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Show 4. ! COALVILLE TIMES PEARY ARRIVES N. JACOB PLTERSON. PACIFIC FLEET BEGINS AT CRUISE Editor and Manager. z.. TOP OF THE EARTH THE WORTH POLE UTAH COALVILLE Bound for the Orient on Journey to Test Efficiency of Vessels for Work Designed. . ' UTAH STATE NEWS FREDERICK A. COOK, WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE PER- DR. An effort I being made to organ! state rural letter carrier assocls-Mon- . Brigham City boasts of the largest beat tomato crop In ear. but the price has dropped to 80 c nfs a bushel The Utah Copier compan) ha raised the wuges of all Greek laborers "5 to $2 25 er ml Bingham front Bay, beginning September 1. being made byTtie An effort, I association of Salt Manufacturers' 1 jtke to start a factor) for the manufacture of apparatus for the production of derfatured alcohol. for K. C. III.)) lock, being horribly never iImj s after burned by tbs etplosiou of a gas tank at the-p- h kle factory at Ogden, died at and 1 ISHED, REPORTS SUCCESS. Tel's ef tbs Discovery and tha Burial of Bras Tube With Record of Journey Under Flag Which He Had Planted. d A Frederick Yolk Dr he American explorer, baa discovered aftfr many hardships, the North pole, and planted the Stars snd .Stripe on the nortberutost point of the woi Id an A cablegram from Brussels nouncea that the observatory there Sep- has received the following dated Lerwick, Shetland islands: -tember 2." "Hurt bed North pole April 21 Scisntists Say That Tsa and CoflM Are as William, of the Superintendent Dangerous to Women ae Liquor 1908 far north I)ibco ered land a Moscow tuine at Milford, met with ito Men. y ft cl urn to -- Copenhagen by steamer painful accident while going Into the Hans Egede. mine, a rock becoming dislodged and vented the world from knowing his "FREDERICK COOK MURDERS WIFE, DEFIES POUCE crashing down on tis leg, causing great discovery. bad break. A special dispatch from London. The correspondent's company com- Bkagen tells of an interview of a news-- ' Dr. Tbe Willard-Cannin- g cok as saytog in conelualon: No last week. menced operation FreilSay, that day we reached tur paper correspondent with Ur. apricots or plum will be canned this erick A. Cook, discoverer of the North provision stores at Etah was a gn ger Crazy Butcher of Spokane Puts up year, and In all respect the canning Pole, on the steamer Egede, when the Desperate Fight After Choking than April 21. 1 long to get ark season in Willard will not be a very great American explorer told of the day Woman, to civilization, to move among nr.y h'l profitable on. low men: I Tong to press my wife to success of his venture. ' A large excavating machine that The correspondent report Dr. Cook my heart. I am the happiest manliv-iwill dig 1,000 feet of trench a day and Spokane, Wash. Barricaded in hla good health, but expressing the dec- - jng. T II the wholo world I thank od two carloads of laboring men have la rat Ion that he Is glad to get back to home, defying the entrance of the pora back. Juat arrived In Lgan, and from now civilisation, and laughingly declaring lice, John Glinderman, a crazy on the work on .tne Logan sewer will that he is looking forward with an ap- - COOK REACHES COPENHAGEN butcher, murdered hla wife Thursday be pushed rapidly. morning by croking her. Then he put Prince and Pauper Alika la putting State Auditor Jewke up a desperate tight vftth officers American as He Sets Foot Up he was taken into custody. forth special effort to get person ..Danish Vessel. bolding ststebounty cfrrttflc&restafor lie reporLlhiit a.xr&jtY man was in ward them to hi office for payment Copenhagen. Dr. Frederick A. the hftuse, armed with two btg reat once, gs ho wishes to get them paid Cook, the American explorer,' rettrn-e- volvers, had brought a force of poand out of the way a rapidly as posto civilization from hla dlscorery licemen to the place and soon a sible. UlindeimSn north pole, came into Copcsha-ge- large crowd gathered The Tabernacle choir brought hack harbor at 10 oclock Saturday threatened to kill the. first man who entered the house, and held the ofto Salt Lake in the neighborhood of morning 'September 4, on board the, 13,600 receipts after paying heavy ad steamer Hans Egede from Greenhnd. ficers at bay for fifteen or twenty Not knowing that anyone vertlslug bills and other large accounts Dr, Cook was standing on the bodge minutes. was in house with him, they hesthe e Incident to the trip to Seattle. The flew-Thof the vessel, which Ameritated to precipitate a gun fight until en money was earned by giving concerts ican flag at mast. . along tbs route. Crown ' Prince Christian of De- it was reported that his wife was John M. Browning, known nil over Maurice Egan, the American there. Then a rush was made agatnst nmark; the door, and the officers