline may.be line. Secondly, the new fuel was used aa fuel. The necessary adjustTour. ' Frotbthe standpoint of the public, handled without any precautions. And ments so that the fuel may be changed no test more satisfactory could have it waa not unusual to aee kerosene from kerosene to gasoline, or vice been selected. First of all, the dis- being poured into the fuel tank while versa, may be made In a couple of , tance covered on the Qlidden Tour, the crew of the car and an interested minutes; but so completely successful from Detroit to Denver and thence to crowd stood by with lighted cigars has kerosene proved to be, that It Is Kansas City, was 2650 miles. This and cigarettes. At the finish of the not believed that any purchasers will was certainly more than sufficient to tour, the White was the only car per- care to use gasoline. The White Company report that bring out any weaknesses, if such had mitted by the authorities to enter existed. Still more important was Convention Hall, where the technical the demand for their new steam car and th both the took place, without the fact that the car waa at ail times examination exceed their most sanwhile on the road under the supervi- draining Its fuel tank- - Thirdly, the $4000-modsion of observers named by those new fuel proved to be absolutely guine expectations. It is evident that who entered other contesting cars. without smoke or smell. Fourthly, the combination of steam- the powkerosene could be been at what- er which everyone understands and would have purchased imposit Therefore, sible ior the driver of the White to ever part of the route waa most con- has confidence in- - with kerosene have even tightened a bolt without venient, and not once during the trip the fuel which everydne has on hand the fact being noted and a penalty in-- through the ten States of the Middle and can handle without any danger Is by appreciated thoroughly flicted. . At night the cars were West was there found a grocery store purchaser .,1 automo- -. guarded by Pinkerton detectives ahd where kerosene was pot readily and , . the biles. could not approached by any one. cheaply obtainable. Finally, - well-know- d ort eufl-cien- e , Chickens a Nuisance." Chickens a u ulsa nceT'flectfff est Charleston News and Courier, fried? Baltimore Sun. Chickens a nuisance? Yes, whet all they leave of your garden Is reminiscence; yes, when the youn cock, full of the Joy of life, rouSal Fou In the early dawn; yes, whei soro vulgar fowl whips the very life out of your blooded pet; yes, when the pip or other ailment worries the amateur breeder. But when fried? Never! i T Brooklyn Flag Factory. One of the biggest official flag factories in the world Js in the Brooklyi navy yard. Between eighty and ont hundred women work there all thd year round making flags for the uqe of Uncle Sams fighting ships. Th use up 120,000 yard of bunting-- a y and fashion 418 different kinds of Official flags. The flags cost $90,000 a 1 year. newr-Whtt- e -- $2O0O-mod- -- SPOILED. A Suspicious Silencs. Howard was only 20 months older thgn the baby. He had somehow come to realize that Elwood, who was creeping, was more likely to be In mischief when quiet One day he called to hla mother with a great deal of anxiety in bis little voice: Mamma, I hear Elwood keeping atill. The Delineator. W. It Was His Way. farmer was telling recently about the eavesdropping that goes on along the farmers' telephone line They also relieve from Dyspepsia. Die-tre- ss bet-hea- coming-d- o ,o the Ealing. A perfect pane for DIuImm, Kas-een Drewstaeea, tbe Month, CoaS-- a Ton u, Pain la tha. ay tt easy that It City Journal Adjustable. Aunt Anne, an old family darky, waa sitting with knees crossed in the kitchen, when the young daughter of the house entered and. Impressed with the hugeness of the old woman's feet, Well painted is value added wheth- asked wbat size shoe she wore. er the house be built for one thousand JVell, honey," replied Aunt Anne, dollars or ten thousand. Well painted I kin wear elgbta; I ginerally wear mean higher, selling value, and high- nines;' but dese yer Ise got on am er occupying value for theres an twelves, an de good Lawd knows dey additional pleasure in living in the huts me! Everybodys Magazine. house that is well dressed. -National Lead Company assist In Expectation. Hii Daughter Father, I wish youd making the right use of the right Mr. Slowboy will paint by sending free upon request to stay home who ask for it,- - their -- HotiseowB- want toask you for my band- era Painting Outfit No. 49. Her Father Has he really proposed This outfit include a book of color scheme at last? for either exterior or Interior paint-lug- . His Daughter No; but be will toa book of specifications and an night Instrument for detecting adulteration Do your feet ever feel tired, achy and In paint materials. Address National aore at msht? Rob them with a little Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Build- Hamlins Wizard Oil. They'll be glad in ing, New York City, and the outfit the morning aad sc will you. will be promptly sentto you. Theres one good thing about hussays Mrs. Pestus, bands, anyway, Language of Eden. of and thats that most of them belong He (looking at the women's styles) They still use the to somebody else. language of the first fashion plate, Dr. Pleraea Pellet a. smalt, eaay to " ' taka aa candy, yefnlate and Invtfuraln Momae, don't they? li Ter and bunaia. lunutanpo. . His Wife What do you mean? He Fig. 1, Fig. 2. and so