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Show 4 A 4 4 If A rTFjrffi You Are Trifle Fastidious HIM ON. DRAWING iffl We Wave the lute you uc looking lot. Our Jewelry (oi nn embodie the rick etc of pUta deiign end tKe ckaiecterutic ol BAculioity . Cuf link, lie pin, watcU cHiutt, (ocU ed Uttom. 170 SAII lAKK Cill n i UTAH. The JS Heart , Edith A bat would you do If I attempted to run away and leate you here in tie parlor alone? Ernest Why, 1 er would try to catch and hold xou. Edith Well, get ready then. Im going to attempt it. of Utah Ot yATOR tWJZBY M QjfLLOM puLates through the wires, of the Street Sayings Are Short Lived. If some lindon tJapg has a short urrent for a life, the street sayings Fall banks was of tbe United (lt.cl an senator, Suns Indiana, Sben i e he betaine presid nt, Mr. Fairbanks utterances necessarily were limited to suth expressions as calendar," r poated sixty times a day, and Does the senator from South Carolina yield to the senator from Wisconsin" When he was senator Mr. Fairbanks spokes more than semi occasion ally and had the same trials In to get the floor that beset all the other From one of Senator Fairbanks expert-ntesenators It was thought that when he became and as a neiessary consequence the pre- rPORE W h e jri siilent be held a seat tbe state of Uh.-tle- time s Most v Utah Independent Telephone Service The Real Life of Business anti Society r Who shot ti other sold her mangle? the deg and How are jou off for boep? survive only In the pages of contemporary novelists. Some, Lowever, have a long life. "Does jour mother know youre out? fias been traced back to 1840 and may possibly have been current before then Others are revived, with slight alterations Ten years ago rude little boys would shout, "Where did you when their grandget, that hat fathers would exclaim, What! the And the expression tame old hat! of dissent emphasized nowadays by Not ln these trousers! used to be conveyed thirty years ago by the tag, Not in these boots! London Chronicle. s t, California Baseball Anecdote. "Curious episode, this Seems a voung fellow got excited at the ball game and hugged the young lady next to him, a p rfect stranger She had hltn arrested, but he told the judge ny that-amanmlgTitdo the same"" thing, and hls claim was upheld by expert testimony And what was the sequel Well, the sequel is rather interesting. The next day there were 5,000 girls at the ball game. Low Excursion Rates Via Nr On sale June 'ah Stb snd loth to Mi at uutu Neptemhrt ((ml for 15, lull to law a(vh Hid return, W On sale da llr, June 1st to Srptemht.-Mvnh- , Inchialre, good for return until Octola-- f 1, lull ho law Angotua and return, AW. N.E. A. CONVENTION nSrVATO GAW1GER ' Senator Fairbanks fa nd another occasion to make Tn til tbe hour came for its his Isthmian address. delivery he had aS eye dfigle for Senator Morgan. The Alabaman, howev r, for once in his life when his pet subject was un for discussion was content to t. sit still and say noting. In the pess galleries It was whispered that lip. Morgan wasn't feeling very well that day. TjTat in.&on In the particular sass of the Panama matter SenaCHAR.L&3 W. fAKBAIMS CWlt A POSITIVE aad PER. tor Cullom, being the chairman on the committee MANENTCURE FOR Riding officer of the senate he might from sheer on foreign relations, had charge of the legislaAmong the measures which the New Hampshire Drunkenness end lympatby try to deliver some of those whose The trials of man has advocated in congress for tbe bettering tion on the floor of the senate. once from which the fate deliberations he guards of things on earth are measures Intended to seSenator Cullom on that occasion were the trials Opium Diseases. befell him, . measure of magnitude that cure proper care for tbe Insane, to prevent the on the of every pilot Than b aa yriSdtr, aa dikana. UAn Md at One of the speechee of length which Mr. Fairis launched for a passage through either house ail.al.1. M Crimr m kaan. THE KERLIY docking of horses tails, to prevent cruelty to all of on was the question ut MW t.mW Wn. sn uiw cur. banks made as a senator or senate. animals, to provide for delinquent and dependent Panama. The speech wai delivered not long senator and representative wishes children, to train women nurses