after a hard the world as the Inventor of tne deadminister; the Danis) mlslter of and revolver automatic overpowered Glinderman, Browning ly and committees repressing struggle bitother firearms, has returned to Ogden various public bodies boarded the but not until after he bad nearly ten off the finger of Detective Weir after Spending three months in BelHans Egede and welcomed Dr Cook and kicked and scratched the others. gium and eastern cities of the Untied in the name of the nation and the States In the Interesta-o- f his InvenJAPANE8E - STUDYING AMERICA. city. tions. At 8 o'clock Dr. Cook sat dtps to Foeth purpose of manufacturing dinner in the city hall, the gitt of Commercial Leaders , Making Tour coalefte.4 a fuel which It is aaid hae brilliant company of the rtdil&i's, for Purposo of Acquiring Knowledgo. been demonstrated to be more valu- petite to any festivities that may be most distinguished "men and yaien,' Seattle. The commercial able than either aofl or hard coal for promised, as hi dinners for the past no longer looking like n taiir be- commissioners Japanese paid their respects to as he he fore didwlon the mast, known a company beating purpose, two year' have been very slim ones. but arrayed in evedng dress Mayor John F. Miller and the local as the Superior Fuel 4b Briquette com- After deacriblng how, on the 21st of landed, consul, Toklchi Tanaka, on Thursday, . pany hfca been formed, at Coalville April, 1908, he found 4hat ha waa six- provided by the Kings talbrs and made plana for studying the with 1250,000 capital stock. teen miles from the Pole, Dr. Cook NATIONS TO HONOR COOK. United States in their tour of eighty arTwo young men of Ogden made told of bow,1 when he stood on the Baron Shibusawa and BaroD days. g of Explorer Will bi Kanda called at the rangements recently with two girls of Foie, he laughed and shouted like n city hall to for them hoy, to the surprise of his two Eskimo x the State Industrial school Mad International Evert. thank the mayor for their courtesies. to escape from the school and Join companions, who did not seem to New York. commissioners The assembled Preparations alrndy are them. The officers of the school got share his Joy. Continuing, he 'said: afoot here to make the homecoming Thursday night in the chamber of word ofthe plot and they proceeded 1 "1 felt that I ought to be there. of of Dr. Frederick A. Cook an event of commerce and perfected details Immediately to entrap the would be made my last observation and found national, and possibly International, their organization Various trade exalso and Tuns way capture the young that I was standing on the pole. importance, if plans outlined by mem- perts were made chairmen of commen. after well, !, was too tired ber of the .Arctic, .club .are carried mittees to Investigate phases My ..feeling - Or. RGIGowans, of Salt Lake City," 'businPss: 1 Amerlcan The Japanese sensation. feel to planted reDr. any Cook will welcome out, the baa begun his duties at the 8tate In- really who, as soon as he landthe Star and Stripea In the Ice field in New York will be u ova- shipbuilder ed, asked that he should have a dustrial school, taking the place of for and my heart grew warm when I aaw ceive in which city, state and nation chance to visit a large saw mill, waa tion mer Superintendent 1L H. Thomas, It wave in the wind. will take part, whlje prominent ex- not exceptional In hla eagerness to whose resignation followed shortly af-"How does tha north pole look? plorers, Cook's former rlvsli, from be shown things. Invitations received - ter tha Investigation of charges of waa asked. all parts of the globe, will gather to from manufacturing firms were acwhich was made by a said Dr. Cook, amlllng, "it pay their personal tribute to his cepted eagerly. Well, i:r - committee appointed by Governor amounts to the aiiebftwenty-flvacieveinent- a Peru and Bolivia Will Probably Set-- v pry. cent piece. There to notnu.g to see tie Differences. Within thirty days the Telluride hut Ice, loe; no water, only Ice. There Tower company will have completed were more hole here than at the Washington. The boundary controIts double line from Grace, Idaho, Into elghiy-aeventversy between Peru and Bolivia seems degree, which shown The near an amicable settlement Salt Lake City, earring a total of there to a movement and drift here; state department has received a cable100,000 horsepower. Eastern capital- but thto and other observations I made ists will spend $5,000,000 In develop- afterwards when 1 got more settled. gram from Minister mutsman, at La r ing thenation1 t"Btoppvdtwolivlan congress referred the whole of the Telluride Power company assure you It waa not easy to aay j ! -territory.. matter to the executive department ot good-byto the spot. throughout Utah. exthe who are Among explorers Johkx