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Show DIAZ BOWS TO j WILL OF PEOPLE1 SURRENDERS BOVERCICSrv HELD SINCE I8.? AS RE'iJLT OF RECENT UPlmiN;. D La Barra It Chottn at tleij of Government Until Election ten be Held, When Madero t.pect; to ba Choten at Prendeni. Metlro Cl'y- I'rct dciif Ii a In a li-ti- r r- ad by tlie pr"-ld ut "f the i-hnniber of ib-puilea Thursday nf'er noon, realglM-d the pnldeney of Mo li i. hli h he hat h-ld ronilnuoiialy mnce I..H4. ami at 4 M o i lie k tin- in'-reptanie in'-reptanie of the rcalgnatloli Ii) the depilt f( uitN anmilllii cd l;veryinii- hail elpei-leil all tlr'iar atiil demoni4ir.il nn wlim the iiniioiitice mi nt ahuuld be niade, but ta il Mil Hie chamber the worda annoum lug the event were followed by Mlcnto The 'deputlea rl-eimil aw Ml by what had taken place. Ill the atreett, how oyer. Mink with people, every load lending lo the hall being hl.K kid, newt that IMat tin nt laat no more the president waa the Ignnl for w.ld thouilng and maiilfen latli'iia There waa no l"enee or de Hlrni-tlon of pmie-rty On the motion to accept Hie prcl ill lift renlgnatlon, I '. 7 ii-iiltlin voted aye, while two did not etprent llii-m telvea. They wero Heiilto Juaret, a ' Km Prdit Portlrio Dlmm. tltwpndnnt of Vrfwldt-nl Jimrn, and OuiHM'iH'luu (li-l Vallv. A thflr n.um tu ritlh-d. iithiT l KlKluUirii and bwi d tltiir uiltrumtlon. In ptmlliir fuhl'n, tin rrntnntton uf Vl.-i I'ri'H ii ut Hutiifin 'ttrriil, now III rrJiiri. wiih tuianltiittiiHly iict-iitM ii ml Mlmlliirly KriuitlHi-o Lmmi ii- hi ll trrii, Into ainli ihfiidnr to WukIiIiik Ion, wart i hosfii .irnvinloiial in-Hl ' dnt. Tin1 ln-ni.ti- h.iw iircriitid d la Hurra nn (lu ll irnvtH'oin.l irttil nt with iv.iy liiillralioii that tiny will, tit it niHHH, matid hat k of lilni utiill an fir, Hi. a mn t.f Im-I.I If tho uii.uii Don Francltco Leon 0 La Barra. ntoun aenllment lit preaent hiilitt good, that eliH'tlon will place Kratii loco 1 Mndi-ro lu thn prealdeutlal chair. The rii'lKUiiHon of Plat and hit rab Inet markn the coiupletu irlumph of the revolution. M.uleilata declare that the prolound conviction of the ability of the Mexican people to govern gov-ern theiiMclvea hua been proved. They were welched In thn aealea Tburaday li I flit and m t found wanting. Maikvd liupiovi-meut waa ahown Thurailay lu lienertl Dlai'a health, neeiMillllg Ii an O.Tlc.al Htatelllent ThurHilay nliiht. lie had praellinlly no fever and waa utile lo walk about lu hit home. |