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Show DISCOURAGE ROWDYISM ON FIELD Membera of National Commiaalon. Tall plnyera who fight on the field I will be aevorely dealt with If the nn tluiml ciiiiiininriloii heeda nunieroua reiueata for refimii In thla direction. ' There la tin ecuie for piiKlllatlr tin-- tlca and nil over Hie rnuntry Imnebull i fnna who di-alro clean aiiort am op I pined to audi lliethoda. When the rucu triicka were open tlieie wua a atniullng rule that pemona who I Indulged In wordy warfare or flatlcufN ahould either bo boavlly nued or ejected eject-ed permanently, with thn reault Hint even lawleaa lo'llvldunla wern compelled com-pelled to ho on their amid behavior. A almllar rule ahould bo applied lo hnaehnll. It la aiaued. and anme of the blgvert men In tho government of tl.e national game ate urging tliv rointuliialon to take action Meaar. .toliiiKon, Herrmann anil Lynch all liaur clean hall and are firmly op-pimcd op-pimcd to kicking. For Hint reaaon It la hellevid Hint they will aoon frame n rule lo pievent flKlttlnK on the ball field which will provide for auapen-nloiia auapen-nloiia of long duration or eaceaalve tinea I'm i cms t the game pay to are expert hull playing, not alugglng a ml rowilylain. and Ihelr wlahea In thla mutter ahould receive prompt recognition. It la believed. |