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Show H0YTSV1LLE NEWS. (Too late for last Issue.) llnVTHVIM.K, May St.-lAirenio Hargenl returned on Ihe llth inat. from a mlaalon in Kngland. Ilia wife met him In Halt Lake I'ity. A "home coming" reception waa tendered him nn the 13th at the ward meeting house, where a abort program wua rendered. After the eaetcisea all went to the dunce hall and all enjoyed them aelvca In dancing. Mine Adu tlllllli, who tine been tench-ing tench-ing school here thia winter, returned to her home in Heaver enmity- on the morning of the llth. Un the eve be fore her departure nboul fifti of her friend, u.et ut the home of C.i.nn Mob son and spent a pleasant evening In singing, music and various games, ufi er which refreshments wete nerved. Mia tlunll will be mis.ed bv her mil n v friends. Mrs. Sarah riyinia and Iwu daughters, Mrs. Joseph HI reel and Mra. dumes Walker, went to I'mk fily nil the ITth to visit Mra. Hviui-a' daughter, Mrs. lohu Mill., who la reportrd to be verv ill. Mra. Hugh Miiieeu and ihinghter .ire vi.itiug ri'luliins bora. It ia rciaiit d I hut they will uiukn their liouii' here III the iie.ir future. Misa llhiiielic John. Ion of Hull Lake bus been visiting her grand tber Mrs. liirthu Wilkin.uu, Ihe isisl ten d.-iya. I. W. I i. kepi iuito bny these dii. making use of hia audi. Your enrre. t. indent ri-t-eiied a pU-as nut cull veslerduv from '.ho Mi..ea He alrii'o Murphy, X'iiiuu Ht. .loer and Uraee Webb of W ilmid. The yiwiig Indies wern on their way to iVilvillo I i attend the closing eier. ise. of the Summit Hluke Acudemv. Mr. and Mra. I'rnuk K.lgell vi.ite.1 in iV.ktoy on Ilia Itllh. The priinury nftleera gave the ehil drt-u a pnrty ou the lUlh, They buraght picnic ami were treated to eundc and nula; g:i a were played und all hud r.vcrt'tt tiuun und le.slie llrnwa have returned from shearing sheep. A few sf the town icople guv tl,e meeting bullae a apriug cleaaiag. The base ball teama are doing pmc tice work evening when the wind doesn't Mow. Homo good bull guinea will be seen hero thia auinmer. f. II. Weal ia busy thus day filling order for moaumenta. lie hna m'v nrul teama ou the road making deliver Mr. Jamea Aatin of Coalville la via it in tr her mnther, Mrs. Husiin llobaon. Mr. .lum'pli Wilkinson ia hern visiting visit-ing hia wife and baby. Mr. Hugh Hymei, wife aud children returned from Hull Lake on tha Slat. They will muk their home in Coal ville. I |