Brough, who came to the "As I was sluing at the pole, I could ported to lake a prominent part are Bolivia tor treatment This action is United "States from England, and not help smiling at the people wno on the duke of the Abntszl. Dr. FritJof considered a hopeful sign of rriendly adjustment by direct understanding pushed a handcart over the plains and my return would call the whole ex- - Nansen. Captain Ronald Amtmdsen, ot the two principals, Bolivia and mountains toalt Lake, arriving there pedltlon a humbug. I waa aue the; General A. V. Greelcr, Rear Admiral Peru. FI Anthony and alt Mvllle la 1852, took passage on a Cunard lin- people would say that 1 had bought eorftr New Ocean Liner Record. Jogh E tonlPr- - ' ; er last week for England, on" his first my two wTtnesses and that my note- Vtolt to Jito old hont book with my dally observations hadt EXPLORERS WIFE CONFIDENT. ,New York. Three new ocean records fell to the Cunard liner Lusitania The case of the pebple of the state been manufactured on hoard this ship. The only thing 1 can put upjHad Never Doubted That H Would on her latest trip from Queenstown. of Utah against all ofhe transconThe Lusitania made the passage in Discover North Pole, tinental railroads entering into the against this is what the York Eski- eleven hours and forty-tirbusiness of rale rakklng fcwkthls seo mos have told Knud Rasmussen. .Lett Bningw,fk) Malne.-M- rs. Frederick four days, minutes, thereby clipping three tlon will be opened September 22 In the skeptics who disbelieve my etoryl v Cook, wife of the explorer, declines and fourteen minutes from her the United Statea eburt rooms m8alt goto the north poio. There they will u,k t ,,,n(?)h ronot.rn,DK w hug. hours time'; she maintained an averfastest find asmall brass tube which I burled ,iand g achievement, sake. before the inierstate coniine declaring the did of 25 85 knots for the en. commission. under We flag. Thanube contains age speed t ara v BOt d.slre nolorletV tire voyage, beating the Mauretanias short statement about my trip. 1 could that my hmband has rM(.h(.d Aa she attempted to step backward gle record and became the first liner to rd, because I out of the elevator at the L D. S. hoe not leave my visiting Tfe d d,,sl.e of ehief dock on the fourth day out from n she saw pltal, in Salt Lake City;-whehad scat faith hi the Queenstown. Pe?hapa. the explorer added dry!gnccega 0f kis undertaking and It start downward, Miss Nancy Oshave bourn. a trained nurse. 34 years of ly, I should have stayed there-longe- r a ni0lnent fP, Prophesy Failed of Fulfillment, would not jor wa our in tf freexe win.". age, was struck by the top ut tue cage, had It not begun Tampa, Florida. Disappointed bethrown to the floor and had her head idleness. Th Eskimo were uneasy cause their prophesy that Tampa was Lived 8ix Score Years. crushed between the shaft and the ele- and the dogs howled fearfully. On to be wiped out by a great disaster Tex. 1 Israel vator. death being instantaneous. . Brock who again turned my Waco, April 23, therefore. September 1 failed to come through, Mias Bertha Parkinson was ren- nose southward, which was easy, as, lalrpcd to have seeu twen'vwlx pres-yothirty footsore disciples of the cannot turn,yonr nose in anyotherj Tents elected, is dead I ere dered unconscious for two hours by s an Tongu? have returned from boll of lightning which struck the direction when you stand at the pole.1; ig said to be 121 )tai Acceding Durant, twenty five miles from here. Cook then described his return, o Brock's family bible and other do Several days ago the oarty sold their Oaks hotel in Ogden canyon. Miss sr fre-r hardships uiferiT, Tie Parkinson was standing under an eleo horaew arSHbound,-amrhdDaffaST posse ssTon s Slid North Carolina. have ovet which would county. Match trie light in the kitchen when th 1, which was to he outside the stricken whelmed an ordinary man and prel"88. zone. lightning struck the house. trovo will go absolutely dry on JanChose Most Feasible Route. Cook's Backers Have No Word. Arouses Interest In London. ' J uary 1, 1910, according to. the official Washington, NJ. Dr. Thomas Deaction of the city council, A hen, by a London Pr. Cook's feat has ere-- j New York. Dr. Roswell 0. Steb-atevote of 6 to 3, with one member not tremendous interest among all Mb; Chairman of the committee that trick. who was a surgeon In the Peary in and present, all previous, liquor Taws were classes here, especially geographers, organized' the relief expedition sent Arctic expedeltlon a with the Eskimo for remained year his out Dr. for a said Cook, oh Weda, eday repealed and prohibition ordinance The brief telegram concerning achievement printed in the evening that no new of any kind regarding in Greenland, declares that Dr, Cook passed. the pole by the west coast With a view to securing