for the navy every Nearly after the recognition of the Independence of the to make a speech on the "big things that ar? and to condemn unsanitary buildings. Mr. and republic of Panama by the United States Is a strong man with a soft heart before congress. Of course all of them cannot -ng ran high. It was at a time when party-feelibut the lrlalibme man In charge begin was speak, It With the aides! bank hi tha Internuwntaln region said more than once that Senator of Ikin't keep caah where It mar hr atulen or lost. a long speech and the senator gained much when the members ask that their speaking may Mathew Stanley Quay of. Pennsylvania had a few solid to thta with a rsmlttanes strong letter long the fruit of glory, though he had to wait be postponed for a day or two. The Intending InatituUoa, and your begin. Masluga drops of the Indians in hls veins - If so. his of was the this way and If for to 111 it auma from ripen, up. paying ttime department speakers have their frailty of vanity. They want blood told ln one instance at any rate, for when 4 per cent Interest, compounded twice a rear Senator Cullonl bad charge of the Panama when the galleries are not crowded, and to Mr. Quay was 111 almost unto death he roused speak BROTHERS BANKERS, WALKER matter on the floor of the senate. The Indiana ask that If crowded are not the they himself from bis body weariness and made a galleries Mall take Write lor b formation. City senator went to Mr. Cullora and expressed hlR they may speak os another day. speech In behalf of the Delaware Indians which CulSenator hour. certain at to a wish speak When the Panama matter was up Senator Cul-Jowith its eloquence held the senate and the lom said "A11 right," and apparently the thing .finally became angry and tired with the sena- - j for a too brief quarter of an hour. was fixed. tors who asked that yet another day be set for No one knew that "Keystone Quay could be so wras and over session The senates business tbe making of their speeches. The Illinois senator eloquent. In less than two months after the the hande of the clock showed a quarter to one. all the did not wish Senator Morgan to have delivery of tbe speech he was dead, but before started coat and his buttoned Fairbanks Senator time to htmBelf, and Morgan could- be counted rtt mum er., satr lias otrr he died knowledge came to him that hts eloquence to rise from his seat. Mr Fairbanks is a long saoetaeioeaL wo aatriv reoro on to take every minute that was dropped to him accomplishment, and that the Dele-war- e veeuta rircar gooag nmaaiae man and tbe process of his rising Is likewise to talk about the glories of the Nicaraguan route had brought Indians ln whom he was interested bad find to was He however, only up finally, long. for a canal, about the Imbecility of using the received from congress a sum of money which Pro If Kir AND WOURN to Learn the aged Morgan was claiming President Panama route and about the Republican sin of had been due them for years, but which they In HarlrarTrade Right Week, Tem Fryes attention. the recognition 'of th republic on the Isthmus. had made vain attempts to Becure up to the time luitioa, with el of tools. Ad A look of something like despair rame Into With partial set of tools. Sri, With yonr ow In , that a sick mans plea succeeded ln righting a an Instance la The Panama matter only Aar her Meier A Address Cellese of tools the Indiana senators face, for when Morgan - U Oomaaeretef . point x.. Street, Sait Lake Oily. Utah. wrong. Many a speech on the railroad rate bill Alabama got started on a speech neither god There Is some fun in the senate on occasion. was put off because the attendance was not nor men knew hhen he would come to the end. Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota once said what It should have been from tbe viewpoint of Senator Morgan, however, drove away the look LEARN TO OUNCE BY MAIL "Damn" openly. It slipped out before he was tbe man who was to speak. Congressmen have of despair from Senator Fairbanks' face by sayaware of It, and no sooner had it put In an aptheir human weaknesses. Write I'Kor. WOOUWAKII, 1 wish to make few a remarks only ing: of Platt The which Senator last pearance than the Minnesota sehator put and IS Moiw Street, halt Ukt Illy. Utah great duty Mr. Fairbanks sank back tn his seat and Mr. Connecticut performed for his country was his passed a resolution of censure of himself by on hts desk of notes two with only pages Morgan durhimself. court aa senate ork of the officer presiding It at for twenty minutes, began to talk. He kept Sorties. This little matter of a mild swear word from lng the trial of Judge Charles Swayne. Unquescame to what the senator thought waa his cllmat shortened Senator the lips of Mr. Nelson received a good deal of Mrs Willis (si he Ladies' Aid so- and then trial the strain of that tionably to his resume seat started apparently comment at the time that the word plumped Plgtt'a life. He preelded with dignity and with ciety) "Now, what can we do for th The Indlank senator had straightened up again -out of his mouth, but almost simultaneously with front?" at tho thevearest4fflpartHtlty. The hours of the court's poor boys and half opened his mouth To begin, hut (he Its utterance there was a colloquy between Senasession were long, and yet the aged Connecticut Mrs. GUlls '1 waa reading today southern senator had straightened up again and tors Daniel of Virginia and Galljnger of New senator refused to leave his seat even for the where The soldiers aro alwas making had on hts desk two new pages of notes, which Hampshire, ehich was a trifle more shocking, getting of necessary, food until the session of sorties. Now, why cSnt we get the he had drawn from a shelf underneath. 1 senatorial each was ended.!'; make speaking, than several and day more once those and the down for sat things The Indianan recipes Prior to the opening the trial Senator Platt Senator Galllnger, the moral mainstay of the them ourselves and send them to the Alabaman went on with his renewed determinatstood In the senate, was trying to get hls colleagues to agree place and told his Puck. ion. He spoke until half past one, came to anboys? not to lose a to change the name of 'tdlson street ln Washthat their It a was colleagues movement duty made then and climax other seeming word of the testimony lest they bring In an un ington to Church street. A part of Madison street which made every one think he was going to sit Disproportionate. Just verdict. .The result of this was that with was known as Samson street. Senator Daniel We must expect to suffer pain In Jowti, and this movement was a signal for the one or two exceptions the senators sat In their did not like the Idea of dropping the Virginia But Mr. senator to Hoosler rise Morgan again. on w Inflict It the same degree that had two fresh pages of notes and at It he , seats and heard Important and unimportant testipresident's name even-- for the pious name of others.' said the man who believes In started anew. Mr. mony. listening to every argument of counsel, "Church," so he objected. He asked hls New Fairbanks sighed and sat retribution. and lest anything should escape them they mad who had been held to their Hampshire brother about yie matter and learned The senators other "Maybe so," answered the suffering seats by the belief that Mr. Fairbanks was to Insistent demand that every witness should speak that there was sly other Madison streets in friend ; UUt I aPLEonv'need that my rfpeak looked at tbe aged but tireless Alabaman so that all moA ln the chamber might hear. Washington, and finding from this that Virginia dentist has, found a way t of beating and one after another left for the senate restau-- . of the It Is probable that before pride might be appeased matter. Daniel asked why th ' whole street trial proceedings of the, case against Charles rant for the luncheon hour was full come. Fairbanks. Morgan and Frye were left alone on-t- he Hwayne was ended very senator had made up , couldnt be called Samson. Precaution. "I don't kpow that I ought to 'tell the reason "his mind a to the guilt floor of .the senate, but the galleries' hnd a oijbe innocence of the publicly," Mr. Hoggs "I expect to leave for goodly throng, waiting to $ear from the middle said Galllnger, whom accused, but the belief w guilt or Innocence "butganjstjn, fit. Petersburg tomorrow." the street was named, waa a fine man and a west on the matter of Panama. formed early did not prevent the attendance of Mrs. Hoggs 'Aren't ypu afraid of - Senator Morgan