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Show H0B8ON AND HIS HOBBY. la Jutt Now Waging Fight Agalntt Acceptance of Utah Silver Service. Salt Luke City Tho Herald Itepub I llcan Sunday morning, publli-hed a , special dispatch froiu Wui-bliigti n u hli h wna a rollowa: I "A qulii Investigation of the mini I Hon over the silver service lo l.e pro rented by the :eo le ol liali lo Iho ' l attlesblp I lull iii-ii Aiieni.t slioni that It la n I icmocruttc Idea lo make j trouble nnd that tho mtivo In tno I i rmle iiKiiit la Htchinoiul I'ei.rsnu j-liobsoti, thoMietiuie hero of San ! liui;o bay, nnd now a icitucr,.tic tvon j grcssmnn from Alabama. As a formei ' naval onicor. Cougressmun llohsoa tnkca n great deal of liiten In the nlTalrs of the navy and Is n promiiinii tueuilier of the naval uffiilra committee commit-tee of the house, before which Ibo protestaula against receiving the all ver service uppt-urcd a few day a ugo.' |