Informapapers, together with sketches of D. - 'the explorer had reached his friends In reaching had 'chosen the most Ellesmereland of in the Arctic and the tion which wilt be uBed in acquaint- Cooks records and all known preliml- and backers Dr. Detrick said: route. ftasible were read club here since his of ? March plorerv expedition, ifinS. ing people with what Utah needs la of the that Cook's grasp when Dr. Cook there and utmost pr. eagerness, with the gurbd inland from a man with Eskimo Can theory the wgy of manufactories, a circular live indefito hear Greenland ttie'lxh The th is curiosity greatest of eonimtthe is secreletter being prepared by the coast of Ellew- story of the explorer's triumph. The which Dr Stebblns is chairman vr? nitely on the tary of the Utah Manufacturers are mereland and come out at any po.ut news was immediately sent to K'ug organized several months ago Jt ! elation, which will be addressed tc Edward at Marieobad. and he' dls- - raised a fend to send rut an his knowledge c xp ti - ie chooses, shows manufacturers of the state. lion to search for Dr, OoV y rr'e renditions New i ng after-lingeri- teb-gia- -- -- n f Cr be-fo- d of-th- e n - tora-mer- Home-comin- h e . I o n - (i r, -e- tii d 1898-190- Ex-narl- -- PLANTS F.AG AT- - NORTHERMOST San Francisco The eight armored POINT JUST ONE YEAR AFTER cruisers of the United States Pacific COOK'S ARRIVAL. fleet weighed anchor at 2 o'clock and through a Sunday atteinoon heavy fog kteamui slowly out of the on a long cruise for World Startled by Newt of Second Golden Gate . Astatic waters. Successful Effort to Locate North The fleet will go direct to Hono-- ' Pole Dr. Cook Pleased at lulu and thence to the Orient, where - atic Rival's Success. It will be joined hy the squad ron, under Admiral Harder The fleet w III then engace in bat-l- e e A New York has boen repractice in Philipp. ne wateis. Each of the octette is an armored ceived from Connnanter R bert E. and with two exceptions each cruiser announcthe Arctic Peary, explorer, guns in ing that he had fliscovtred the North s equipp'd with eig.eca he main battirv and Is of la.flSD Pole on April 6 of the present vear A message to the Ass Press tons burden. Two, the Tennessee and Stars and Stripes nailed to he Washington, have twnty guns in says; the main 'battery and are of 14,300 North Pole. Commander Pear) a wife has re tons burden. Each ship has 23,000 eelved a message from Iullan Ha'bor horsepower. The object tf the vo.vaee is to test via Cape Bay readingHave made in the ihe effic.ency of the ves-eI m old the at have last, pole good work tor which they were construct-- d well. Love. Will wtre again- - from to make cruises of ar. length at Chateau " the highest possible speed while From St Johns, X F comes the maintaining a maximum of fighting Commander Rolert E strength following: Peary, who announced on Monday BIG FIGHT COMING. that he had discoyered the North Pole on April 6 of the present year, found Will be on Question of "Water Power A Cook no traces of Dr. Fied-rlt- k Rights, Says Gifford Pinchot. who reported that he had made the Los Angeles In an address before same discovery in April of the preeed the City club on Suturda) Gifford; ing year. This news reached here Pinchot, chief of the forestry bureau, said that he did not desire to talk on forestry, but would like to talk about consenation of natural resources, shlch, he said, was one of the greatest movements of the times. are beings preffy closely. .drawn iieriyeen those who s'and fop good government antf privithose who stand leges." he said. The square deal is what we seek as a weapon in the contioversy between the people and the money interests. 1 feel that the time has come for men to stand up and be counted, and I think also that the facts ought' to be more widely Known There is a big fight coming up in the next congress and it will be on the question of water power rights. On account of the withdrawals Toi power rights lately. It is bound tc come up. The men who control watei power in the end unless the govern ment controls them, will control industry." EXPLORER DINES WITH KING. 2 niP-sag- - L ik fcrr-spec- bil ROBERT E. PEARY. Famous Arctlo Explorer. through Captain ' Robert Bartlett, of the Roosevelt, Pearys ship. Dr. Frederick A. Cook was seated at llnner, surrounded by a unmant company, when the news of Pearys was received in Copenhagen. Dr. Cook was immensely interested, That to good news. I tnd said: tope Peary did get to the pole. Hie observations and report on that region will confirm mine. And thus it seems that the North Pole .has been doubly discovered. " Two Americans have planted the ' flag of their country in the land of Ice, which man has sought to penetrate for four centuries; and each Ignorant of the othera conquest has sent within a period of five days a laconic message of success. On September 1, Dr. Cook sent, out from the Shetland islands the first message of his success, a message which has aroused a storm of controversy around the world. And now Robert E, Peary, lost from view In the land of Ice, and unheard from since August, 1908, has startled the world rem-4- -f si try dlan Harbor, Labrador. There was no qualification; it left no doubt. With but a word from Peary, the world .waits for details, but none will be available until he arrives at Chateau Bay, Labrador. It was comparatively a simple matter lo ascertain that the April 6 referred to by Peary was April of this year, fts his expedition dd not start from New York until July 7. 