talked in twenty minute relays on it many low part of Samson street now- has any member of that high court during the entire - with two pages of notes for each twenty mintime of the trial. Judge Swayne waa acquitted. ' resorts." being blown up there?" I take It," said Senator Daniel quickly, that Mr. Boggs "No, Im going to lear utes and talked until the fifth hour. Then SenaHis acquittal was net m?de a party matter, as tor Fairbanks, who until that time had held the my colleague has this Information at first hand." you at home" many feared it was t he- - 0n oin ot The Virginia senator only meant the thing aa fort, saw the people departing and the minute of gainst him he waa acquitted unanimously. On Useful. a gentle Jest, but Jacob Galllnger, who Is a very others where there was a minority which believed adjournment nigh. He walked ever to Senator rock ln the steadfastness of his morality, was "Was yonr lecture a 'success?" him guilty both Democrats and Republicans Morgan, held out hie hand, and j with the grace rather' upset The senate changed the name of "In a way," replied the new state lor which he la famous he congratulated his formed a pan of thri minority. the atreet so quickly that the proceedings fairly touthern colleague on the strength of hla speech, man. "It served as n pretext tor Senator Jacob H fGaIHnger la known In conoutran the hands of the stenographers, the Incl T as out then walked and and not Its on prepared and end had carefully length as lengthy gress huyxveltariass the the eery chief rf dent waa closed and GaUtagar'a blush fled wncheea and dinner at one sitting. the father of many reforms. address by the local celebrity who 1 On aals June 37tk to July Rlk, food for return mull Srpumiorr 15, lull Wall Lake CUr to Mai. Itrauelaco and return, ria law 135(5 Angclea x for further lulnrmalion rail on x four went or aril. to T. O Peek. 0 V. A, Los Angelea. Cal. A . MS Mala J. u. Mmeierllrhl. A. U htreetMall bake Ciir, Utah. & $ M -4 4 I T jass away even more quickly. of these, such as "Has jour ' ro Hur Bank by nail If your skin is msrred by pimples snd liver marks, take Garfield Tea. It will regulate the liver, cleanse the system snd purify the blood. He Knew. 1 Backer You got trimmed bad. thought you said you were confident of the result I knew I'd get Pugilist- -I was. licked. Puck. To Take for a Headache. What do you take for a headache?" Toledo "Liquor, the night before. Blade. DOCTORS Gal-ling- FAILED TO K-o- rsm-ive- s i ! one-quart- er : -- v ? XI - troduced . me, " I 1 1 Vt HELP HER Cured fcy Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Pound, Wls. I am plad to announce that I have been cured of djrs-peps- ia and female troubles by your medicine. I had been troubled with both for fourteen years and consulted different doctors, but failed to get any relief. After using Lydia E. Pinkhams f ComVegetable and Blood pound Purifier I can say I am a well woman. I can't find words toexpress my thanks for the good yonr medicine has done me. You maypublish this if you wish. Mrs. Herman Sieth, Pound, ViIs. The success of Lydia . Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made from roots ana herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suer from displacements, inflammation, uloecation, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, earing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, dizziness, or nervous prostration. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkhams .Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills, and suffering wo pie u owe it to themselves to at least dive this medicine a triaL Proof is abundant that it has cured thousands ,of others, and why should it not cufe you? Vegetable If yon want special advice write Mrs. Pinkhata, Lynn,MasL,foriU It is free and always helpful. IF YOU HAVE Mafarta or PDm. S'ick Hcadacha, Costive Rowel., Dnreb Asm, Sear Stemc Brick 1(1 r; If year feed dees eet BMkaltaU red ff have ee appetite. ut Tulls w Pill b car tbeee tree Me, price, W casts. re red by reo retwHlSe aiodera HOUJH SMbrere treared mfoZZifV, cue tkoda re- - W. a car. void e yo.luv.ly nwula aerre.Sork or ..ferine, ! tbonret yoretWe fv'w Mae. Write for ystleslaia. J. k. Salima. Mer Suayrid. Hotprias. beotreri vw AUMMre,- -e- Wire- -' , -b- |