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Show IS ATLANTIC COAST SINKING? Inquiry to Be Made Thii Year as to Theory That There ll Drop of Two Feet a Century. Trenton, N .1. Whether the eon-t of New Jerac-v In Klnklii(! aSuiit twe: feet a century In to In umi i tallied 'bin uunimir. At a niccilng ol the board of inliiiltKorK of 1 1n- htate geo Inglcnl annoy. State Hooliacinl Kuuj nie rcKr(cd that be bail made ar fange ntn with Prof. I. W. Jnhnaon of Harvard university to make tin neceaiary research Rome iclentlnti have held that the Atlantic aeacoaat waa linking it thi rate of two feet every hundred yoara, and the theory ha come to be generally general-ly accepted. Professor Johnion will com to thla atate and prosecute the itudy under a reaeirch fund eitib-Ilihed eitib-Ilihed at Harvard. The result li eg. peeled to have an Important bearing on tbe eoait lerela established In thb tat 26 year ago. |