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Show 1)1! 1 Ms m c !.om Utr-L y . . rinin: rii ii. i w r.iiibuik ' Ll j , , , .,, .,i :,ulyt Ii.i' t li I - ai f . liili..l to mull i.iri-nHliin an "ralin W !'. ' i" il nltiy tltiii-a "lay. ami Una ll. l.l l Hi" H. halor floiil Win-U'i.ii Win-U'i.ii lie :t K.iinliir Mr. I'nlr-y1 I'nlr-y1 li.uil.a api .In- inori. than m ini nrrimlon la nlly uiul hail the nali"i Irlaln In lit-i lit-i nil.lliiK to Hi" ""or Unit ln'el nil the iilluT . iil'ora. KloMl "I"' '' Si lialor Kalrlianka' "uperl. lii i It ii llioiiirhl that h"n he lin inn" vlre-,in vlre-,in -an I. 'ill, anil n ii f i i-nary i'iiiii.i'iiui'ii('o Iho pre- ttjk. 1 a1. . va afc.!j.wt.,-J..a. ial.aaaj hlliiK nlllrer of Ilia I'linte ho tulKlit from ntieer tyiupiitliy try to di'llver mime of tlume wlioaa J.'ltl.i'r iiluiia be iiuurda lioiu the Into wlilrh ultra li.'f. ll him tine nf tho apen-lira of liiiKlli wlilrh Mr. Kiilr-hiiiilia Kiilr-hiiiilia nintlii in a 'iiiitor wua on the nueritlon of I'linamu. The n ;- h aa delivered nut loi.x (ler Hie rei nitnltliin of the Independent- of the repuhlle of I'mimna try the l ulled Hlalea and at a time whin fnrty feeling run hlnh. It wii limi! apeei-h and the aeiuilor anlned nuieh of I he fruit of Rliiry, thoiiKh he had to wnlt a Ionic ,tlnie fur It to ripen, and thla waa the way of II: Senator Culloirt luul ehnrRe of the I'liimnia nuiller on the lluor of th aenale. The Indiana eiintor ent in Mr. t'ulloin and enpreaaed hi wlah to apeak at a rerlaln hour. Henalor fill-1 fill-1 1, ,ui anlil 'All rlKht." uud apparently tha thlnf una lined. 1 Tha aenale'a biialneaa aeaalnn wa oer and ' the hand of the clin k allowed a quarter to one. 1 Henntor Kalrbanka butlon'd bla emit nnd atarled ! tu rtmi from hla aeat. Mr. Knlrbunka la a loiuf man and the prmeaa of hla rlitlUK la llkewlae hum He waa up finally, however, only to Pnd I the ntteil Mi, man oaa ilaliulnf I'realdent I To I Tent Krye'a nttriillon I A look of aoinethlnit like deapalr rame Into the Indiana a.natora fine, fur when Morgan of Alabama got Blurted on a apeeeh neither goda nor tern knew when be would roiue to the end. Senator Morgan, however, drove away the look of deapnlr from Heiuitor Kalrbanka' fine by ay-Ing: ay-Ing: "I wlah lo make a few remark! only " Mr Knlrhiinka eunk Inn k In Ma aeat and Mr. Morgan wlih only two pngea of notea on hla deak ' begun In talk. He kept at It for twenty tnlniitea. riime In what the aemitor IhoiiKhl waa hla rllumt ami then uppnreiitly atarled to reaumo hla aeat. The 1 it it I n ti it aeiuilor had airnlghiened up again and (in If opened hla mouth In be kin. but the aouihein aeiuilor had airnlKhiined up again and nul en hla deak two new piigea of nulea, whleh le luul ilrawu from a ahelf nnili'rneath. The I ii l l u ti i ii ant dow n nin e more nnd the Mali.ininn went on with hla renewed determlna-.l..n determlna-.l..n He ap, ike uivill half Paul one, rame to an-..iher an-..iher at emliig i-lliiuix ntitl then nuule a muvemi.nt uhl.ll nuule every one think he wna going to alt town, and thla movement waa a hIriiiiI for the llonHl. r ainutur lo rlae ngiiln luit Mr Morgan luul iwu tri eli pngea of notea nnd at It ha atarled anew. Mr. Falitmnka alitl'i'd and eat The o'her k, nut, ii a who had been held In their ae.lla liy the belief that Mr. Kltlrh ink waa In apeak looked ill the need bill tlrelcx Alahatmin nnd one lifter miollier left for the aenale rea'uu rant fur Hie lunelieon hour waa full roiue Kslr hanka. MuiK-in uiul l'rve were left alone on the iluor of the aenale. but the gallerlea had a Kut'tlty throng, waiting to hear from the middle weal on the mutter of 1'itnnma. Senator Morgan talked In twenty -minute relaya with two pagea of notea for em-It twenty mln-utea