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Show City Council Proceedings J The city council met In rcKiihir aeMlMii lt Tunxlny night with Mayor protein t-lanie Hull In the clialr iiinl Ciiiiiiciliiicu Suminnra, Wilde, and .Moore prcHcnt. Chnlrinim Hull of the electric llKlitJ coiinnlltee reported liU eiintl-gant eiintl-gant fund and tlivHiiuir wiih referred to the auditing coininltlce. A motion carried that all who . were three inonl In or more In nrreara for electric current, that the electrician elec-trician be liiHtructcd to disconnect name. )n motion the city miirliiil a liiHtructed to lininedluiely collect al dliniui-nt llccnao. On in . li. hi i.l Coiineilimin Wtt.le I t!ie eminent n .ti. et. alley nml bridge wi re empowered to have (travel and aaml hauled, buy cement ami let bid for piitiiuir In e, 'incut afreet erolii(. The city acxltia rep rtcil one hur-Inl hur-Inl mi. I r.velpt of ."..ii w hich rum ' ll ih lieeli turned over to the city treasurer, j I lie t'itj iiiiirnluil r. porte.l ; il.nv Cllleeted. Klecinc IIIiIkI- f I4 0J l.iecii.e 17.10 The city treasurer reported for the month of A 1 1 1 1 - . ' Idiialiccaii liiiml Ml '..II I-lceni... WLirj! Ilurinla a.im ItecordinirN a. (Mi Klevtric Unlit IfT.tM (Jintruuiiiiu H.a2 If.'.T.Vo llcdeomcd warraute Mo. Kl liiilnucii on hand Auk. 81 WI.14 Council adjourned to Mondiiy, Sept. au. |