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Show COALVILLE NEWS. JiiiIki- Hay Hi I n of Malt Lake was In Coalville (luring the week. K. (I. llaker lina returned from Wyoming where lie lias upent the tuminer. Minn Alveretta Clayton wan up from Onden the forcpaituf the week vlnltliiK her parent. After the ball vainn Monday the crowd went upon the academy hill, J (Coiilrllle'a rnen course) an J wl -mooed two pony race. The lint wait between lurch" "bully" and IllunqulHt'a brown. "Ilnlly" won by ti neck. Some dlnmitiitlactliin a-rime a-rime over tile raco auvvvn the riclere did not know where tlin fliilKli-illtf fliilKli-illtf line wiih. Next "lluliy" rim with a gray fri.m Kauiim. "Ilnlly"' wim iiKaln an easy winner. ManiiKcr Whltely of the Telephone Co. nay that Home one Ih ku'"IC to pay a IiIkIi eiitrauce fee to thcalimit. Ink club. In the near future. Thin refcra lo the crack hIioIh, of thla district dis-trict who nre in the habit of ahimt-liiff ahimt-liiff Im-ulatorH on te .phone olea. There 1 a HtxiidiiiK reward off'.!M0 for ln'oriiimionor tl ear rent and con-l Tli'tlou of any one caught hIiooIIiikI iii'iilaloi k or In any way iiiiiMcIoiih-i iiiiiMcIoiih-i ly detroyin(t property of IIiih eon.. pnn . Alex. Wrlitht who recently mured j here from Cuiiiherluiid, Wyoiniuir, met with a very painful If not er-j er-j ion accident hint Turaday nlitlit. Mr. Wright and a friend were ntnml-I ntnml-I In In the alley between the old Kl-lilredKH Kl-lilredKH More and Swalnton' w hen Mr. Wrixlit in Htepplmi to one nld" tO let a wapiti piu thelll. Htepped In a "1111111 hole" Hpr.ifnitiir hln back and Injuring IiIh kidney. Mr. Wrlitht wan taken home and linn been eoiillned to hln hed hIiicj tie acchleiit, HiilTeriiiK conaiderahly. |