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Show j UTAH STATE NEWS The Inwn board of Itlnrham has let the contract (or a ni-w J.ill. 'j Ogdcn In free iigiln from mnnlltHii f for the first limit In sit months J The Ogdon chnmber of totumorco 4 In to have a country rluli, according J ' I hi" ocnse Of meeting held lut 1 week ji II hut been irtirtlrally decided to 1 e-tubll'ti it "rni k P1'"" to be used 1 Jointly by the illy and reunify f"r Ih j n'n'lico of prlsonera at Ogdcn Th franapluntliig of two nillll' n nod a half Douglas fir needling In Hie; C-ottntiwood canyon In m-nrlng completion, twenty Hire men being engaged In Ihit work. That rranbrrca will grow on thn tillable land netr Murray Inn been dmnnalratd frequently, titiil It In now aimed to redm th" mursh lamia with the new Industry. Murray gave official sanction to prlte fighting wlltiln II llnilta lust week, when the r If y rnunci rofnacd to adopt a resolution proh Ifilt I hk eronta of that rharnotrr. Careful lnprimn of thn alfalfa flotila In thn neighborhood of Kayo-tille Kayo-tille laaf Mk revealed the presence of alfnlfa weevil In aurh nu mo. ra Hut It la feared the crop la doomed Kurt Merrick of Ogdcn. while endeavoring en-deavoring to ettrnci th fnnga from a rattlesnake, waa bliten by the rep-tllo. rep-tllo. and bud a narrow reentm from dath. Ho la now out of danger. All of Inn labor lawa In effort In Utah, Including thi new rlilld Inbor law, and tho new nlnehniir law for women, will he enfnrreil thrViUMh lh tale bureau of Informnllon Mill eta-Unlet eta-Unlet lly a yole of forty to four, rltlrent of Price aulhnrlred a f Ifi.nnn bond la auo, the money to bo lined In rrrat-Inn rrrat-Inn a public park, removing Indebted neaa on Ibo pubi c HkIiI Inic plant and extending the aalorworkt aystcm. flpnrka from piecing engine on tho Denver lllo llrnmle auirird a blaia In tho burn of Hen Coi nl l.ehl that remltcd In fMiO damage. Ten tnna of hay wero burned, but a mini her of blooded hnraia worn rescued. f'oplea of tho now quarantine lawa, adopted by tho alnto board of heullli, followlnii a revision of I tie medical lawa by, tho lant legislature, are being mailed to the local health boarda and dlatrlct health oftlrora of the atate. A petition haa been filed In the fc. - eMmrrat Wy the ettlaoa of now Tooele, through which the oltliena hnpn to ea tablleh their Independence from the old city, or Tuoelo proper, and Incorporate Incor-porate a new city undur tho name of National City. The Kaysvllle rommerclnl club haa putted rcanlulona anklng thn county commlssloncra of Davla county to levy a live mill tni tor gisul road building thmuuhoul tln nullity, thn fund to be used In rotiiinctlnn with tlie atule uiproprlallun. A. U Tootin of Ogih'ii, docket (Ink of the lust I'kIh1hi urt. and who hua held nliullnr mimiiIiiiih ut former Ii-kin l.itlve aeHaoua, h la I n iiip.'lii. il deputy In I he nltlce of II. T. IIiiIiich. comuilHHlnner of the atuto bureau of liiunlKratlon, labor ami atatlntlca. j Tho old frelKlit houn In li Oitib ti yarda la being ruoil to provide a alto for a roach ahop wlidh will be erected erect-ed by the llarrlmiin lluea aa aNin aa the apnee la ctiMiml. Thn new ahop wdl be epoclatly equipped to bandlo the ateel coachea now In uae on the O. 8. 1.. tine. Joaeph and Mart klorlenaen of May Held returued laat week from their ahi'ep canip with three benra which they had killed whllo herding aheep. Keveral of their aheep were being killed each night, and the alaugliter of the beura followed lo protect the aheep. There waa a rui-h to Iho federal laud olflre In Halt Ijike on Tueadny, ' the oienlng day for homeiiteadlug 4i,0U0 acna of land In Millard county, thirty nluo 'raona, all of them worn i en, being lined up when tho office ' 0ieneil. and acrea being dl poaed of during the day. .. ; Tho petltlou from Cotton and Tucker cltliona In Hpunlah Kork canyon, for the organisation of the town of Col ,X ,,n' nfteen inilea In length, haa been J denied. The ohjwt of the dealrvd In- ,-"J corporation waa lo permit the rent v.. denta of Colton and Tui kir. under a '. town govemniunt, tu vote on the llij ',.'t'-,' uor queatlon. The Fait Ijiko county cummltaon - , 'rt huvo authorlied a liiiin- elx lion V: 111 l,lu dlairlcU if Nail l.aks i oun y outalile of Iih rpiir.it I'll timim. in , ' June 27, to determine vhetl-o- th. diatilrta ha I retnalii "wet" or no ' : 'dry,-' In in cord nice w th tbn proy'.a . i lona of the 1 1 i nor law puamsl by Hie ' lei em bglNlaiure. ', Hufterlng from a nctvmii break down, raiiai'd by Hie anlunua tlulli a of gnarilliiK l.ayton by n ght alncn J W. '' Lavender, nlKlitwati tiiiiau, waa ahol t by band tu, Hurt i-lilrt.il went to I lie ' 'J hiwpltal ii few (lu uku In a atate of ' I oervnua c(ilaie. - j Partly bei aune of tlio thinning out ' ; In ''tali ftui k-i during thn paat year, and partly hecuuau the wool clip la x ''"" ''"in aiuid and dirt than It waa y f' "go, the total Ctah wool clip V v ,,e cunalderubly under thn weight v of Ih I9IU crop, according to proa ent eiUnutca. |