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Show Nawadaya when people want any chine; the look In the aewepaper to And where ta get It. If they want the ervlee of a painter, a rarieitter, a plaaterer, a plumber or any other me s-hnnle or trattoatnan, they eipeet to ttnd a eard in the pitper. They look for lU If aiiey Hud one the adverli er get a Job. Judic-li.ua advertising Stave. We believe every well regulated lawn thuuld and will aupport a public library, and aa a "tarter In Ihii dlree tion wa suggest to our people the fenst tbilily of iii-h an tniili-rliikliii;. We uow have a law by whirh the uiulter anay ha brought before the eople and leeidil by them through the ballot aa Ho whether a Corpo'Mtloii will or will not e.tblih and aupport mieh a thing. Veil read ruinda unlaiu whulenoioe lawa. True Inlelllgenre elevnlea the uiorala of a cm unity, (loud hooka nay of acceaa rid at reel corner! of many lonfera. With plenty of iiilereat-, iiilereat-, ing Imoka at hand lung winter eveningn mny be profitably apeut, mid a good I ulilir library r limed aiih g I j arhoola, well ualuiiii'd, Mill do llllli'h ! townrda eradif nling iiuinv pr im-ut ' ila and rorreotiug inuuy crouki'd and preverae waya. Why ia it Hint people en it diieuaa ' tha lnuor liietinu and the mi'tlio.1 of anatroliing the liipmr trnflle Mitlimil beeuBinn "hot" at eurli oilier I Home of tlaaa who are oppoaeil to lieeiimg 1 tha aaloona are an prejuilirrd on the , - ' juration that they look wit li ili-r apect upon thane ho hold I he oppo aile viewa, and vie veraa. Thia la nil , wrung and people who permit their 'I ; prejudieea to etirry them tn aurh ei V ' tremea, ahow anything tint a true r H '' iThriatian apirit. A republiean and a lemiiiTnt will tlimMma polllira for lioura I"1" "IH "' frieudn. Hut nine . , ' liluea out of ten if a prohibit ion il mill a high lieenae iiihu get into an nrgu t nieul an tha liquor ipieatioll, they will , ' i be mad auough to fight iu twenty uiiti , ' v ataa. L01T . i an one day 1 loat a aevera enld by taking Chaiubera' fold Tableta, guar-', guar-', , antcrd to cure a cold in ona day, and 'J aay caae af I.a (Irippe in three daya, ! r your money refunded. Joha Ileydaa 4 Boa. |