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Show MENTAL ACCURACY Greatly Improved by Leaving Off Coffee The maniiger of an oitoimlve crootn-ry crootn-ry In Win. atutua that while a regular regu-lar coffee drinker, ho found It lnjurl-oua lnjurl-oua to hla health and a hindrance to !the performance of hi business du-tloa. du-tloa. "It Impnlred my dlgoatlnn, gavo mo a dlatreaalng aenee of tullueiia In the region of the atoinacb, caualng a moat painful and disquieting pulpltiitlon of the heart, nnd what U worse, It muddled mud-dled uiy mental fiicultlea ao aa to crl-i crl-i oualy Inluro my bualnvaa efllclency. "I Rnully cuneluded that something would have lo bo dime. I quit the uae i of coffee, ihort off, and begun to drink I'oatum. Tho rook didn't mako It right at flrat. Hlie didn't boll It long ' enough, and I did not find It palatable and quit ualng It and went bark to coffee cof-fee and to the stomach troublu again. "Then my wife took the matter In hand, and by following tho dlroetlona ' on the box, faithfully, aha hud me drinking I'oatum for aeveral duya be-for be-for I know It. "When 1 happened to remnrk that I waa feeling much better than I had for a long time, ahe tuld mo that I i had been drinking I'oatum, and that 1 accounted for It. Now we have no j coffee on our tublo. "My dlKextlon baa been reatorcd, , and with thla Improvement hua come ! relief from the oppregBivo sense of fiillneaa and palpitation of tho heart that uaed to bother me an. I note euch a gain In meninl atrength and acute-tieaB acute-tieaB that 1 can attend lo my office , work with rune and plenmiro and with- j out nink ug tho mlatnkea that were ao .V annoying to m while 1 wua ualng . i coffee. "Poatum la the greatest tublo drink ' of tho tlmea, In my humble estlma- i Hon." Namo given by Poatum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. ! Head tho little book, "Tho Road to i ' vVellvtlle," fn pkge. "There' a reaaon." k Rver read the abTt lecferr A ? opeeare froae time to 1Im. Tkey i ! trnm, mmm fall of hiua 7 Salrrel. ) J " |