on. Ifs too much to expect crossbred Judge, dogs to be amiable Tbey rerulnte the Fac-Simi- "' Theres a Reason." It contains the phosphate of potash from wheat and barley which-corob- in wllh albumen to make the gray matter to daily refill the brain and nerve centers. - It Is a pity that people do not know what to feed their children. There are many mothers who give their youngsters almoBt-gn- y kind of food and when they become sick begin to pour the medicine down them. The real way ! to stick to proper food and be healthy and get Along without medicine .and expense. Em m4 apinn r sraaiM, lateral. b- - alwr, Irttrrf ta flaw. from torn, tlm u4 man is strong all over. No man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its " consequent indigestion, or from some other diteese of the stomach and Its associated organa, which lm- and nutrition. For when the stomach r.ra digestion or diseased there la a lots of the nutrition contained In food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man doesnt fed just right' when he doesnt sleep well, has an uncomfortable lading in the stomach alter eating, is languid, nervous, Irritable end despond- , Cot, ha la losing the nutrition needed to make strength. A strong (all a! ww TWr W A Back a mam ahoald nan Daw Percen Coidea medical Dlecorerr. It earea dleeaeea of the etomack aad other ortaaa at dlieatlea aad autrttloa. It aarlckea tkm blood , ' lerlloratee tko Urea, atreaitkeaa the kldoere, aoarlmkem tko merree, aad ao GIVES HEALTH AKD STBEXGTU TO THE WHOLE BODY, Yon cant afford to accept a ueret nostrum at a substitute tor this medicine op shown composition, not even though tha urgent dealer, may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. t ly TORPID UTVegetaM - Signature ie REPOSE SUSSTITUTESe Sticky Sweating Palms . after taking salt or cathartto water did you ever notlo that gone feeling the palm., wearyallband sweat and rotten of your taste In your mouth Cathartics bowel only move by sweating y opr Do lot of hurt Try CASCA- . RET and see bow much easier tbe job la done how much better tot you feeL CASCASETS me a bos for a week' treatment, all dmaaiMs. Bivent seller in the world. MUlioa boxes a mouth. This Trade-mar-k Eliminates All Uncertainty tT In the purchased paint materi.il. It is an absolute guarantee of pur, tty and quality. For your owa protection, see d that it is on the side every keg d white lead you buy. IMTtWtt lt WPHT s. Grape-Nuts.- Ida, Bewelw-Pnfe- Genuine Must Bear jL. No Manis Stronger Than His Stomach BsS-Taatel- SHALL PILL. SHALL COSE. SHALL PRICED anaar-enate- d, s, 95. Positively cured by thane Little Fills- - talked he could bear the "click, click' of different recel vers comlng do And you can that they n?ver"hear my rec erlous question sometimes to know Just what to eat when a person's stomach la out of order and most foods cause trouble. Grape-Nut- s food can be taken at any time with the certainty that it will digest Actual experience of people is valuable to anyone interested in foods. A Terre Haute woman writes: I had Buffered with indigestion for about Tour yearreTer mce amittack brtr-phold fever, and at times could eat nothing but the very lightest food, and then Buffer such agony with my stomach I would wish 1 never bad to eat anything. I waa urged to try Grape-Nnt- s and do not have to starve, sjnee Using myself any more, but 1 can eat it time and feel nourished and satisfied, dyspepsia is a thing of the past, and I am now atrong and well, My husband also bad an experience with Grape-NutHe was very weak and sickly In the spring. Could not attend- - to his work. He was under the doctors care but medicine did not seem to do him any good until be began to leave off ordinary food and use Grape-NutIX THE SrMWFR SFASOT It was positively surprisMr. Wlnoloir ftoottitn frutta witft aftoaubfk ing to see the change In him. He grew cnliayiiovrtidui(rAlitetkMf)g mothers ihotild haw on bai ' for eblldrra twlblnir, mM tt guru, reaiiei PunaftaooDttqttH', wlmiculkl. IbCftkXUfto &c frotUtfe &c, flaa..aiu,llAf,a (k better right off, and naturally he had is apt to be its A conscience pone but words of praise for Grape-Nutif a Her string Is soon worn out guilty girl own ezeuser. has too many beaux. Our boy thfnks be cannot eat a meal without Grape-Nutand he learns so fast at school that bis teacher and other scholars comment on it, I am satisfied that it is because of the great nourishing elements in y No. SICK HEADACHE 1 at-an- U, Salt Lake City, he Is on. What Did He Know About, It? . Jinx says there's nothlngm this - B gg s W iter, this steak Is strenuous life. tough to cut Take it back. , How long has he been married VI, 'Waiter Soriy, sir, but I cant; youve bent It SENSE ABOUT FOOD 'VALUE PAINTED ON. Facts About Food Worth Knowing. itl N. A Kansas 1101 Tnsitf itiuewf. ho lllSED LETTER M S1GN MERCHANTS ARJE CRAZY ftooTel wmy of adTtfrt trine UwirfiKKl. YOU can Ktly tnarn to BuUeltwta. EARN tvOOD WUNKY, m right tn your own Lowe, ortravei fefrpgL-- Myoalifce, fr tree infbimRCAOo. SPECIALTIES COMPANY O, JO trnfcMl q.. New York ANUFACTUR1NQ Dept. California Fruits it delivered your homo at wholesale price. Selected dried and canned fruits, nuts an miaina, packed tn family amortment ready lor nan. Wa sell consumers only. Wc yon money. Write aa for price. ui, CALIFORNIA FRUIT SUPPLY CO. MaryavtlW, California ASSAYS miABl.P Gold Rilvnr, FKmiPT Wold tt M: BUmr Mid Cop?, fl & Gold nnd and IwgbV V rim for Iron Buhiling CO UNUmFtesI SaUEAABlil am) Got |