1908. From the time Peary wrote his last letters home from his depot of supplies at Etah In August, 1908, qntll he flashed. ihe.magic words from Indian Harbor, nothing was known of the fight he had been making across the frozen crust of the north. y Btf Believes Both- - Men FouncL Pole That dispatch from Washington. Peary means that he has finally achieved what he has so long been after." said Henry Gannett, an old friend of Peary, and vice president of the I am National Geographic society. awfully glad that he has reached the North Pole, whether Tie was the first to reach there or not. Be certaluly worked hard enough to get there. Such a dispatch from Peary would signify on ty" hi ie vcmenf. Eventf Cook was there first, whatever he left there would have floated miles away. r oWrii to Celebratlo'n. Dr. Cook Entertained by King Fred ' rick at Summer Palace Copenhagen. Copenhagen. Dr. Frederick A. Cook Fred dined Sunday night with a few summer the at palace, erick, miles outside of Copenhagen. The king summoned Dr. Cook to ao- audience Saturday, as a formad cour They had an hours talk, and tsy. these while royal audiences cannot, according to etiquette, be minutely described by the members of the court, Ir. ("ook made such an impression on the king that the latter immediately instructed the court chamberlain t summon the explorer tojftne with him Sunday night The dinner was entirely the result ot the king's personal opinion regarding the explorer, who had the seat on the king's right, an honor which Dane can not remember having been a corded another private person, and members of the royal family listened- to his every word as he recounted th dangers snd privations of his polar lourney. Receives Telegram from Taft Dr. Cook was immensely pleased by a telegram from Presldent- Taft, In which the president extended his -- beftrtyemg,ra4letto" --- - lie had to undergo an ordeal on Sun, dav, being bombarded on every side with questions, intended to test thl accuracy of his affirmations. Astronomer! Are Convinced. Ore of the most exacting periods ol .he day was an interview with Profes-- , xor S'fomberg, leading Scandinavian astrftflMtner, who says .when he to per mitted to examine Pr. Cooks obseo rations he can decide within a hall day whether the explorer has been at the pole. Several other expert ArctU explorers were closeted in converts tlon with. Dr. Cook. When they cams out, they appeared thoroughly convinced of his absolute good faith. s Headless Body Found. Detroit Tied in a bag, the torso of a young girl was discovered Sunday in Ecorse creek at Ecorse, a suburb of this city, ,The head, arms and lees were not to be found, and it was Impossible to Identify the body. The body was taken to an undertakers establishment rin-r- he city of Wyandotte. A preliminary examination by physicians disclosed th the head and limbs bad been sefered. The care with which the body was secreted apparently disposes of the possttsttlty111 f hat tllV lurso TfiTg?itTiHVC been discarded by some physician oi ' . student. i , : down-Ihe-riv- , ' r er J Rate Case Hearing Washington. Commissioner' Prouty Butte, Mont The horribly mutilated body of Robert Harris, who had of the interstate commerce comm!' been working at the Westfall Broth- slon will start shortly on a westers ers mill, near the Coeur dAlene dis- trip for the commission, taking test trict. for some time, was found on the mony at various places in numerouf Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sourid cases presented to the commission fot tracks near Cobden, a small station settlement. Th plan for the commls fifty miles west of Missoula, having, slon is to have all the other comnil-stonefollow and take up as it is believed, been thrown from manj moving train and ground to pieces-Th- cases as possible and to meet in body of Harris was identified bv Sponkane on October 4, to take test! his foreman, who said the man start c mony in the Spokane rate casea Th for Missoula Sunday, to attend t'e commissioners are scheduled to arriva Labcr day celebration at this place., i n Salt Lake City on September 22. Killed on Way -- ; rs |