mln-utea and talked until the fifth hour Then Senator Sena-tor Knlrbunka, who until that time had held the fort, raw the people departing and the minute of tiljourniueut nigh. Ho walked over to Senator lorgan, held out hla hand, and with the grare lor whleh ha la famoua he congratulated hla louthern colleague on the atrength of hla apeerh. f not on Ita lengih and then walked out and hud Hucheun and dinner at one Billing. mm l,fKi w i K i 'IV Mxk Senator Fairbanks fnjnd nnntlier orrnalon lo maka hla lathuilnn addreaa. I n til the hour rain for Its delivery ha had an eyelingte for Senator Mnrgnn. Tho Alabnninn, liowetvr, for once In hla Ufa when hla pet aubject waa tin for dlaruanlon waa content to alt allll and any muling III lha pcua gallerlea It waa whlapercd that V- Morgan wuiinl feeling very well Hint day. In the nnrtlrular " nf tha I'nnnnta matter Hena lor t'ullom, being tin chairman on the committee on foreign relutlona, had charge of Iho Ii gelation gela-tion on I he fliMir of the aennte. Tho trlnla of Senator t'ulloin im that orrnalon were the trlnla of the pilot on every meaaure of magnitude Unit la la, mi lled for a paaauge through either home or aenale. Nearly every aeniinr and repreaenlntlve wiahea In iniike a aprech nn Ihn big thlnga that tire before riiiigreaa. Of eniirae all of them cannot apeak, but the trial of the man In charge begin when the member! aak that their apeaklug may be poaipnned for day or two. The Intending apenkera have their frailty of vanity. They want In apeak when Hie lullorlea are not rrowile.l, and If the gnllerlea art not crowded they aak that they may apeak on another day. When the 1'aii.imt matter waa up Senator Cul-lom Cul-lom finally became mgry and tired with the aena-tora aena-tora who aaked that yet another day be aet for the making of their peerhra. The Illinois aenntor did nut with Hentliir Morgan lo have all the time to hlinaelf, and Morgan could bo counted on In take every minute that waa dropped to him to talk about the iiorlea of the Nlrnragunn route for a canal, about the Imbecility nf ualng the Panama route and about the Republican aln of tho recognlllon of the republic on the lilhuiua. The l'miiiiiiu milter la only an Inatnnre In point. Many a inarch on the railroad rnle hill waa put off heiiiue the attendance wna not what It almuM hv been from the viewpoint of the man who wai lo speak. Congreaamen have their human weaknesses. The Inat great July whlrh Senator Piatt of Connecticut performed for tils country waa hla work aa prealiimg n'flrer of the aenale court during dur-ing the trial of Jiiik-a Charlea Bwayne. t'nquea tlonahly the atruln of that trial ahnrlened Henntor Piatt l life He pn-alded with dignity and with the rarrat limiartlility. The houra nf the court's Bi'ialun were liuif. and yet the aged Connecticut senator refuaeil tu leave hla seat even for the gelling of mceaiary food until the seaalon ol each day wna ended. Prior lo the opening of he trial Henalor Piatt Blood In the Mie.u-elilt-nt's plnce fcnd told hla colling,, i4 thnt it their duty not to loae a word of the i.stinieny leat they bring In an tin Jim vet.lli-t The remit of this was that with one or two iii-eptiuna the senators aat In their n. ata and beard Imiortant and unimportant testimony. testi-mony. Iiiten in; to every argument of ruunael, nnd h at imyili i,( thould erupe them they made Inalatent il. n:.ii;, (, , every wltiieiu should speak mi that all nun in the chamber might hear. It la priiluhle that before one-quarter of the Ittal proi-i.. .line, f the raie ngnlnat Charles Swnyi-.,. una , ,, .j avery sennlor had tnnde up 1 11 mind ., m the guilt r'he Innocence of the necii.ed, but the btllef K111 "r Innocence formed early ,n, B0t prevent the attendance of liny member of thm high court during the entire tliu of the trial iUilge Hwayne was acquitted. Ill" ninulttal wai not made a party nmlter. aa ninny feared It waa t0 be. On some of the counts agalnat him be w.a acquitted uiianlmnualy On othen where tliert was a minority which believed hltu guilty both Democrata and Republicans formed a part of that minority. Henalor Jacob H Oalllnger Is known In eon-greas eon-greas as the chlff af the huynfailUriaBi and aa the father of many J forma. 