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Show ' ' -: v JUVENILE COUBT IB8UEB ATTEAL v 'i Judga McMaater Aaka That Every body '. ' v t Help to Buppraia Tobacco Trafflc. , ' i Judge Aleiamler McMaater of the javeoilt eoart bai laauad a ganeral ap v p.Ml to nil tnliarro denlera and mere M.. I to the piil.hr. followa: " Vou ore hereby re.pertf.illy inut j r.l to join with the ol lb-era of ll.e juren ile r in rt and other peai-e offirera in Ihe enforcement i.f the following low, pieH by the legislature and now in force throughout tb" sllile ri Utile to. " 'Any per-on who -hull -ell. (i or' ! fu'ln-h nnv enf-ir. eiyriielie. or t .l.aeco , i.n any form, or any opium or other j ;n.ireot,r. in any term, to nny per-.n un , !.er twenty on.- lean of age .hall be I I guilty of a nii".e'niean..r. The proviemna if Una aerlo.n -hall not apply to the tie, aale. giving or fiirnihing of any niireotif upon the prescription of a phy " ' Any person under Ihe ntfe of tuen hne in his possession nny cigar, cig hirette, or tol.jiec, 111 any form, or any opium, or any other nan. tie in any form, .h ill be'giiiliv of a misdemeanor. nil upon r,.i,viM..',n thereof, ahull be lined in any sum not ei dn.g M. "Those fiimibnr with the subject are Incoming greatly cioerii. d over the rnpi.l ll.ernnse of the eioar.tle habit i ng the bovs of our eomoiiimly. It is a c.mmoli Hung to si hildren from eilfht or nine years old m.d up m ik ing around behind billl...nr... .lore, etc., amoking 'snips' pielie.l lip on Ihe .1. ... ,... Il..r. s,ol I,. .una in.ta a they d Ii and brnriiily on the public streets, often they are anen with cigars, ur pipes, and in most of these ra.ea some adult per son haa violated the htw by furnishing Ihe toloirco to children "A few reasons why we are going to vigorously enforce the law are: "I. It ia a nil by habit for children to form. "U. It injures Ihe health. "3. It wenkena Ihe will liowcr. "4. It aaps both physical and men ttkl power. "A. It niakea boya dishonest and un reliable. "ft. It rnba them of opportunities for aecuring positions of emoluments and trust - as maty of the large business institutions will not employ a boy who uaea tobacco. "7. It ia one of the chief cnuaea of truancy. Out of the many boya who graduate from the eighth grade this spring, aearcely a corpornl'a guard will be tobacco usera, 1 hey praelicnlly all fail in et-hunl. It ia a violiiiion of both etnte and city Inwa. "Through the kind en operation of Ihe city and county ofHciula the juvenile juven-ile court cootemplalea an enrnest and vigoroua rampaign against Ihe viola tora nf thia law, bolli minora and a. lulls. All boya under eighteen years of nge found breaking the Inw will be handled by the juvenile court; all be tween eighteen and twenty una will be turned over to tha county attorney to be pmaeeuted ia the criminal courta." tha boya of our community lake notice of tha above, and avoid trouble by quilling tha aitjajwiia aad too habit. |