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Show DIAZ REPULSED REBELS, Seneatlonal Exit of Former Pretident from Meaico, Hla Train Being Attacked At-tacked by Revolutionist. Vorn Cnm. tienernl Hint himself look command of thn federal soldiers who repulsed n large force or rebela while the former president of Mexico wag on Ills way from Metlco City to Vera t'rua. Thn lulert estimate places Iho number of rebel dead nt twenty .ind thn nioiunlt-d unknown. The rebels came Into the open na thn trains wero npprourliltig Tcpeyii-liuulco. Tcpeyii-liuulco. They numbered r.mi and begun be-gun it fierce ntt.ick. Thn federals nt mien detrained nnd used rapid fire nuns. (lenoral lilax ordered hla apeclul enr to proceed nearer to tho scene nnd aa It drew up he alighted and with pistol in haik.t ran forwnrd to nld hla iefendera. Thn federals' quick ac Hon with thn rnpld-flrera, however, hud taken tho rebels by surprise and they were toon In full retreat. |