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Show COYOTE IS MALIGNED Bravest Animal Alive, Declares Former U. S. Marshal. That la Information Given Out by Jack Abernathy of Oklahoma, Bit ter Qualified for Talk Than Any Other Pirion. Oklnhonm City, Okla. The coyote baa been greatly maligned. Initead of being the wont cowurd In the animal kingdom It la the brnvtnt thing In ei-liteuro. ei-liteuro. That Ii Ihe Information coming from Ciitch-'Km-Allvu Jack Abernathy, former United Htatei uiarahal, and better qualified for dla-cuialng dla-cuialng the coyote, perhapi. than any uther living mini. Iterently wbllo dlicuiialng coyote-hunting coyote-hunting with lotue frlvndi, Abernathy gave utteranrp to lume atatementa that are aurprlnlng. "There la a uilntaken Impreimlnn regarding re-garding tho ciiyolo," liv hiiIiI "I have cr.tiglit a thoiiHuud of theiu and I never made one yelp with 1'iiln. They would rather run than Unlit, but when they are cornered thuy flxtit like the very old Nick and dlo without a whimper. whim-per. "I would rather catch a wolf alive than a coyote. Tho wulf Ii larger, but Ihe coyote la quicker. "The coyoto never bunta trouble. I never hod one attack mo uuleia I had nailed the flKht. Ho nleepa the greater great-er part of the diiy and fnraxea at night. I have noticed that they are braver nt night than In the daytime "An to their Intnlllgeiico why. dang It. they're the iinartent thing! living They am mure cunning thuu a fox Tiny can uiubuHh a dog with more kill than a .MIihIhhIppI nigger ran In-wide In-wide a hen looit on a dark night. Their favorite trick In to 'double' on d"i:n when being cliam d. I bud a fine greyhound killed once hy thin trick Three dog were ehtmlng a coyote. The trill led through a rough country nnd thn wolf, ua they are cotuuionly railed on tho rangei, led the dm:! Into trap. A half doien other royotei ame uut from a ravine and took after the dogn. Suddenly the wolf that wan being punued Hopped and In a moment mo-ment there waa the all flredeit fight you ever law. They killed one of the doga before I could got clone enough ' to unllmber my Wlncbeater and get Into the game. "A wolf knowa when he li In danger and when he li not. Once I bad -oop of chlckeni In camp. The coyotei cere prowling about, 10 I took the coup out on the prnlrlo not fur away nnd iiirrounded It with wolf trapi. Early the next morning I took my revolver re-volver and went out to it-e If I had caught anything. Not a trap linil beea dliturbed. While I Hood there neven of the raicala anouped up out of the darknem and mrmuuded me. They came up to within tiln feet of me ind I began to expert a fight. I drew away from them, making toward camp, thinking to unchain the doga ind have an early morning chnne. They followed, fol-lowed, but when they caught imell of the dogi, they took to their hevli. "There Ii lomethlng queer about tho howling of poyolei. It remind! mo more of Indlnni dancing than any thng elne. I think the Indiana learned noiiio of their antlci from the coyotei; coy-otei; ahd then ognln when you remember re-member how amart the dnggnned coyote In. It may have been the other way, he may have caught the trick from watching the Indium. "Onp night, neveral yeari ngn, I naw a coyote come loping along until he leachid a little knoll, where lit mopped. He nat up on bli haunchen and emitted a glumly longdraan yowl. Silence followed.' then another yowl. In ten inlnutei a doien other coyotei gathered around him. In-Head In-Head of lilting up on their hnunrhea like the lint one they circled around III in In a rndlui of about ten feet In a klial of a 'hitch and a trof lope, howling, flrit a ihnrt yelp and then a long one. Occailonally Ihe one Hit ting In tho middle would let out a long drawn cry. That wui the rue for the other! tn In Kin all over again I nuiile a movement and In a moment they bad vanished like ihe ihndowi " |