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Show CRUSHED BENEATH l.!Jl!l,E i Fatal Accident Occura While Automobile Automo-bile Orlvera Are Practicing for Race. Penver Speeding over tho throe tnlle motor course at Sable, ten miles ast of deliver. In preliminary procure proc-ure for tho ilnti inlln nice nn Memorial 'day, two raring iiiitotnnlillea running komo dlHtaneo apart veered from thn (course nt thn siiine point, hut In np-ioallo np-ioallo dlrcitliiiis, nnd turned turtle, iistantlr killing the driver of one cur mil Injuring the oilier driver uud the aochaiilciatia of both earn. Itobert V. Mean, bk.iI thirty four, of Detroit. aiis rrushed to death beneath the cur I he Itilnred: Otto K. Mangllta of licnvcr; two rlba broken. Internal Injuria, In-juria, lee llert Itulii-rls. Iienver. badly bruised. Harry Hall, Iienver. head biuised. |