17 V . .are- i f f Among the meaaiirea which the New Hnmpahlre man has uilvoialeil In conKrcxa for the bettering of thliiita on earth nre meiiKiirea Intended to ae-cure ae-cure proper rare for the Inaune, to prevent tha docking of hnraea' tnlli, to prevent cruelty to all nnlmala. tu provide for delinquent nnd dependent children, to trnln women nurses for the nnvy nnd In condemn unaunlinry bullillnga. Mr. (ial-linger (ial-linger Is a strong man with a soft heart. It wna anld more than nni-e that Henntor Mnthew Hlanley Quay nf Pennsylvania had a few dropa of the Indiana In bis velna. If in, his blood told In one Instance at uny rate, for when Mr. (Juuy wits III nliuoit unto death he roused himself from hla body wearlneia and tnnde a apeech In behitlf of tho Heluwnre Indiana which with Us eloquence held the senttto and the galleries gal-leries rhalned for a ton brief quarter of nn hour. No one know that "Keyalon liniy" could be o eloquent. In leaa thnn two monlha nfter tha delivery of the stceeh he waa dead, hut before he died knowledge rame to him that hla eloquence hud brought accomplishment, and Hint the Dele-ware Dele-ware Indlnna In whom he was InlercMtcil hnd received from congreaa a sum of money which hnd been due them for yenrs. but which they had mnde vain attcmpta to aecure up to the time that a alck man a plea succeeded In righting a wrong There Is some fun In the senate on occnilon. Henutor Knule Netion of Minnesota once said ' Damn" openly. It slipped out before he waa aware nf It, nml no sooner hnd It put In an appearance ap-pearance than the Mlnneaoia senntor put and passed a reaolutlon of cenatiro of himself by himself. This Illlle matter of a mild swear wntd from the litis of Mr. Nelson received a good denl of comment nt the lime that the word plumped nut nf hla mouth, but almoal slmullaneoualy with tin utterance there was a colloquy between Senators Sena-tors llnnlel of Virginia nnd CalUuger of New Hampshire, which nnn a trill., more shocking. senBtnrlnlly speaking, tnnn several damns Senntor tialllnger, the morn) malnstuy of the senate, was trying tu get his colleagues lo imn-e In change the niimu of "ndlson street In Wash Ingtnn to Church street. A part of Madison street was known as Samson street Senator Hanlel did not like tho Idea of dn, ruing the Virginia president's name even for the pious name of "Church," so he objected. He linked his New Hnuiifhlre brother about the matter mul learned that there wna six other Madison streets In Washington, nnd llnding from this that Virginia pride might l,e appeased In the nomem litinre mailer. Haulel asked why Hie whole street couldn't be railed Samson. "I don't know Hint I ought to tell the reason publicly," said Catllnger, "but Samson, for whom Iho street waa named, waa a fine man nnd a pari of Sainton aireet now litis on It ninny low resnrta." "I Ink It." said Senator Innle quickly, "that my colleague has thla Information at nrst hand." The Virginia aenator only meant Ihe thing as a geulle Jest, but Jacob tialllnger, who la a very rock In Ihe steadfastness of his morality, waa rather upwt. The aenate changed the name nf the street so quickly that the proceedings fairly outran the handa of the atenographera. the Incl lant u closed and Oallluger's blush fled |