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Show TO QUENCH A SUMMER THIRST. Ikin't pour a lot of Ico water Into you In order to quench Ihe tlilrat for tho moment not only does It not produce pro-duce the desired reault. but It la bad for yon. There la Juat one beverage that fit all roudltlon of bout and thirst COCA-COLA. Next time you're hot. tired or thlraty dilnk a gluaa or a bottle of this one best beverage dellcloua, refreshing, thlrat-qnonrhlng. At andn-founlalna or rarbonated In bnttlea So everywhere. Write to the CdfACOI.A CO.. Atlanta, r,a., for a copy of their booklet, "The Truth About COCACOIJV' you will find It Intereatlng. Mr Vlst..w' a-w-ihlee etrnn f.tr t'liinlrei, Ouu.alUf s .4iM.i-ueN iu4-..li.-. m Im.ui. ! taiaiiiMiiS M NliiSit aaTi'a 'il'' T'i'Ll'i m'umut ' .liWt 1 ii "r-iWi-1 ui -j-t.:.i;j.::i:-tii;i;:'j;:mrs.L::m::i';.. For Infants nfl ChHrlren. iiASIOfll Tha Kind You Have f tek Always Bough! tj ANfOi-lnlilr PrvparjlionrDrA' M J sinnhiliinHtirKotaldivini'ijiiia- T?ac,tci 4-r M , liiiJlhcSlomaihiondllowvof UttUOtUU V( til Mgjgygg. Signaturt) AW ProinntrDittciilion,Clvrrful- f 'f If a nrss,inilKc'lConl.iiinnrillicr Opium. Morphine rwr Mmoriil A g l IM Nut Nahcotic V XllJ f!tuu u-siviunntc A IT. ;!, Avi,. jv A 1 , At,Mb '.It, 1J firS;4- i Cm i fl I II fc1 Axrffd Himrdy forCotHllpa. AJ fit II O R ;H lion, Sour Stomach. Durrhora. I I I) www ijc1 Worms.Convulsions.fevrristv I 1(W gm ;';, nets dnd LOSS OF SLEEP H r(T llVfiP ':.V Facsimile Signature of g aCtfzzzz Thirtv Yd a re The Ckntaur Company. I 1 1 1 1 I J I U U I O ;!v NKW YOHK. I wtrndraii JgaTa m. ai Kxact Copy of Wrappac. 1 t-Tr'i'j'"'r'r;,ii,j",j"i-j" l'll'-''"' fiairicM Tea otenomea constipation. ft Drop of Blood I -r a little water from the human svatem when thoroughly tested hy the chief chmit at Dr. n AS l'irera Invalids' Hotel, IlulUlo, N. Y., tells the U J lory of impoverished blood nervous eihautliun X jk-r or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are 01 C-w'A made without cost and is only small psrt ol the ,J sMsSim work oi the itsfl ol physicians and turBrons under .tT.'" YVCT ft ft tt- tlie direotion of Dr. K. V. Pierce giving the best -:y-tV Iffffi 1 medical advice Dossihle without cost to those LtKS''V, IM who wish to wriio and make a full statement ol X VLatlr ir "Jl rmptoma. Aa imitation ol natures method ol i f-VM restoring waste ol tiiaoe and impoverishment of W ,-rJ-rt LI 11 tho blood and nervous force is used when you lewi tsko aa alterative and lccrio extract ol roots, without the use ol alcohol, such as j Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Which makes the stomach strong, promotes the How of Ji(estive juices, re-torn re-torn the lost appetite, makes aasimilatiua perfect, inviforstes the liver end urine end enriches the blood. It is Ihe greet blood-mskcr, flesh-builder and restorative nerve tonio. It mskae man slroog in body, aotivo is coiod i lad eool io hidment. Ciet what you ask for I Cloancos tho System ! V effectually; Dispels . colds and Headaches. duo to constipation. Dest for men, women and children: young , and old. Toqet its Beneficial effects, always note the i name of the Company, (; CAlirORH!AriOSYRUP(o. plainiy printed on the 1 front of every package of the Genuine I ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE Wlioste lata Viwf amors) tgrA All', s,i-'aM Ihe onllseetls Jf rawdrrlorlfee ferl. Il r.iU IT TIMI V. K r.s-.. BiS,"-.";i"-C"iu:l. "' FREEisf.::.!"""" . 'tiiTiirii tins vw s i s-T rMt latt1 ''T'SlrtrVrMViTi , AMrMe, A I.I, It n R HI.UKTrit, lot Kr, H. T.t KIDNEY l,Z?Z'JTlTm TROl'UI F d',B't ' It- if y "U'ULL want ,.hI reaulia yell can make tin raUlaVe t.v iivlne lie Kit n..-r"s Hwaiep II. ...t. the arest S'on. v rem. e.lv At uriiu,riioa In nny cent and tl lur B'Ta H.IMt'l- l-'lle .r mall free, aln ani.M. I I. Mine v.-il bow lo nn.1 out tr v..i. ha.e l.l.lnr lr..ul.l-aailrr.s. lr..ul.l-aailrr.s. It. Hosier m Co., Illnehsailon. M. T. patents !;.7;r:r,,,;.,r,!;.-r...!;: rlla-rlUa o.. II-. K. H. hi., aloe. II. U METALLICfV IIEELS ft I ANDW J i;' tlroad Workcn, Stone Wofi.cn, v Mincri, pvmcn- All too men who do htavy work, lh kind ol work Umi'b hfd on you ua nuka wtntr wotk ivuet Ual twut k lon, try trnlartlug thj ImUmt I oiunliia anl hrcU with mr.lli. rtMit. l-tght tlu I il it r. lttHiflu rdr airitlrMl 10 work lMM(tr oukkly fiiiad by tov cobWt-r. II your ckular ba'l upplitil, writ ut. Your aMiuLry brm(. ft UwkUt. UNmO SHOE HACK I Kit T CO. BOSTON, HA5S. W. N. U.. Salt Lak City. No. 22-1911. |